chapter 1


Chapter 1


"I can't stand him." 

Tao growled from beside Minseok. The older boy looked at Tao, already knowing what he was talking about.

"I don't want to think about him, or listen to his music-"

Tao began, but he was interrupted by Minseok who had heard this sentence plenty of times.

"Then don't listen to it."

Minseok said and reached over to turn off the radio. As soon as the music was off Tao wailed loudly.


"It's hung."

"Hyung~! Don't turn it off~!"

Tao cried out as he turned the radio on. Minseok gave up and sat back in his seat. He watched Tao him along sadly to his ex's recent song. He really felt bad or Tao, but there was only so much he could do. Having no way left to console his best friend, Minseok slid an arm around his weeping friend and hugged him tight.

Soon enough a red sports car drove up and parked against the curb. Out of it came the driver, Sehun, and his childhood friend Luhan. Sehun was wearing a white and black striped, long sleeve shirt with blue jeans that ended just above the ankle(something that seriously irritated Tao). Luhan was wearing a peachy-orange sleeveless button up shirt with black denim pants. They both had multi colorful shoes and faded out pink hair. 

Most people thought they were a couple because they were always seen together, usually wearing something that could be mistaken for matching couple items. Since they were young, if one felt like trying on something new or absurd, the other would do the same to hel p take off pressure. 


Luhan greeted with a wide smile. Tao hurriedly wiped his cheeks and asked Minseok if his makeup was okay.

"Aish, again with the crying?" 

Sehun led as he approached his hyungs. Tao rolled his eyes. "This guy." He muttered to himself and passed him. Luhan helped Minseok off the porch and gave him a soft peck on the lips.

"How cruel~! You know, I'm the driver." 

Sehun growled at the Chinese man who was seconds away from being called a jingjing. Luhan and Minseok were about to step in but Tao snapped.

"You think that just because you're the driver I should be nice to you? Che, take a second look and maybe you'll realize that a spoiled rich brat with no sense of fashion doesn't deserve my kindness!"

"shun! Remember what you said to me?" 

"Yeah, I know, whatever."

"Don't say whatever! Apologize!" 

With an angry shake of his head and a quick slam of the car door Sehun avoided the apology. Everyone else got in the car and listened to the radio until they arrived.



They went to watch a movie first, and then stopped at a nice and well known restaurant before heading home. While Minseok and Luhan sat at the table across from each other, being lovey-dovey and head over heels for the other, Sehun and Tao sat silent across from each other on their phones. Eventually Luhan and Minseok began whispering about how cute Sehun and Tao would look if they weren't always arguing and hating on each other.

"You guys done taking pics of each other?"

Luhan asked teasingly. Tao looked up from his phone and realized that it seemed as if he and Sehun had been snapping pictures of each other.

"I am, if you are~!"

Sehun teased Tao with a flirtacious wink. Tao cringed and looked out the window with a grumpy face.

"Awe~! Don't cry, baby!" 

Again, Sehun teased the Chinese man with no remorse. This time Tao didn't bother with him,instead he put in his ear buds and pushed play. Minseok sighed and tapped Tao's shoulder.

"Tao, come on, he's just playing around."

Minseok tried, but Tao ignored him with an angry huff.

"Aish, I going to the restroom." 

Shun said then stood up and left the table. Luhan looked at minseok with a frown.

I'm sorry..."

" Its okay, Tao's just having a hard time."

"I noticed, what happened? If I can know.."

Luhan asked glancing at Tao who was starring blankly out the window. Minseok sighed.

"Remember Kris?" 

Minseok asked as a tall Chinese man came to mind. Luhan nodded and motioned for Minseok to continue. 





"Hyung~! Should we call Kris to congradulate him on his first song?" 

Tao asked happily while looking for his laptop. Minseok pulled Tao away and shortly scolded him.

"I know you're excited, but we have to go eat." 

Minseok said reminding Tao of his mom's earlier visit, stating that dinner was ready, although a bit late.

When they finished eating Minseok's mom asked them to clean up their room and t their clothing to wash. By the time they finished it was late at night. 

"Now can we call him oppa?" 

"Hung, and sure why not."

Minseok said sitting beside Tao on their bed. Excitedly Tao opened the laptop and pulled up the international video calling program he and Kris downloaded.

After a few rings the call was answered a tired Kris appeared on the screen. His blond hair was dishoveled and the only other viewable part of his body was his bare torso.

"Kris ge~!" 

Tao cheered happily. Kris looked confused.


Kris looked around the room, and when he failed to find what he was looking for he looked back at the screen.

"We just wanted to congradulate you on your first song~!"

Minseok nodded to agree with Tao. Kris blushed and flashed them genuinelly thankful smile.

"Oh Kris! You're voice is so~ beautiful!" Tao began, "I can't wait to-" Tao stopped frozen, and suddenly Kris was worried as to why his boyfriend and his friend were staring at him in shock.

"Who are you speaking to, honey?" 

Thin, creamy arms wrapped around Kris' shoulders and long, black hair fell to one side of his face. 

He thought she had already left.


Tao spoke quietly, but soon after Kris slammed his laptop shut and the call was dropped. Immediately Tao tried to call him back once, twice, repeatedly until his index finger stung from the continuous button pressing. Finally, Minseok grabbed Tom's wrist and made him look up from the screen. Tao's eyes were pink and puffy, and he still hadn't realized he was crying.


Tao repeated the word the woman had called his boyfriend. Minseok shook his head and pulled Tao into a tight hug.

Kris never tried to contact Tao after that, and a week later Kris admitted that the rumor of the woman with long, black hair being his girlfriend, was indeed true.


"How cruel!" 

Luhan said then glanced sadly at his boyfriend's bestfriend. Minseok also looked at the Chinese man and sighed. Tao must've noticed their intense starring, because he turned, and met the couples gaze. They quickly looked away and changed the subject.

"Where's that jerk?"

Tao asked as he pulled out an earned.

"He went to the bathroom." 

Luhan said meeting Tao's eyes.

"Tao, we know he can be a jerk, but, can you just... ignore him? He's going through something right now.."

Luhan asked politely. Tao sighed heavily but nodded.

"Can I ask, what exactly is that jerk going through?" 

"His dad has been in a coma for three days now, and he's finally starting to calm down..." 

Luhan explained. Tao sunk in his seat. Now he felt twice as bad, after all, his dad had been sick before he passed on. He nodded, "Okay." 

 "Don't tell him I told you, please!" 

Luhan said quickly as he spotted Sehun making his way back to the table. Tao nodded and put in his ear phones. Sehun sat down with his usual poker face and stared intently at Tao who now felt the anger building back up. Tao decided to push it back down and ignore the Korean man, but as before he could turn and glare out the window Sehun winked at him then grinned. Tao's eyes narrowed and he sat back in his seat.

"I know I'm handsome, but please, stop coming onto me with your childish methods." 

Tao snapped as he leaned over the table to coront the other man. Sehun smirked. 

"Pssh, childish? Its not so childish if its working." 

Sehun retorted, he too, leaned over the table.

"Its not working, youre just making a fool of yourself."

"I'm making a fool of you, blushing idiot."

"Yah~! Will you two stop and get along?" 

Minseok complain looking mainly at Sehun. Tao leaned back, a heavy frown adorning his face, and his eyes locked on a smug looking Sehun who winked again, and sat up in his seat.


Tao spat out. Sehun laughed loudly and then pulled out his phone to continue playing his game. 

"We should get you two home." Luhan said looking at Minseok. The other man nodded.

"yeah, come on Tao." 

Without another word they paid for the food and left the restaurant. Minseok and Tao sat in the back seat, speaking about the movie they had seen while Luhan scolded the nonchalant Sehun who simply replied whatever to his hyung's words. 

When Minseok and Tao arrived at their house, Tao hurried inside to their room. Minseok expected Tao to be on the laptop, checking to see if there was anything from Kris, but to his surprise, when he entered the room Tao was sitting in bed hugging a pillow and crying. 


Minseok began as he sat beside his best friend. Tao don't bother to look up from pillow.

"Maybe, if I stop looking for him, he'll come back..."

Tao said in a muffled voice before Minseok could go on. Minseok sighed and wrapped his arms around Tao.

"Maybe, let's go to sleep. It's late." 

Tao lifted his face from the pillow and met Minseok's gaze. 

"Yeah, op-er-hyung has work tomorrow."

Tao said with a soft smile. He placed the pillow back down on the bed and sluggishly crawl under the covers. Minseok joined him after changing into s pajamas. He set the alarm, then turned off the lamp from beside.

Hi~! Sorry if this isn't at all what you guys were expexting~! It'all get to being more up beat soon enough guys~! :3

Thank you~! Thank you~!

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Chapter 3: You will update right? Right???
And thank you authornim for making me love them more <3
Update soonnnnn!! ;)