Chapter 2:


I want to apologize for the first chapter, I didn't do so well on it. I'm sorry. I hope this chapter can make up for it.... :D

Chapter 2:

Tao would've been tired and annoyed if he was still working at his last job, but he was currently working at the internationally famous Gucci store. He had just finished hanging some new jewelry that had just come in and was on his way to the back, when the door behind him burst open.


The man shouted, he had entered the store with a large gun and now was pointing it at everyone. The customers shrieked and fell to their knees, arms over their heads, and the employees behind the counter froze as the man pointed the gun in their direction.


He shouted then grabbed Tao(who was frozen with his back to the man) and shoved him off his feet. As soon as Tao was thrown down, he got up on his  hands and knees and glared up at the man. Now that he could see him, he saw that the man was wearing a clown mask and was looking right back down at Tao.

"What are you staring at?"

The man growled shoving the gun in Tao's face. Behind him entered another clown-masked robber and he looked at Tao and laughed loudly.

"Being brave?"

He said, and then turned his attention to one of the shaking customers.

"More like being stupid."

The man growled and aimed his gun at one of the hostages. Tao shook his head and screamed for them to stop. The man looked back at Tao, and even though his face was covered by a clown mask, the Chinese man knew he was grinning.

"Don't tempt me ."

The man growled. The first attacker leapt forward and kicked tao in the face, knocking him on his back. Tao gasped as a foot slammed down on his chest and the man's weight was now on him. 

"Alright~! Ladies and gentlemen~! Load up the bags, and P.O., get me a nice watch~!"

A third man appeared with his arms raised. He let out a short giggle and bowed to the hostages, and then the employees(including Tao).

Them employees began to fill the bags that were shoved in their faces without a single complaint. Tao wanted to do something, but he was too afraid of some one dying because of him.

"Zico~! They're coming."

Another man said appearing in the doorway. The main guy nodded, then motioned for everyone to hurry. The men began hurrying to the door, and the sight of them leaving angered Tao. But what could he do? They had guns.

Tao sat up hurriedly with anger and shock in his eyes.


Tao shouted and jumped onto his feet. The man who had kicked him earlier spun around and held up his gun.


He shouted confused and frustrated. Behind Tao, one of the employee's begged him to get down. To stop; But he couldn't stop.

"You're guns! They aren't real!"

Tao shouted stepping closer. The girl who was behind him began to cry, and the people in the room began whimpering and whining in terror.

"Get down!"

The man shouted at Tao. Tao moved forward and kicked the man hard across the face. he didn't stop there, as soon as the man was hit, he spun around and kicked the Zico man straight in his face. He kept moving, and the thought of giving them a chance to use their guns made only made him move faster. He grabbed the wrist of the guy holding a gun and a few watches and jerked his hand to face Zico who was slowly recovering on the floor. The man gasped loudly, and nearly dropped the gun from fear of shooting the leader. 

Tao slammed the side of his fist against the man's head and the man fell side ways into the door. He heard the man from behind getting up, and from behind the knocked out man spwarled out against the door came another man. Tao leaned backwards, one leg lifting from the ground with brute force. It roughly connected with the man's chin and sent him tumbling back. As Tao leaned back he grabbed a handful of black hair that stuck out of the mask of the man who had kicked him, and pulled him to the floor. He back flipped with his hand still forcing the man's face down. When his feet were planted on the ground he quickly reached out and grabbed the gun.

"Don't move!"

He shouted as Zico began to get up. Regardless, the two men got on their feet and Zico raised his gun at Tao.


Tao shouted. He didn't mean to pull the trigger, he was just scared, and his grip tightened.


Zico screamed as he fell back. His shoulder was bleeding from the gun shot. Tao was so shocked that he almost dropped the gun. Suddenly the other clown-masked men gathered Zico and P.O. off the ground and hurried out. Tao had every thought to follow them and stop them  from getting away, but his knees were shaking. His hands released the weapon and he fell with the gun to the ground.


One of the customers shouted. Tao wasn't the only one startled by this. Everyone was on their feet, crying, calling, thanking Tao, though he could barely nod in return.


The girl from behind the counter crouched before him. Their eyes met and he saw how worried she was.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you so reckless!?"

The manager began in a fury. Tao looked up at him, his heart still pounding.

"They could have killed us!"

"But they didn't! If it wasn't for Tao, they would've taken all the money!"

The girl snapped and pointed at the bags of money left in the door way.

"Do you think I care about that? They could've killed these people."

The manager shouted. This time the girl was silent.

"If you want to be brave, and risk other people's lives, then go, get a job as a police officer, and don't come back!"

The manager ordered furiously. The girl started up again.

"Isn't that a bit much? You're firing him for this?"

"It's okay."

Tao said as he stood up slowly. He turned to the customers and bowed apologetically.

"I apologize for putting all of your lives at risk."

Tao said then turned to the manager.

"I'll get my things and then go."


The police arrived shortly after Tao left, and they questioned the victims. Tao was exhausted as he walked to the restaurant that Minseok worked at. He would grab something to eat, help out around the restaurant, and then go home with Minseok.

He was about to cross the street when a red car drove up and stopped just over the cross walk, blocking the Chinese man's path. Tao groaned when he realized who it was. The driver window rolled down and Sehun waved him over.

"Why are you walking?"

He asked the Chinese man. Tao was frowning horribly and it made Sehun worry that he'd wrinkle too much at such a young age.

"I'm going to eat."

Tao replied shortly. Sehun nodded, wished him well(with an insult added at the end) then drove off. Tao rolled his eyes and quickly crossed the street while apologizing to honking cars.


Sehun shivered a bit as he sang along with a song that was playing on the radio. He reached over and adjusted the cars heater, noticing the temperature outside as he did so. His eyes widenned. It was fourty two degrees outside. He wondered if tao was okay.

"Let's see, what was he wearing Luhan?"

He asked the empty passenger seat. Oh, right, Luhan was at work.


He decided to pull into a parking lot and turn around. He drove in the direction he saw Tao walking and soon enough he saw the cranky man walking alone on the side walk. He drove close to the curb and rolled down his window.


Sehun called out after rolling down the window. Tao didn't hear him and kept walking.


Sehun kept on. Now he noticed that Tao sped up in his walk. He did hear me! Sehun thought in realization. He drove just a bit closer to the curb and slammed his hand on the horn. As he expected Tao jumped and screamed at the top of his lungs. What he didn't expect was for Tao to turn around and kick his glorious red car.

"Oh~! I am so~ sorry! I didn't mean to~!"

Tao apologized. He ran to the window and looked in to see an infuriated Korean man glaring at him.

"I shouldn't have come back for you!"

Sehun snapped angrily. Tao's head throbbed, and he frowned intensly again.

"You should'nt have honked at me!"

Tao replied just as angrily. Sehun rolled his eyes, reached over and opened the passenger door.

"Get in you lousy bastard!"

"Damn stalker."

Regardless, Tao got in and buckled down. Truthfully, he had been freezing, and he didn't know how much longer he could walk. He was thankful that Sehun had come back for him.



He almost didn't believe his eyes when he ssaw them enter. They weren't holding hands or being lovey dovey either, the striking thing was that Sehun and Tao had actually walked in together, sat at a table and ordered. 

"Excuse me, Mr. Kim, do you know those two?"

Minseok looked up at the new employee who was beside him looking at him with worry. Now that he noticed, half the staff was staring at him. That's when he remembered the cup of water he had been holding before Tao and Sehun walked in. He bent down and picked up the cup, and when he looked back up he saw that the waiter who had taken their order was approaching the staff. Minseok quickly took hold of the waiter's shoulders and made their eyes meet.

"What's wrong?"

Minseok asked as he took in all the negative details of the waiter's attitude. The waiter sighed in frustration, then pointed at the table where Sehun and Tao were sitting.

"Those guys are horrible~! They're so busy trying to insult each other that they forgot about me! I was standing there waiting for them to stop arguing and go on with their order for maybe three minutes or more~!" The waiter complained. Minseok felt embarrassed, suddenly he didn't want his coworkers to know that he knew those two. "And that's not all! The Chinese guy yelled at me and the other one doesn't use honorifics or even speak complete words~!"

"Gwaenchanh-a~!"(Sorry if that's spelt wrong, or incorrect~!) Minseok said swatting the waiter away. He then turned to Joonmyeon and and Jong-Dae who were quietly gossipingover the situation.

"Jong-Dae! Serve them some Makgeoli! Joonmyeon, move them to table 13~!"

Minseok ordered. He took out his phone and called Luhan, who after a few rings quietly answered. Joonmyeon hurried over to the older man with an uncertain look on his face.

"What do I say to them? And why that table? And why is Chen taking Makgeoli to them?" Joonmyeon asked as he looked between the two angry men and Minseok.

"Anything~ make an excuse! Luhan~! They're on a date at the restaurant!"


Joonmyeon approached them nervously, not wanting to get his head ripped off, nor knowing what to say.

"Excuse me~!"

Joonmyeon sang out sweetly and nervously.Both men glared up at him, waiting for him to go on, but he didn't Tao huffed angry and waved a hand in front of Joonmyeon. 

"Hello?" Tao asked confused and irritated. Joonmyeon smiled and waved.

"Sorry, you two will have to move to a different table, if you would please follow me." He said to the angry men. 

"Why?" Sehun asked leaning forward. 

"W-well, you see.... there are rats living in the cushion of the seats, and the exterminator is on his way to take care of the issue!" Joonmyeon lied. Immediately Sehun jumped out of his seat, and in the process he upset the table, causing the cups of water to fall and splash all over Tao. After a loud gasp and an angry string of Chinese curse words Tao shot out of his seat and pulled Sehun forward by his collar.

"Michyeoss-eo!? I almost killed a man today! I have every thought to finish the action on you~!"

Tao shouted into Sehun's face. Sehun cringed and shoved Tao back. Joonmyeon frantically pushed between the two men, and soon enough, the restaurants host was there to fully stop the fight.

"Thank you, Chanyeol!" Joonmyeon said then motioned for the two men to follow him. As soon as the table came into sight both Sehun and Tao stopped.


Sehun mumbled in confusion at the sight. Tao met his gaze, showing his confusion.

The table was at the back of the restaurant in a dimly lit area. It was set on a higher level than most of the other tables, and was surrounded by pink soft lights and romantic flowers.

"Excuse me, but what exactly are you implying!?"

Tao asked the waiter in irritation. Sehun backed him up with furious nodding.

"N-nothing~ nothing~ We just- don't have many open tables at the moment!"

Tao and Sehun looked around.


"There's only that ahjussi!"

"I'm sorry, but all the tables are reserved for twelve o' clock!" Joonmyeon lied. Sehun dug out his phone and showed Tao.

"It's already twelve!"

"Twelve thirty eight, to be exact~!" Tao added on. Joonmyeon groaned and tried to motion them to sit, but they refused, again.

"Regardless, we have to hold the tables out for them~! Please don't make my job any harder!" 

At this Tao gave in. He looked at Sehun and motioned for him to join him at the table. Joonmyeon hurried off back to the staff, leaving the two men to look around the table and mentally kick themselves for coming there with the other person.

"So...what was that about almost killing some one?" Sehun asked curiously. Tao met his gaze then looked away.

"Some guys tried to rob my work place...." Sehun scoffed and sat back, crossing his arms behind his head.

"Ah~! Let me guess! You stood up and fought like the man you are?"

"Can't you just have a normal conversation with some one? Instead of always being sarcastic and insulting?" Tao snapped. Sehun grinned from ear to ear.

"I do have normal conversations, just not with jingjings~!" Sehun replied. Tao gritted his teeth and lifted his hands to slam them down on the table. Instead a bottle of rice wine was slammed down between them.

"Dajia hao~! Wo de mingzi Chen~! Atleast I think that's how you say it.." Chen said nervously with a shaky voice.

"Duìbùqǐ, dàn wǒmen méiyǒu diǎn zhège cài" Tao said in irritation. Chen stared at him confused.

"Sorry, I don't really speak-"

"We didn't order this!" Tao snapped angrily. He felt as if a vein in his neck might burst right open. Today just wasn't his day,couldn't he just have a break?

"Oh~! Yes, it's on the house!" Chen sang out sweetly as he shook the Makgeoli, and then poured their drinks.

"I don't mind~!" Sehun laughed and raised his cup to Tao who only frowned.

"You drive."

"Why are you so uptight?" Sehun asked in irritation, only succeeding in making the older man glare holes into him. Sehun sighed and held Tao's hand(even though Tao kept pulling away.) Tao gritted his teeth.

"Why are you so immature!?"

"Okay! If you drink with me, I will talk with you like normal people okay? And I won't call you a crybaby anymore!" Sehun said with a smirk on his lips. Tao scoffed and finally succeeded in pulling his hand away.

"Oh? Is that supposed to be a dream come true for me?" He asked with disinterest in his voice. Sehun whined and motioned for Tao to drink his Makgeoli.

"Please hyung~?" Sehun sang out cutely. Tao's face reddened, and though the Chinese man tried to ignore it, he knew it was because Sehun was too cute with that action. With the fact that Sehun made him blush burning in his mind, Tao angrily lifted his cup and chugged the whole thing down, quickly slamming it down and allowing Chen to refill it. After refilling Sehun's cup as well, Chen hurried off to meet the superviser and informed him on what had happened.

"This is great~! Luge will be so pleased to hear this~!" Minseok said to himself. "If they finally stop hating each other Luge and I will finally have a nice date! No more getting kicked out because of our disruptive friends, no more having to break up actual fist fights, and no more walking home in the rain because Sehun refuses to give Tao a ride home."

Behind Minseok, Chen and Joonmyeon were both staring at him as if he was a very strange man. Finally Chen turned to Joonmyeon and pulled him away by his arm.

"Hey, so Minseok made us do all of this for his own selfish reasons?" Chen asked the older man while crossing his arms. Suho sighed and looked at their supervisor, then at Chanyeol who stood at the front of the restaurant playing on his phone.

"Apparently so.... I could've gotten punched if it hadn't been for Chanyeol!" Joonmyeon said and turned back to the taller man. "He's so quick~ and even though he's always smiling, he can be pretty scary at times." They both looked at Chanyeol who was now shoving his phone in his pocket as someone rushed inside the restaurant. It was Luhan, and he was dragging a tall Korean man behind him. He quickly spoke with Chanyeol, who pointed him to Minseok, and then he took off running, leaving the tall man lingering by the nervous host.

When Luhan reached Minseok's side they both silently freaked out while Minseok motioned for his boyfriend to follow him. They went to the area that Sehun and Tao were in and when Luhan spotted them his smile faltered.

"They're still arguining though..." Luhan said pouting and looking over at his boyfriend. Minseok stumbled for an explanation but when he couldn't think of one he pulled his love into a soft kiss. When they pulled back Minseok smiled at him and held his hand reassuringly.

"Remember our first date? We were tense and didn't know what all to say... they'll get to like each other soon." Minseok said with a knowing smile. Luhan smiled again and nodded.

"Yeah, and even if they don't get together, at least having them as friends is good~!" Luhan said excitedly. He clapped his hands together then wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders and lead him out of their observation/hiding-spot.

"Let's make this work~ and then later you and I will have some fun together, okay baby?" Minseok blushed at the comment but didn't say anything as they approached table 13. "Hey~! We're going to drink with you guys!" Luhan said and sat down beside Tao(who didn't seem so angry anymore even though he and Sehun were still discussing something.). Minseok took a seat beside the Korean man with a cup at his mouth every five seconds.

"Ah~ Hey~!" Sehun greeted happily with a drunk smile. Tao smiled at the two new comers and continued to drink. 

"Wow, you guys finished this bottle!" Minseok looked from the bottle to Luhan and mouthed the word already. Luhan smiled from ear to ear and called for a waiter to bring them another bottle.


Soon enough, all four of them were hidieously drunk. Thankfully though, Tao and Sehun were getting along. At one point Sehun had crawled under the table and forced Luhan to sit with his boyfriend, so he could sit with Tao and discuss the difference between soccer and rugby, even though everything he was saying was sounded more like American football. Sehun tried to order another bottle of Makgeoli, but Minseok(who was the least drunk) told him they should all go home. Even though everyone protested Minseok asked Chanyeol to call a cab for them, which earned him a slap on the back of his head from Luhan, who was enjoying this drunk date far more than any of the other ones.

Tao, Sehun, and Luhan crowded into the back seat of the cab while Minseok sat in the passengers seat to direct the cab driver. However, half way there Luhan convinced Minseok of going over to his place so that they could do what he had promised they would do. He couldn't avoid the excitement he felt, so he quickly gave in and told the cab driver where to go instead, though the driver was a bit angered by the late desicion. 

When they got there, Minseok hurriedly got out of the the cab and opened the back door only to find Luhan heavily asleep against the back of the passenger's seat and Sehun asleep against Tao who was whispering to himself the lyrics of an SNSD song as if the lyrics had a secret meaning behind them. With a red face Minseok asked the cab driver for help. He carried Luhan up stairs in his arms and the cab driver carried Sehun on his back while Tao waited in the car for Minseok to return. By the time they got back to the car Tao was asleep against the window, so Minseok carried him up stairs on his back and laid him down on the couch beside Sehun.

With a tired and disappointed sigh Minseok left to the bedroom where Luhan was sleeping soundly. He laid down beside his boyfriend and stared at the cieling for a while before finally falling asleep.


Sorry~! This chapter is soooo long~ I hope you guys like it regardless! :3

I hope I did good... Thank you for reading, subbing, commenting, and voting!

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Chapter 3: You will update right? Right???
And thank you authornim for making me love them more <3
Update soonnnnn!! ;)