
I can't but I will for you
He deems hinself unworthy, undeserving of love and appreciation. He often thinks to himself, how can a person love someone, if he himself could not even conjure the idea, the act of loving himself first? He thinks of this question wrongly, yet he allows it to manipulate his mind, his decisions that really, really gets into him. 
Baekhyun feels cold, too cold. Even with all the blankets he found himself wrapped in, he feels his fingers and feet cold as . Like icicles waiting to break and fall off. The windows are closed, the heater is on. But nothing beats the coldness, the loss of another, that Baekhyun feels right now. He gnaws at the void, the missing piece, the blank space in his heart. It was his fault, it was his fault. He keeps on chanting that its his fault, he should be here, im so stupid. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Baekhyun tells himself, forces hinself to stay calm and breathe, just breathe for a minute or two. He sways himself back and forth, back and forth. He breathes again. Breathe in, breathe out. He thinks Chanyeol will come back, he always comes back. Baekhyun tried to smile as he thought of the morning, when everything will be back to normal and Chanyeol will be in his arms again and everything's back to normal and they could pretend nothing ever happened. Baekhyun is still Baekhyun and Baekhyun is still and will be going to be with Chanyeol. 
But the nagging feeling never left even as he closed his eyes.
Will he still come back?
hi omg so new story??? I hope i could finish this lmao i have a few ideas stored and this one needs to be like posted already or i could forget it lol u know tendecies anyway pls commebt below of what u think!!!! This would be my first realy angst ir fluff story idk jut aslice of life i guess this could be ten parts??? Or less idk thx for reading!!!! Comment below plsmwa lovvevvevevebebeve ✨
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