

Kim Jongin has always wanted to feel loved by people, though being surrounded by many he still feels trapped and worthless. That is until he is forced into a marriage will this allow him to realise his true worth?


Main characters:

Alice - Age:19  Nickname: Al   Social status: Upper middle class  More info: Alice is a quiet, timid girl who is independant and somewhat unemtional she does not allow herself to be overrun with emotion.

Kai / Jongin - Age:20 Social status: Upper class    More info: Kai suffers from bpd (Borderline personality disorder) he seemingly has a perfect life but his condition leaves him feeling like he's invisible

Kyungsoo - Age:21 Social status: Upper middle class  More info: Kyungsoo is Kais bestfriend (since their childhood) he is aware of Kais condition and often Kai remain sane. He is also a close friend of Alice as both of their families are close.


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