

A/N: Amber is red, Henry is blue.

And sorry for the late update TT____TT

And do you see the pic above? *point up* mehehehe



Being sick is never Amber’s cup of tea. The sickness can always drive her to the horrible loneliness. Throbbing head and exhausted limbs remind her of Papa’s comfortable hug and heavenly gruel that only Mama can cook, which is half a world away from her. If it’s just another day with her being a super llama, it’s totally fine, because she always goes messing around, running and jumping like a kid. But Mr.Sick just gracefully hit her at the right time, when Tiffany is on vacation and Snoopy is busy in army.

Speaking of the devil, her hand instinctively presses number 1 on her phone – the speed-dial that has been off for almost a week. Not that she hopes the ringback tone of violin will magically echo; it’s just the number that she thinks of firstly whenever loneliness dares to set a claw on her.

At the same time in a few blocks away is an extremely exhausted Henry who’s just back from army and yet doesn’t sleep a blink. Hardly does he set his phone off – several crazy fans have tried to call and up with the poor phone, but what if that tough-yet-sensitive stupid girl is again sick but refuses to take medicine? What if she is again swallowed in loneliness? He just has to make sure that he is there when she needs him. But today is a case with a vengeance. His phone screams its ringtone every 5 minutes and he’s on the furious verge of turning it off. That’s until a familiar number appears lovingly on the screen.

“Hey Am? How’s your day?” He replied as lightly as a breeze. Something happened to her and he doesn’t want to ask why.

It takes Amber several seconds to retrieve that soothing sound into her tired brain.

“Hi there Mr.Smart! How am I supposed to know my day when it’s just barely started for 2 hours?”

“Oh  snap! It’s 2 a.m already and I hardly sleep. But hey! What’s with that hoarse voice? Sick?”

Replying to him is a second of silence.

“Wanna have a match?”


Is it considered crazy to get on the road at minus-degrees night? If it is, well, here we have 2 crazy persons walking in unknown excitement to meet up their “friend”…only to stop when they are only 3 meters apart.

It’s just 744 hours and 53 minutes since their last meet but Henry feels like rushing there and crushing the girl in his embrace.

It’s just 31 days and 3180 seconds since their last hangout but Amber wants to run there and bury her face in his hoodie so bad.

So they just slowly walk towards each other.



“Long time no see, Stitch!” Grinning, Henry stretches out his both hands openly. As an unsaid signal, Amber flashes his blinding smile and hugs him. More than a month apart but their hug just feels so right – no head-bumping and no arm-colliding. Her arms on his neck and his hands on her waist - like they are so used to having each other, lingering some more seconds before they finally have to pull apart.

“You’ve been good?”

Replying to him is her series of coughs. Yeah, he guesses it right. Whenever Amber is sick, she always wants to play basketball, even if it makes her exhausted and nearly faint. But if she can’t play the game, case gets even worse. So the worrying Snoopy has no other choice than to serve the llama queen.

To his surprise, the game goes neck-to-neck with Amber steadily approaching her victory and Henry steadily keeping an eye on her. Yeah the boy would definitely get that as an excuse as to why he lost (not because he is worse FOR YOUR INFORMATION! *insert Henry’s huffs*). One more one-point-shot for Amber and the game is over! However, even when she is dribbling the ball, she can’t escape from the dizziness and the rising hotness in her forehead. No sooner is she about to jump up and throw the ball than her body gives up.

She falls.

Only seconds later, she feels the pain from her used-to-be-sprained-ankle spread to her whole lower limbs.

Quick as lightning, Henry brings her in his back and goes to the nearest clinic. How can he ever forgive himself if he causes her another hiatus again???


“Thanks God the stupid is still okay” Henry heaved a heavy sigh of relief while piggy-backing her to home. Amber, now safely on his back, flusters as a new rising sun. Speak of the sun, they doesn’t notice that a new day has already approached.

In the pinkish glows of a new fresh day and the silence of the sleeping Seoul, the girl’s memory magically finds its long forgotten part. Someday very long time ago, the little Josephine, in her Kitty blanket, once wished upon the moon that she would enjoy the dawn with her prince, and she and that prince would live happily as in Sleeping Princess fairy… Startled, she looks at the flawless face that is so close to her; his eyes glitter with the glows of dawn. Her face is burning a hotness that’s completely unrelated to the flu, and she decides to blame it on the sun.

Suddenly her phone receives a call from an unknown number.



Hearing the name, Henry tenses up. He knows that woman! Despite that angelic name, she owned the beauty with perfect balance of feminality and masculinity, though she was straight.

Paradoxically, her crush dejected her and fell for Amber instead. Furious, she wheedled Amber and trapped her in the thought that the girl was truly a lesbian. y enough, she even spread the news to all the school, even though Amber had never actually said she loved her. That lead to a whole tragic of ist discrimination and verbal and physical bullying Amber had to suffer for 4 years of secondary school. Long as the time went by, it still brought her to tears whenever thinking of it. Flames of anger throb in his ears and make him miss out many of her replies, until he hears…

“What? Me and my girlfriend to your wedding?

What do you ing mean Diana?”

He angrily snatches her phone and roars:

“Amber and me, her BOYFRIEND, will attend your wedding. Brace yourself, woman!”

Even after the conversation is off, Amber can’t help but staring wide at Henry’s flushed face.

“What?” He releases something like a whisper while avoiding her gaze, and Amber can feel her stomach twisting because of his cuteness (not that she’ll ever admit it anyways).

“Nothing, my boyfriend-of-pretence! Ehehehe…”

Laughing evilly, she puts her arms around his neck and lays her head on his not-so-broad-yet-comfortable shoulder, smiling for an unknown reason.

She fails to see Henry’s cheekbones want to explode, too.


A/N 2: One more chapter to go. Amber will cry in the last chap. Who's excited? hehe

The past days were absolutely heaven for us Henber shippers and Amber stans dont you think? *fly in feels*

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Chapter 3: Sweet Henry! Good job here, author. Thank you :)
Chapter 3: Ummm.. Great joob authornim..
Chapter 3: Ummm.. Great joob authornim..
Chapter 3: ok ok Im here
I thought you wouldnt follow the prompt lol
You use the inputs well, including the outfit idea hahaha, and I see your tendency to create a character based on Gil against Ber :))

And lastly, Henber, of course should get together. ITS (my prefered) DESTINY -_- I know this is just fic but I keep worrying they got caught by some random guys or reporters :")
Chapter 3: henber is the cute couple..
nice ending.. with cheetozzzzz on top hahaha
yeah... im on amber supporter solo debut..
#shakethatbrass gonna be rock the world
hbtgt2709 #6
Dieu!!!! I totally like it~ >////< and if I'm not mistaking u the lastest kiss is inspired in Pinocchio ep8 kiss yayyy I can completely imagine henber in that scene >///< ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 2: you've been good?
that words is the proved that henry is take care of her very well...
the hug actually represent that they are missing each other^^
still remember when at the backstage henry wanna hug her but she kind of hesitated to do it in front of camera, henber is so cute <3
what do u mean amber will cry in the last chapt??? i hope its a cry of happiness
lemony1004 #8
Chapter 2: i wish amber cries cuz of joy not becuz of saddness