
These little things

Siwon drapes an arm loosely over those too thin shoulders, reminding himself to stock up their fridge before his next trip overseas before a low curse made him laugh out loud. An irate director sends a piercing look in his direction and he apologises by dipping his head low. He ought to stop losing weight, the handsome man thought to himself as he looks on nonchalantly as the other members dance for their latest music video, while his left hand sneaks to caress the younger’s lower back. Smiling affectionately to each other before Kyuhyun rested his back against his opened legs, Siwon takes notice of the throbbing vein along the smooth expanse of the delectable neck in front of him, wanting nothing more than to place soft kisses on the pale, pale skin.


A beep.


Then silence.


Kyuhyun pauses his game as the comforting hand at his waist stops its ministrations. Curious, he turns. And catches a big wide smile blooming on Siwon’s face, those damn irresistible dimples slicing his cheeks. With a slight arch of his eyebrow, he purses his lips as bright eyes lock with his for a fraction of a second. He waits while the other types furiously on his phone. Then Siwon holds up his phone, screen facing him, as if to answer his question.


Oh…he thinks…so it has happened. Something that Siwon has told him which will eventually.


“And that is where we will be five, ten years from now…we will be there,” Siwon says earnestly, a matter of factly, no doubt in his voice.


“We?” Kyuhyun cannot help but teases. He swallows back his laughter and turns back to his paused game. Effectively ignoring the look of disbelief on the other’s face.


“Who else but us?” A soft whisper into his ear.


“Hey!” Kyuhyun yelps as Siwon snatches his phone away suddenly, holding it up high where he cannot reach it.


“I swear, Kyu. You. Will. Be. My. Legal. Partner.” Siwon announces quietly, determination clear in his voice. A promise that he emphasises, many a times.


Kyuhyun shrugs his shoulders casually as Siwon drops the handphone back to his palm. “We will see…” He mumbles while he fiddles with his handphone as an amber of hope flares in his heart.


Somehow deep inside, he knows the other man will make his unspoken dream comes true.

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Chapter 5: Siwon is mighty sure of himself...and I can't help but smile from ear to ear... I can just see Kyu's shy smile to himself... awww~ one day... one day.... ^__^
Chapter 5: One day... someday... I know Siwon will fulfill his promise... and Kyu, nonetheless, making Siwon's dream come true. It may take a while but I know they will be but one... one day... someday. :))
Chapter 4: I so love these two!!! And this one is just right... y without but right! Damn I miss them.. :(
Chapter 4: Of coz they need their y moment after being super busy with their sched
Chapter 4: After a while of pent up emotion. :)
Chapter 4: y wonkyu
Angela17 #7
Chapter 4: I so love them soooo much.... Pfiiuuuhh...
Chapter 3: Awwwww....wonnie.....sweet as always....XD
heartbabykyu #9
Chapter 3: d'awwwwww that is just so sweet
Siwon's opinion mean so much to Kyu :)