Solo Debut

These little things

My delusion take on Kyuhyun's debut. ===============================

Siwon squeezes Kyuhyun's hand as he drives along the quiet streets in the dead of the night, knowing that the other has something weighing on his mind. It is evident by the chewing of his nails alternating with light tapping on the tinted window with his free hand.


But he stays silent, knowing the other would probably tell him when the time is right. They promised never to keep secrets from each other, having learnt from their previous relationships with others how important it is to be open to discuss and share with each other, no matter how uncomfortable the matter is.


As the car pulls to a gentle stop, just outside the formidable Gwanghwamun, the younger man turns to Siwon, his voice palpable with excitement, "Close your eyes, Won."


He does as he is told as Kyuhyun's clammy hands hold his.


Then his angel sings. An unfamiliar tune but yet so likeable and memorable. His honeyed voice fills the entire car, singing about a love that once was. His heart squeezes uncomfortably as he gets lost in the lyrics with the soulful voice crooning. He gets it then why Kyuhyun insists on coming to this place. His long awaited dream is about to come true.


He keeps his eyes closed even when the song ends, but he holds on tight to those hands "Kyu, sing it for me again, please."


When Kyuhyun finishes the song the second time, he waits with abated breath, nervously for the other to speak. Their gazes lock, questioning brown eyes to those mysterious black, black ones. He wants him to be the first one to hear the song and his words are so important to him. So he swallows hard when Siwon keeps quiet for a tad too long, still staring at him, unflinchingly.


"Close your eyes," the other commands him, using the same words as he did just a while ago.


He trusts him. Wholly. Totally. Irrevocably.


So he shuts his eyes tight, despite the loud thumping of his heart.


As Siwon cups his face, he feels a soft kiss on his forehead. Then a whisper at his ear, "The song is perfect...just like you."

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Chapter 5: Siwon is mighty sure of himself...and I can't help but smile from ear to ear... I can just see Kyu's shy smile to himself... awww~ one day... one day.... ^__^
Chapter 5: One day... someday... I know Siwon will fulfill his promise... and Kyu, nonetheless, making Siwon's dream come true. It may take a while but I know they will be but one... one day... someday. :))
Chapter 4: I so love these two!!! And this one is just right... y without but right! Damn I miss them.. :(
Chapter 4: Of coz they need their y moment after being super busy with their sched
Chapter 4: After a while of pent up emotion. :)
Chapter 4: y wonkyu
Angela17 #7
Chapter 4: I so love them soooo much.... Pfiiuuuhh...
Chapter 3: Awwwww....wonnie.....sweet as always....XD
heartbabykyu #9
Chapter 3: d'awwwwww that is just so sweet
Siwon's opinion mean so much to Kyu :)