Chapter 5

Cryptic Confession
I drop down to the floor, completely exhausted from practice. Not only am I tired, but my stomach hurts really badly. Maybe there was something wrong with something I ate earlier...
Jinyoung announces the next part we are going to be rehearsing, and everyone resumes their positions but me. I have no energy, and I feel that if I would stand up, I might throw up. I am starting to become nauseous and dizzy.   
“Gongchan? We’re about to continue,” Jinyoung informs.
I still don’t budge, too focused on keeping myself from getting sick on the spot.
“Are you okay?” Jinyoung finally notices. He rushes over to my side.
“He doesn’t look good at all,” Sandeul murmurs, joining him.
Soon all of the other members are surrounding me, asking me various questions. I can only nod and shake my head. I don’t feel well at all.
“I’m going to get the manager and have him take him home,” Jinyoung says hurriedly.
After the manager comes, CNU offers to take me to the car. He gently lifts me onto his back.
“I’m sorry hyung,” I apologize in almost a whisper. I wrap my arms tighter around CNU.
CNU smiles. “It’s okay Gongchan. I hope you feel better.”
I slowly descend from CNU’s back and stagger over to the car. CNU waves to me before closing the door.
By the time I arrive back at the dorm building, I have already begun to feel a little better.
Our living space seems awfully quiet and almost eerie with no one there. There is almost always at least one other person, if not everyone around when it is occupied.
I set my belongings down and enter the kitchen. I search through the cabinets until I finally find some stomach medicine. The cool water from the glass I poured hits my tongue as I swallow the pill.
I put the glass away and then walk out of the kitchen. The best thing to do now would be to rest, right? I may feel better after a nap, I think. I yawn while entering the bedroom, ready to go back to bed.
I stop dead in my tracks as I observe that something has changed. Now there is a note next to the one I had previously written on. I feel nervous, maybe even scared to read what is on it.
I cover my face partially with my hand and approach it, step by step. The words come into focus and I gasp at the response.
We already have. You know who I am.
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frostedbaozi #1
Chapter 8: I hope you update this fic. Jinchan! :3
Chapter 8: Hopefully CNU wrote it. I adore ShinChan. Update please. It's been a year. TT_TT
Kiyomi #3
Omg this story is totally jjang ♥!
Pretty please update soon <3!!
joanna20 #4
Chapter 8: Please update! New reader eagerly anticipating it!
whoaaaah! I'm a new reader and I already love your story since the first time I read the foreword. I've seen many confession trough loveletter, but through notes? It's rare! You are the best! :D

could it be Jinyoung? but CNU seems suspicious..
update soon, I'm curious~
Please, update soon ! :3
I want to know !! xD
PLEASE UPDATE SOON! This is like the only one story that always keeps me on my toes and one of the best and awesome story I have ever read! please update soon! ;~; Don't kill me with the suspense! x(
Please...please...please...please update soon...i'm really despreate want to know who write the letter...T_T
Please, please update!!