All I Want For Christmas Is A Baby Brother


All Lay ever wanted was a baby brother or sister but his parents hasn't made a decision yet. But will they this Christmas?


Hi guys! Rachanee99 here with "All I Want For Christmas Is A Baby Brother" this is sequel to "Lay and His Ship" that was a sequel to "Un-Willingly Arranged Marriage" so if you're interested here are the links to the stories:

Lay and His Ship:

Un-Willingly Arranged Marriage:

This will be a one-shot and I don't think I will be making a sequel if my readers ask because this is already a bi-sequel? But go ahead and check out my other stories here:

The one with "Lay and His Ship" was like a thank you for reading my previous story so here's a story to thank you for reading. It isn't like a sequel sequel so that's why Xiumin could talk :3

Created: 12/20/14

Ended: 12/28/14


Poster by:




I have bad writing skills/grammer


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Chapter 1: I laugh to this one but in a bad way I laugh because of Lay he really want a brother and sister but Xiuhan can't give him as if to think the baby can buy in malls how funny he is but I do still hope he got one for he will be happy all the way and Xiuhan will face the fact to have a child. Keep it up. See you on your other fiction.
mizu07 #2
Chapter 1: haha.. everything is on sale.... >.<
Chapter 1: Thank you for the update........
Chapter 1: This is so awesome!! I love Yixing's attitude he's really a cutie! Ohhh and you even add VJin! They are my fave otp in BTS:) please always love and ship XiuHan authornim ^•^