Sad Celebration

My Countryside Girl

credits: [poster]  Timeless Destinee Graphic Shoppe


"ANI~!" I shouted, shocked at what my appa just said to me.

"Eun Mi.." He started.

"NO~! I'm not listening~!!!" I screamed at him again and this time, I covered my ears.

I heard him sighed even though I did all my best not to hear anything from him.

"Just think about it, okay? I'm not rushing you..." He said then left.

Ani... It can't be... It's not true... I won't...

I crouched as tears started to form in my eyes.




Someone knocked at my door.

"Who's that?" I said, trying to clear my throat since I just cried the whole time.

"Hye Min.." The girl outside replied.

"HYE MIIIN~!!!" I started screaming and allowed my tears flow as I ran towards the door and opened it.

I hugged her, tightly.

"Ya, pabo.. I heard the news already.." She laughed sadly.

"Oh..." I  looked down.

"Hmm, what's with that face? I'll be gladly to be in your place Eun Mi.." She lifted my chin up.

"Yeah, you could be me.." I muttered softly.


What a comforting friend... she even spanked me in times like this -_-"

"Ya, Eun Mi-pabo.. We should go out later to celebrate, arraseo? I'll text Young Hee if she could come." She smiled at me though it was pretty clear there was a clear sadness in her eyes.

"Oh right, where's Young Hee?" I just noticed she wasn't there.

My best friend just shrugged.

"YA~!" I shook her widly.

"Arraseo, arraseo, arraseo~! She's with Jae Hwa-oppa.." She surrendered.

"With oppa?" I was in great shock.

Oppa like Young Hee? Since when? -_-" GRR. He's a big meanie. Keeping all his secrets from me yet he knows all of my secrets.. I mean, almost. :P

"Hye Mi-ah.." I started to play with her fingers.

"Weirdo, waeyo?" She glared at me.

"Gomawo..." I said softly as a sad smile formed.

"SERIOUSLY WILL YOU STOP ACTING WEIRD?" She laughed while I chuckled.

I've been blessed with this stupid best friend. :)


It was a long afternoon then. A lot of things did happen. Really. Baro knowing everything about my relationship with my dad to what my appa just said. Really. It was a fast forward... But stil, life must go on. Hye Mi was right. I must celebrate. Scratch that. I need some fresh air. Did she even say that? Oh, whatever. But I'm going... I need to entertain myself.




"ANNYEONG~!" I greeted them.

"WAA, EUN MI~!!! YOU CAME~!!!" Hye Mi said as she ran towards me.

"Of course~!" I winked at her.

"Your outfit's pretty cool, huh? Red off-sleeves top that's inserted with a blue shorts and black boots. I like it!" Young Hee said, approaching us.

"And since when were you dating with my brother?" I raised a brow.

I saw Young Hee glared at Hye Mi.

"WHAT? SHE TRIED TO KILL ME~!" Hye Mi defended herself.

"It's really.. nothing. It's not something like that.. Look, Eun Mi.." Young Hee started to explain the things going on between them but I just laughed.

"Seriously, take good care of yourself and don't let that bastard hurt you, arraseo? I would be by his side if any case you two would break up.." I hugged her.

"Ne..." She hugged me back tightly.

She must have known it, too. Sigh.

"Well, looks who's here~!" Jae Hwa greeted.

"Well, why not look at yourself?" I shot back.

"What a great greetings Eun Mi..." He looked at me with a blank expression.

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks." I smirked.


That evening was pretty fun. Singing a lot of songs with my two beloved best friends, had some arguments with my oh-so-beloved brother and an unexpected thing happened.

"Annyeonghasaeyo." A lady went near to us and bowed 90 degrees.

"Wae?" My brother asked.

"I would like to ask for Ms. Eun Mi if you could please come with me." She said, smiling at me.

She knows me... How?

"M--me?" I stuttered.

She just nodded.

Great. Now what.

I looked at my brother, asking for his approval. Well, he just shrugged and I guess that was a go signal for me.

"Okay..." I said as I followed the lady.


"This place is not always open..." She said as she led me towards a garden.

"I agree. We've been eating here and having fun here but this is the first time I visited this area..." I looked around. Dumfounded by the beautiful roses, lilacs, lilies, orchids, tulips and a lot more kinds of flower that I couldn't even name.

"Hmm. This area is so special.  This area is opened once a year only..." She shared.

"Jinja? Waa. You must open this a lot more times... Are we near already? My feet hurt.. A lot.." I asked her as I complained too.

Hihi, sorry. I'm really nuisance sometimes..

"Almost..." And I could hint a smile on her voice.

"Why did you choose to open it now?" I asked her.

"Well, actually, we open this for the people who have good reasons why he or she wants to bring someone in here." She stopped.

"We're here..." She continued as she moved away.

I was awed by the view. In a small beautiful gazebo that was filled with lights and a lot of flowers surrounding it, there stood a friend of mine. He's not really someone close to me... but he would be. I could foresee it...

"Baro-oppa..." I approached him as I saw, in my peripheral vision, the lady leaving us.

"Oh, you're there..." He turned to look at me.

I felt embarrased.

Why on earth did I wear this kind of clothes. He wore formal clothes. I mean, with the suit and everything. /facepalm.

"What's up with this?" I chuckled as I sat down.

He sat beside me.

"Look, I've heard what your dad's plan for you..." He started but I shook it off.

"Oh my... Even you..." I looked down.


"Eun Mi..." He whispered my name and I swear I felt my heart skip a beat.

"We'll be leaving soon.... B1A4 is almost done taking shots in here." He smiled bitterly.

"Oh, I see... You never did introuduced me to them." I pouted.

"Oh right." He chuckled.

Awkward silence followed it.

"Please excuse us." A waiter broke the silence as he gave us a 90 degrees bow.

"Sure." Baro said as he shrugged.

"Cordero con Hierbas de Provenza." The waiter then placed on our table a dish.

"Inglenook White Zin or Pinot Noir, my lady?" The waiter asked me.

"We'll both take Inglenook White Zin please..." Baro replied with elegance.

Waa, I never knew he is so good in this kind of expensive thing talk.

"What?" He chuckled and that was when I noticed I was looking, more on gazing at him, intently that I haven't noticed the waiter leaving.

"No-nothing.." I felt my cheeks burn.

"Look, I really need to ask you a favor.." He smiled at me.

"A favor?" I was shocked.

Of all the people, me? I'm too stupid to help him. I couldn't even understand what he just ordered >_<"

"Yeah. There's this girl. I really like her." He looked at the stars.

I just kept quiet, waiting for him to continue.

"I made sure every move I make... She could feel that I really do like her.. A lot. I actually don't know. She's a dummy." He continued then paused again.

Dummy.. So she's like me? :O What if, like in the movies, Baro was describing me after all? :"> Wait, WHAT? Did I just daydream about him liking me? UGH. No thanks. I'm not thinking about that. I'm not, I'm not.

"Are you even listening?" He looked at me.

"Wai--what were you saying?" I facepalmed mentally.

He sighed.

"Look, I'm so sorry." I bowed at him.

"I just thought it was me..." I said softly while I looked at him who was currently looking at the stars again.

"It's okay.. Let's eat first, eh?" He gazed at me then smiled.

"Sure!" I cheered up a little by thought of eating.

We were eating silently which gave me time to think about me.

Do I really like him? How come? I even once thought he was a gay... Wow, I couldn't develop any feelings for him. A little crush maybe.. But not more than that. I've known him for a short period of time. Le sigh. If given enough time with him, I'm willing to spend every minute, every second of it with him. But I don't know. Whenever he's around, I feel happier. I feel more comfortable. I could even feel my heart skipping a beat sometimes.


"You got some problem?" It was then I realized he was observing me since then.

"Eh?" Was my only reply. I was taken off guard.

"You know, sometimes you remind me of her." He smiled.

"So she's really someone similar to me."

"Hm. Somewhat." He chuckled.

"Why are you saying this to me? I mean, it doesn't make any sense..." I shook my head.

 He took in a deep breathe.

"Why, well. She asked me to." He smiled at that thought.

"You guys are in realtionship?" I noticed I held my breathe.

"Almost... But it was nothing..." He smiled sadly.

"So, what she's like?" I put down my fork, getting interested about this girl.

"What's she's like?" Baro did the same and he faced me.

"Ready to listen." I gave him an encouraging smile, he took in a deep breathe and started to tell his story.




I excused myself and ran away from him. I couldn't take this. Tears were already forming in my eyes. My heart's shattering, once again. First from appa's news, now, from Baro's revelations. Why do they need to happen on the same day?

'You know, I know she's already dead and she's there in the sky, looking down at me, guiding me. As I've told you, I even dreamed about her last night, telling me to move one... BUT I CAN'T, EUN MI... I CAN'T.'

So I really do like him... I won't be affected this much if I don't. I trusted him too much. Being carried away easily by his kindness. After all, remembering all those days together, he's just a really kind man. A man who would comfort you and stuff. Pabo. Why did I even think that I have a chance?


I stopped walking. I looked around.

"SH*T. Now I'm lost."



waaa. It's a pretty long chapter but idek if it's fun >_<" I was just typing... I don't know if it made any sense at all. Like seriously :)) So, sorry :PP

Please comment and subscribe luvies~ I'll be waiting for your suggestions, arraseo? ^^

A very late update I believe. Mianhe. /bows.


@-lblue :))) don't tell me you already knew :O HAHAHH! kidding :DD weee, it's something ... idk.. :)) yeah.. Baro's just being kind to her. I can't believe it myself 3 Baro not liking her.. ooops :)) LOL >:D< Thanks for the comment dear ♥

@ayameyokomi ANNYEONG~!!! :) weee, update!!! ^^ thank you ♥

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Chapter 7: Just carry on author-nim your fic is getting more interesting~
ahahah Baro .. dude answer my question first then say that don't kill me~ hahah this is really funny! >_< kekeke can't spoil it.. spoil it.. ^^
blockbb1a4coed #3
Does Baro like Eunmi? And what happened to Eunmi? What did her father said to Her? I didn't get what happened OTL
leellel >_< lolz.. let me see... Baro are you sure you don't love Eun Mi? <br />
cuz f not i'm going to kill ya~ :P hhaha just kidding~ :)
Uwaaaaaa!!! U make me cry! >:( .. hahah secret revealed! peace for me! hahahha >_< I know rite.. i never though Baro would never loved her... his loved one.. died... >_< then who will be with Eun Mi!? GOSH! Has Baro never ever think a girl's feelings? can i slap him? hahaha >_<
ayameyokomi #6
Update soon unni ;A;
Hahha! awww.... lolz! Baro! i though you hear her saying that you are a "Gay" hahahah! >_< not really you! her brother too! hahha NONONO! I can't! hahah >_< NO~ Baro just kind to her? aww~ :) what happen to her dad? don't tell me... (even though i have no idea what! hahah) UPDATE SOON!
Sunshinegrave #8
<3 Baro :3 so sweet, but the dad thing is pretty upsetting :|
Opps forgot~ Update soon okie~ take your time! :)
Gyaaa hahahah! Nice! Yay! New one! Wohhoo! *dancing randomly* Wah! Since when Baro likes her? o.OLolz! Baro! i won't give her to you! hahah (lolz)