Text Text Text Text TING!

My Countryside Girl

credits: [poster]  Timeless Destinee Graphic Shoppe


"That was really nothing.." Baro said as he scratched his head.
"Really. Thanks." I bowed at him for the last time as we reached our house's gate and was about to get inside when he grabbed my hand.
"Er, ya sure you're already alright?" He asked me with a face full of concern.
"Yeah, surely I am.." I smiled at him and he easily let go; thus, making it a sign that I could go inside. And well, I really did.
When I reached my room, without any hindrance (fortunately), I got my phone and read Baro's message that was sent this morning.
          Well, I was hoping to see you later. Around 2PM, at the park? You don't mind, right? Well, see, me and your brother are pretty close already. I just
          want to know other people's lifestyle. Like yours. Well, I'll be waiting for you there. Don't be late, huh? I won't go not until I got to talk to you. Hihi,
          pressure. K, bye :)


I smiled at his message.
I thought of texting him... No, I actually texted him.
          Ya home already? Look, I just read your message and hmm, why are you interested with my lifestyle, huh? Well, it's pretty simple... and boring.
          So I suggested you to go with my brother all the time... I mean, most of the time. I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy. ^^


          I don't think so. I prefer going with you. At least, nobody won't call us gay...
"Annyeong." I turned my attention to this Baro dude and bowed at him.
"Mianhe about hitting you a while ago. I wasn't paying attention. Mianhapnida." I bowed again.
"Nah, it's ok. Though it really hurts." He said while massaging his forehead.
"And excuse me. I'll be leaving now." I bowed once more at him.
"Oh, yeah yeah.." He said, giving me a way to pass.
"Gay." I whispered to my brother as I passed him before running way home.
          Ya, did you hear it, or did my brother told you??? u.u MIANHE~~~~!
Omo, so I was just over analyzing things.. OH MY GOSH.
I gasped loudly.
          HEEHEE :D It's not like that, really. I..
I don't know what and how to explain so instead of sending my last text, I deleted it.
Ottoke? He must be very angry.
I got my phone as fast as I could then lie down on my bed.
          FROM: Jae Hwa >:P
          What did you say to Baro? He texted me. Here: "What did Eun Mi told about us before?"
WHAT. It sounded so.. wrong. I could help but laughed until I was teary-eyed. Seriously, Baro should read his text first before sending it.
          TO: Jae Hwa >:P
          Nothing. :D I'll clean this up. Stop texting, bbye~!
I replied, half nervous, half laughing.
          Look, it was nothing. I just thought oppa told you that I found you really charming.
FACEPALM. I couldn't believe I lied something like that. ><
          Yeah right. BTW, your oppa invited me in there tomorrow for lunch, see ya!
Really... You guys are maybe gays. ^^v
But still... A special gay...
And I must be a special lesbo..
Ok, that was purely nonsense, right? Nothing... Yes, nothing.
I took a deep breathe and stood up.
Lemme see, why not eat. :D
I was about to skip towards our kitchen when I found my appa outside my room.
"A--appa!" I faked a smile.
"Eun Mi..." He smiled weakly then hugged me.
I tried my best to keep that fake smile and to keep my tears from flowing.
"Appa, what's with this?" I pulled away.
"Nothing... I just miss you." He said as he held my hands.
How I wish it could be easy for me to say how I missed you...
"Oh..." I faked a chuckle.
"Eun Mi, we have something to talk about." He, once again, smiled at me.
"Oh, okay." I said as he lead our way towards our sala.
TADA~!!! Update ^^ well, I hope you like it~! :DDD weeee. :) sorry for the wrong grammars and such :P hope you enjoyed and yes, i'll update ASAP. Sorry for the late update, BTW ><


@kpopaddictus95 thank you~!!! lots of love ♥

@-lblue ya, you should learn to let her go... but it won't be sometime soon :))) weeee :DDD and i can't really answer when did baro like her 'cause i'm not really sure if baro do... maybe he's just really.. kind, perhaps? :D

@Sunshinegrave yeaaah. :( i was really sad that day, thus, making me formulate that upsetting set up :)) lol lol lol ^^

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Chapter 7: Just carry on author-nim your fic is getting more interesting~
ahahah Baro .. dude answer my question first then say that don't kill me~ hahah this is really funny! >_< kekeke can't spoil it.. spoil it.. ^^
blockbb1a4coed #3
Does Baro like Eunmi? And what happened to Eunmi? What did her father said to Her? I didn't get what happened OTL
leellel >_< lolz.. let me see... Baro are you sure you don't love Eun Mi? <br />
cuz f not i'm going to kill ya~ :P hhaha just kidding~ :)
Uwaaaaaa!!! U make me cry! >:( .. hahah secret revealed! peace for me! hahahha >_< I know rite.. i never though Baro would never loved her... his loved one.. died... >_< then who will be with Eun Mi!? GOSH! Has Baro never ever think a girl's feelings? can i slap him? hahaha >_<
ayameyokomi #6
Update soon unni ;A;
Hahha! awww.... lolz! Baro! i though you hear her saying that you are a "Gay" hahahah! >_< not really you! her brother too! hahha NONONO! I can't! hahah >_< NO~ Baro just kind to her? aww~ :) what happen to her dad? don't tell me... (even though i have no idea what! hahah) UPDATE SOON!
Sunshinegrave #8
<3 Baro :3 so sweet, but the dad thing is pretty upsetting :|
Opps forgot~ Update soon okie~ take your time! :)
Gyaaa hahahah! Nice! Yay! New one! Wohhoo! *dancing randomly* Wah! Since when Baro likes her? o.OLolz! Baro! i won't give her to you! hahah (lolz)