Chapter 4

A Restoration of Friendship

He was expecting there is no one at Youngji's room when he finally visit her but it couldn't be like that. Her mother rose from her seat when Jackson appeared.

"Jackson!" her mother cried happily when she found him. Jackson smiled awkwardly and he hug back her mother. "It has been long time since!" she continued. Well yeah, quite long since there, the last time is early last year when he met her at the backstage of tv station.

"How are you, Mother?" he asked.

"Just some bruise and have to do a little treatment but I am okay." She smiled. Jackson glanced at busy-eating-fruit Youngji. "Well, I will leave you two here," she said.

Jackson was going to answered no when Youngji said, "It's going to be long, Mom, are you okay?"

Jackson glared Youngji, why it has to take long time? Is there something serious that she wants to tell?

"Okay, I'll bring my purse. Call if you have done." She left Jackson that awkwardly move closer to Youngji's bed while watching her mother take her purse and left. He bowed at her and she gone.

"You are really coming," said Youngji.

Jackson turned his back to face her. "I just brought this, sorry," he said while giving her bunch of salad warps and then there she goes, her signature muted laugh when she opened the thing that Jackson brought. He automatically smiled when it appeared.

"Where is the meat?" she asked.

"Well you can get it later," he joked and Youngji darting a cold look to him and asked him to put them on the fridge near the bed. As he done and back sitting beside her bed, he looked at her legs that buried under the blanket.

"Don't worry, the prediction is not entirely true, I can back walking guess if I work harder I can back dancing." She said.

"It must be hurt," he murmured.

"It hurts everywhere," she replied while sadly glanced at him.

"I am sorry," he said.

"For what?"

"For leaving you without notice."

"Oh yeah, that was hurt me as well." She said brazenly. Jackson turned to be more silent. "But I understand without you have to tell, the thing that I couldn't understand, is it wrong to like you?"

"I don't know, you might don't deserve me?" he answered.

"Why I don't deserve you?"

"I am a bad guy," he murmured.

"No you are not."

"Well I leave you?"

"Probably you were just confused?"

"Of what?"

"Of me, of yourself."

"I don't understand."

Youngji inhaled, "Well, I could be scared you off with saying that I like you, but I really like you, but then I know our position, I couldn't ask more than being your bestfriend but you run away from me. I was thinking how if I didn't say that word, but it already done."

Youngji starred at her fingers while Jackson dumbfounded on his seat.

"Because... because I like you too." He said. Youngji turned her head to him confused. "Because I am afraid that I will messed everything because I like you too."

Youngji smiled.

"But there is nothing we can do." Jackson said.

"I am okay about that, I am grateful enough just being your bestfriend. You know, I couldn't find a male friend that really click with my character. And it is only you, that's why..."

There is a mute for a while between them, like they are trying to comprehend everything.

"Can I hug you?" Jackson asked and Youngji open her arms wide and they hugged each other.

"It must be nice if we clear this misunderstand earlier but at least there is a thing that makes me happy being in this accident," she said.

"Don't say that," he respond slow and low.

"Whatever, nice to get you back my best best best friend, Wang Jackson!"

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Chapter 4: that's a short mini series, kkkk.. but i enjoyed it as long as that's about Jackson n Youngji^^~
darya_tnt #2
Chapter 4: So sad and happy
Chapter 4: You should really make a sequel though, anyway this is good! I like it^^
ananano #4
this is great! a sequel pleaseeee...