Chapter 3

A Restoration of Friendship

It has been two weeks since. Jackson decided to know Youngji's condition through the news for the first week but he couldn't catch up week after since his group got plenty of schedules to be done, moreover it hurt him whenever he read the news, every single time. So the last news he know, Youngji came out the emergency room after two days since the accident while her sister only fractured her shoulder, both moved to patient room to get intensive treatment. Meanwhile her sister had back home after a week, Youngji legs both broke badly and has to stay at hospital at least three weeks and it said there is a possibility of her couldn't walk anymore.

It really hurts to imagine.

He remembered she said she was really happy being on stage dancing with her group, being recognized after some months of her debut. Now it is already more than a year for her but it is still fast enough to experiencing the idol life which she loves about.

He really knows the happiness being on stage, cheering by fans and yet now it is not sure if she could go back dancing on stage. Jackson sighed again. Questioning everything that comes right on his head. So much ifs that appeared.

A message came.

He opened it and froze because it said 'Mushroom' at the sender title. He gulped and clicked the message.

"So many friends came, I haven't see you and I am feeling so lonely here. It is a pleading of a friend that almost lost her life, please come just a little bit, will you?"

He growled.

He confused.

Should I? Shouldn't I?

He curled on his bed trying to decide whether he will fulfill her request or not. He could be a jerk if he won't but he could gain a mess if he will. It was like he offered the forbidden fruit.

He rolled back his memory when he was also happy being together with Youngji, even they only met for a day or two just to play together. It started when the rumor appeared between fans, from curious to furious; also he felt Youngji has a feeling for him and she confirmed it.

"Yes, I do." She answered confidently, much like usual Youngji. "Why? Do that affect our friendship?"

He couldn't answer. Yes! It might affect! After all he could accept the feeling and it is so wrong. Wrong for the fans, wrong for the members, wrong for everyone that worked so hard to make them like now. So he started to leave her as the schedules became the reasoning.

She might understand it.

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Chapter 4: that's a short mini series, kkkk.. but i enjoyed it as long as that's about Jackson n Youngji^^~
darya_tnt #2
Chapter 4: So sad and happy
Chapter 4: You should really make a sequel though, anyway this is good! I like it^^
ananano #4
this is great! a sequel pleaseeee...