Shipping Game

The Dancing Machines

First of all, this isn't an update, so I'm really sorry if I got your hopes up. Haha. Good news, a new chapter is well on its way, be sure to stay tuned. ;)

Anyways, I've been seeing this shipping game all over AFF for weeks now and figured that I should try it myself. I mean hey, it's kind of a good way for my readers to know me a bit better, so why not right? Besides, I'm curious of who you think suits me the best! Nyehehe. So, here we go...


Age: 27

Height: I was once 167cm tall, but due to a spinal condition, I am now only around 158-160cm.

Hair: Black. And I've never dyed my hair, ever!

Eyes: Dark brown.

Nicknames: I used to be known as the 'Guitar Girl' in high school because I always had it with me everywhere I go. We're just inseparable! Haha. But my family and some close friends call me Aa. Some simply call me A. And nother good friend of mine just decided one day that he would call me Double A Battery because he just felt like it. Haha!

Describe yourself (Max. 5 sentences): 

1. I'm quite shy, especially with strangers. But once you get to know me better, I'm that crazy girl who just can't stop moving around making silly jokes. People say that I'm happy-go-crazy. XD

2. I'm not necessarily good at these two things, but I sing and dance wherever and whenever. Like, literally. Everytime I hear a favourite tune, or simply just any upbeat music - be it at a shopping mall, restaurant or in the office in front of my boss - I would sing and dance like nobody's watching! And my friends and cousins would always stay away from me, saying that they don't knwo me. Hahahaha

3. I'm very protective of the people I love. Like seriously, don't mess with my family or homies unless you want me to haunt you to your grave! Har har. >=D

4. With that said, I like helping people. It's actually one of my dreams to go around the world and help those in needs. One of the reasons why I chose to be a teacher in the first place is to help educate our youth on what's going on in the world. Education is important, people! I want to inspire them to love and be who they are. I want to inspire them to do all the great things they desrve. And most importantly, I want to inspire them to help each other, to be each other's backbone. I want them to know that every single one of them matters. No matter how smart or how stupid you are; no matter how pretty or ugly you are; it doesn't matter what your skin colour or your religion is - EVERYONE MATTERS. Okay, I need to stop before I get all emotional. Haha!

5. I'm a nocturnal. I sleep when people are just about to wake up and get ready for the day, and I'm awake when everybody else is in their deep slumber. For some unknown reason, my brain works better late at night. That's actually when I write a lot. But the bad thing about this, especially now that I've started working, it's kind of getting a toll on me. Haha

Hobbies: I enjoy listening to music and just get lost into it. I also equally enjoy reading and writing. These three things are some kind of a remedy to my stressful life. I'm sure it's the same to some of you as well. I just like how i can be another person and experience many things that I may or may not ever get to expereience in real life, even just for short period of time. I used to enjoy doing sports a lot, especially football, basketball, running and parkour. But just like I mentioned earlier, due to my spinal condition, I could no longer do any heavy exercise. Bummer!

Special skills: I can say thank you in more than 10 languages! Well hey, I'm trillingual so that's good enough, ey? XD And I take pride in my ability to make people smile or laugh just by doing nothing. Hahaah! On a more serious note though, I can play around 8 instruments, including some traditional ones. But I have to say, my favourite one to play is the guitar. My baby!


Whoo! That was really hard! Haha! I never thought that describing myself would be this difficult. Now I understand how my students felt when I asked them to write a short story about themselves. XD Sorry, kids!

So... after reading this, which K-Pop idol do you think best suit me? :D

You may copy this and do it in the comments section below, and we can pick an idol for you! :D

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Chapter 26: He vomit... wow.. that's unexpected. Great fic btw..
seemstobeadream #2
Chapter 26: That was a great fic <3
barakai #3
Chapter 11: Omg this is awesome! Its cute!
I'm not a big fan of 2NE1 but after this chaps i think i am one kk
Teamiiin omg! That was amazing!
Chapter 12: after I read the epilogue I immediately re-read chapter's like their After 5 years scenario!! \^0^/~~ mwehehehe
Chapter 26: why did he vomit!!??? ugh!~ poor chanyeol and beakhyun! hahaha!!!~ anyway..until the end this two pabos made me laugh..this story is definitely included in my favorites! end it very well Authorniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!..I know I'll miss reading your updates about this two pabos..It's kinda bittersweet, but I know SehunZy is now next so..KYAH!!!!~~ I'm excited!!! \^0^/!!!!~~<3333 KaiMinzy! and SehunMinzy FIGHTING!!!
jiwonku #6
Chapter 26: Congratulation!!!!!!!!! wohoooooo congratulationor finishing this story. This is really awesome, I love this story and you authornimmmm hehe. Thank you authornim. I will really miss this story, how i smile mischievous, how i smile wide, how i angry and sad and cry. Auuuuuu
Btw, i already subscribe your new fic a long time ago. Please make another story. Hehe you are a good writer authorniiim
Chapter 26: hahhahahhahhahhaa...... upvote for this story ~kkkkkkk
Chapter 26: thank youuuuuu for this awesome story of course the ending was superb!!!! *___*
Chapter 26: It's a bittersweet feeling. The ending make me happy but I'm sad that it's the end :(. I'm looking forward the bonus chapters and your next story.