
The Dancing Machines

Chapter 9 - When Minzy Is Kai Deprived.

“Do you think she’s alright?” Bom asked an equally puzzled Dara.

The two had been standing in the hallway for around fifteen minutes now, staring blankly at a particular door. It all started when the latter was startled by someone’s laugh. She was taking a nap then, after a long day at practice. Terrified, she immediately ran towards the nearest room, which happened to be Bom’s. She, too, was shocked to death by the sudden cackle.

While holding hands tightly, they then slowly began searching for the source. They could hear some noise from the kitchen but that was just probably their leader preparing dinner. And knowing CL, she wasn’t the type to laugh in such a hysterical manner. The lady knew her manners very well. Therefore, they were only left with one other option – Gong Minji.

And that was how the 84-ers found themselves snooping on the maknae, with their ears pressed against the dark brown door. They couldn’t really make out what was really going on inside since the door was a bit too thick. But they did manage to hear snippets of sound. One thing for sure, it seemed like Minzy was having the time of her life all by herself.

“Oh no, please don’t tell me that our maknae is watching ,” Bom gasped dramatically, earning a slap on her right shoulder from the other girl.

“Who’s watching ?” CL’s rather stern voice scared the hell out of the two that they screamed out loud.

And you would think that Minzy would notice all the commotion right outside her door with that much noise but no, she was still very much distracted by something on her computer screen. A meme of a guy by the name of Kai, to be exact. Not just any meme, though. It’s actually one of her many creations. Well, she’s got to put her knowledge on editing into good use, right?

Oh come on, people, give the girl a break. Making embarrassing photos of Kai was good in her dictionary. You would have probably had a great laugh, yourselves, if you saw her work. Unfortunately for you, that would be impossible because she still knew her boundaries. Minzy would never upload and share the photos on the Internet. Na-uh. That would be considered as cyber bullying.

Meanwhile, the three older members were still recovering from their state of shock. A string of curses left Bom’s mouth while Dara clutched on her shirt tightly – just where her heart was – as she tried to calm down. Rather amused, CL couldn’t help but chuckle. Her eonnies were a bunch of scaredy-cats.  It had been one of hers and Minzy’s hobbies to tease them every once in a while.

CL was about to ask the two what they were doing in front of Minzy’s room when suddenly, a guffaw could be heard from the other side of the door. This time, it wasn’t only Bom and Dara who got startled but CL as well. The latter literally jumped off her feet and let out a little shriek of horror. Now she knew why exactly they were there in the first place.

Shaking her head, CL then ushered Bom and Dara to the kitchen. She needed some help with chopping and whatnot and since her assistant was busy entertaining herself inside her room, she resorted to recruiting the Park sisters’ assistance instead. The leader made a mental note to interrogate the maknae on whatever was going on in her room after dinner.

Minzy, on the other hand, continued laughing her off at yet another masterpiece. This time, it was a GIF of Kai cross-eyed. She had come across several photos from EXO’s recent concert and to her delight, there were many hilarious ones. But nothing beat those of him rolling his eyes. At some point, it looked like the guy was really cross-eyed so she decided to make a GIF of that.

The young girl was laughing too hard that tears began pooling in her eyes. Wiping the tears that had managed to fall with her fingers, she continued her fit of laughter, clutching her shirt as if her life depended on it. Then within the blink of an eye, a really loud thud echoed throughout the room. Everyone in the kitchen could hear the sound perfectly and their eyes widened upon hearing a big yelp.

Panicked, CL immediately ran towards Minzy’s room, abandoning her boiling pasta, and opened the door with a slam. Bom and Dara followed closely behind and they were quite horrified to see Minzy lying on the floor. Her chair turned upside down next to her. The maknae seemed to be in pain but even so, she still managed to let out a few giggles as she helped herself up.

“Oh my god, Mingkki, are you okay?” Bom rushed to help the struggling girl, “What happened?”

“I guess she laughed too hard that she fell off her chair,” Dara chuckled, shaking her head both in amusement and disbelief.

“You need to be careful, Mingkki. Our comeback stage is in a few days. We can’t afford having anyone injured before that.”

Cue the leader and her motherly lecture.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry,” Minzy replied with a snort, stifling a giggle; that girl did not sound completely sorry at all, tsk.

Curious, CL couldn’t help but search for the cause of their maknae’s hysterics. She scanned the whole room intently and when her eyes landed on the screen of Minzy’s computer, she could only let out a sigh. Of course, it’s got something to do with EXO’s main dancer, as usual. What she couldn’t quite comprehend was how the girl spent her free time making those photos instead of practicing like she would usually do. It wasn’t quite like Minzy at all.

“This is so unlike you,” CL commented, slightly amused.

“What do you mean?” Minzy asked in confusion.

“This. You don’t usually bother doing this kind of things.”

It was true. It wasn’t quite like Minzy to waste her time on irrelevant things or people for that matter, especially someone by the name of Kim Jongin. Sure, the girl enjoyed making fun of the guy every now and then but that was only either when they bumped into one another somewhere or when he made fun of her first. Other than that, she barely even thought about him.


What was happening to her?

Minzy was just as confused as their leader was and thus, she settled with boredom as the main cause of her sudden change of behaviour. “I’m just bored,” she tried to sound as convincing as possible but nobody was buying it, not even her, herself.

CL was convinced that there was more that meets the eyes. Because truthfully, ever since that recording session at SM a few weeks ago, she noticed some changes in the young girl. They were small yet still quite obvious. Like how she would immediately grab her phone or iPad whenever they had breaks between practices and giggle to herself. She had initially thought that Minzy was just watching something funny but now that she had witnessed this, maybe not. She had a feeling that those giggles were all caused by none other than her so-called enemy, himself.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever makes you happy, Mingkki,” CL chuckled teasingly causing the said girl to frown, “Come on, girls, dinner’s almost ready. Let’s eat and get some sleep after that. We have an early schedule tomorrow.”

“Ay ay, captain!” Bom cheered, following their leader closely behind.

“Let’s go, let’s go!” Dara chimed in, equally excited; she was famished!

“Wait, you have to see this first!” Minzy called out as she ran after the other three, swinging her phone in the air excitedly.

The three could only sigh as they prepared themselves for whatever was coming their way. They could already guess that it got something to do with Kai and their prediction was proven true when a picture of the man’s head on a chicken body was displayed on the screen. Minzy, being herself, once again broke into a fit of laughter.

“I’m a genius, ain’t I?” the girl laughed wholeheartedly, “I call this masterpiece of mine Kaiken! Kai plus chicken, get it? Get it?”



She did not just say that!

No, Minzy, that wasn’t funny, at all.

“Oh, crap! My pasta is all soggy! Ugh, Minzy! This is all your fault!”

“Hee, ooops?”



“Whoa, where did you learn that?” asked one of the back up dancers after they finished practicing the next afternoon.

Minzy was freestyling to a song as she would usually do before or after practice. That girl just couldn’t stay till every time they’re in the dancing studio. Well, she’s a dancer after all. However, unlike her usual routines, the back up dancer noticed something different in her movements today. Minzy added some spinning and twirling and she did almost as gracefully as a ballet dancer.

“Oh, Kai,” Minzy replied simply as if it were the most normal thing in the world and everyone’s attention immediately turned to her.

Did they just hear that right? Did the dancing machine of 2NE1 just say that she learnt a dance move from her biggest enemy? Since when did that even happen? As far as they were concerned, the girl loathed that man with all her being. She had never even acknowledged his skills.

“Who are you and what have you done to our Mingkki?” Bom asked with a dramatic gasp.

“What?” the maknae questioned, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “What did I do now?”

“This! All this Kai thing you’ve been doing lately!”

“What, can’t a dancer learn from anther dancer?”

“Heol~” it was Dara’s turn to be dumbfounded.

If Kai were there to listen to what Minzy just said, he would probably be so damn proud and brag about it to the whole world for his entire lifetime.

Meanwhile CL, who had been observing the entire thing in silence, couldn’t hide the smile that had been threatening to appear anymore. For some unknown reason, she kind of liked this small change in their maknae. Just what happened exactly during the recording at SM? She was really curious about it but she figured that she was bound to find out sooner or later.

She really looked forward to seeing more changes between the two. Maybe, just maybe, the two enemies would become friends someday. They were two very talented people and it was just such a shame to see them trying to get into each other’s nerves when they could spend all the energy in, let’s say, doing a collaboration or something. The fans, especially, would love to see that!

Now the leader couldn’t help but wonder if Kai were going through the same thing that Minzy was going through as well.

“We choreographed something together, do you guys wanna see?” Minzy’s unusually chirpy voice snapped CL out of her thoughts and the smile on the latter’s face grew wider when she finally grasped on what was going on.

Kai and Minzy dancing together? Yup, this was definitely interesting to watch. She made a mental note to thank Taemin for this in the future.



Story by: afagyel | Poster & Background by: adowhorebles @ The Evanescent Affection Poster Shop


Firstly, I'm sorry. I know I said I'd update earlier but right after I published the previous chapter, I was donw with a fever. -_-" I was so sick that I stayed in bed for one whole week! My body was burning and my head was pounding like crazy and it got worse every time I tried to look at the screen. So I had no choice but to stay away from my computer. But don't worry, I still managed to write bits and pieces on my phone and I actually managed to finish two chaptera - 9 and 10. Chapter 10, howver, is not fully retyped to the computer yet so I'm gonna do that today. And I'll probably edit a few things as well so that will only be published tomorrow or the day after. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed chapter 9!

Who would expect to see Minzy doing the 'stalking' on the net, right? Hahaha! And I bet nobody expected her to make GIFs and whatnot. She's such a netizen! XD And she even showed the others the video of her and Kai dancing together! Hmm... what do you think is happening inside Minzy's mind exactly? :D

Feel free to leave your comments below. I welcome constructive criticisms but please, no bashing. Hee. To those who haven't, well... *coughs* do subscribe and *coughs* upvote. XD

See you in the next chapter!

Love, A.

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Chapter 26: He vomit... wow.. that's unexpected. Great fic btw..
seemstobeadream #2
Chapter 26: That was a great fic <3
barakai #3
Chapter 11: Omg this is awesome! Its cute!
I'm not a big fan of 2NE1 but after this chaps i think i am one kk
Teamiiin omg! That was amazing!
Chapter 12: after I read the epilogue I immediately re-read chapter's like their After 5 years scenario!! \^0^/~~ mwehehehe
Chapter 26: why did he vomit!!??? ugh!~ poor chanyeol and beakhyun! hahaha!!!~ anyway..until the end this two pabos made me laugh..this story is definitely included in my favorites! end it very well Authorniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!..I know I'll miss reading your updates about this two pabos..It's kinda bittersweet, but I know SehunZy is now next so..KYAH!!!!~~ I'm excited!!! \^0^/!!!!~~<3333 KaiMinzy! and SehunMinzy FIGHTING!!!
jiwonku #6
Chapter 26: Congratulation!!!!!!!!! wohoooooo congratulationor finishing this story. This is really awesome, I love this story and you authornimmmm hehe. Thank you authornim. I will really miss this story, how i smile mischievous, how i smile wide, how i angry and sad and cry. Auuuuuu
Btw, i already subscribe your new fic a long time ago. Please make another story. Hehe you are a good writer authorniiim
Chapter 26: hahhahahhahhahhaa...... upvote for this story ~kkkkkkk
Chapter 26: thank youuuuuu for this awesome story of course the ending was superb!!!! *___*
Chapter 26: It's a bittersweet feeling. The ending make me happy but I'm sad that it's the end :(. I'm looking forward the bonus chapters and your next story.