Lead Singer & Leader

Sunny Gurlz! ***APPLY OPEN***

Username : Azzibear


Name: Jazmine Huang


Bio: Jazmine was born on January 2nd, 1989 in Hong Kong, China. She is the youngest of three children and came from a high middle-class family. And, even for middle-class her family had quite a lot of money. When she was only three she was sent to a private boarding school in Thailand. While she was there she started to see the world and learn to admire it's beauty and even though she was young she always knew in her heart what she wanted to be. She wanted to be an artist. Not those silly little idols that called themselves artist but real ones that create amazing pieces of music. Her parents always wanted their children to be successful doctors or lawyers,which by the way both of her older siblings did become, but Jazmine wanted to be different and follow her own path. When Jazmine was seven she had her first music class at her boarding school. She was amazed at how something so little could create something bigger than her wildest imaginations. For the next three years Jazmine worked hard day and night practicing her skills and eventually she became better than all of the other children in her entire school. People started to see that she was a young prodigy and that she was going to be a big star someday. But, Jazmine didn't want to be famous and she didn't want the money, all she wanted to do was sing, dance, and rap without having to be put to a standard. So, she left the boarding school which she had stayed at for most of her life and went back to Hong Kong. She had been gone for eight years and now she was eleven. When she had finally gotten back home she saw that it was empty and nobody had bothered to tell her. She also noticed a note on the kitchen counter. The note said " Dearest Jazmine, We will be back soon and please don't worry. Ms. Lee will be over everyday to check on you. We love you, Sincerely Mother and Father." The lady they had talked about never came to Jazmine and she was stuck by herself for 2 whole weeks. During that time Jazmine had time to think about what she wanted to do in the future and she realized that there was nothing she could be better at than music and that it was her life's goal. So, she decided to never let any body get in her way.Including her own family. Then her parents came back and she lived happily....sort of. She stayed with her parents for 6 more years until she finally decided to move out. During those 6 years she acted like the perfect daughter and was the perfect straight "A" student. But, she was really during those years trying to find her escape, so she could do what she wanted. And, without her parents permission she applied for a university in South Korea. She got in and hurriedly signed up for every music class she could afford. She had to get 3 jobs to pay for the cost of the rent and the tuition for university. She didn't want her parents to know she was studying music in Korea when they thought she was studying pre-law, so she tried to hide it from them until they found out. When her parents found out they didn't want to hear Jazmine's side of the story and immediately disowned her as their daughter. But, that hasn't stopped her from her dream, and with or without her family she will reach her goal. No matter what happens....


Birthday : January 2nd,1990



Position :

  • Lead Singer 
  • Leader


Language : 

  • Fluent: English & Japanese
  • Semi-Fluent: Korean


Likes :

  • Sweets (lollipops)
  • Skin ship
  • Acting crazy
  • Talking a lot
  • Comedy movies
  • Video games 
  • Going on the computer
  • Swimming
  • Pokemon
  • Animes
  • Music in general



  • Liars
  • Fakes
  • Anything pink she will destroy
  • Flying in airplanes
  • Dresses
  • Putting on a lot of makeup
  • Sharp objects
  • Demanding people
  • Bugs
  • Thunder
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Congrats to the girls~~!!! ^^
holy moley min and I have the same birthday ^^ <br />
its destiny LOL
SONEForLife #3
Its ok :)
Yay! Thank you I apoligize for my application being so short!!
Here goes my application AGAIN~~!!! Sorrie I forgot the BIO~~!!!<br />
>>>> http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/51532<;br />
And AGAIN congrats to the following~~!!! =^.^=
Thanks for choosing my app! and i can't wait to see the other members~^^
wah another one already <br />
yay<br />
Here goes my application~~!!! Hope you like it~~!!! ^^ <br />
>>>> http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/51532<;br />
Congrats to the following~~!!! =^.^=
Here's my app!! and i applied as Angelina Seo ~^^ http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/51526<;br />
And congrats to everyone chosen so far :D