Sub-Dancer & Sub-Singer

Sunny Gurlz! ***APPLY OPEN***
Username: Lovelykpopgurl


Name: Angelina Seo//Seo An Hee


Bio:Alexandra was born in Seoul, South Korea and is the 3rd of 5 children.When she was only 3 months old her family moved to Sydney,Australia because her father got a job there.After living there for about 9 years her family moved again to New York City, New york because her father got transfered once again.She then lived there for another 10 years before moving out alone and going back to Seoul because she wanted to prove them (her family) that she wasn't usless and that she doesn't need her family to be successful.When she got to Seoul she was practically homeless and had to work 3 jobs to pay of her rent.She was then scouted by YG entertainment to become a model, but she then realized she could sing really well.So at YG she trained in modeling,singing, and trained espcially hard in her dancing and rapping.



Personality:  Alexandra is a semi - introverted person.Her mood changes a lot and most of the time it looks like she is PMS-ing. She is known for her quick thoughts and combacks to people's jokes. She can get out of any situation wether it's by her words or by force.Most people think just because she is small that she can be easily messed with,but they think worng.Alexandra is the type of person who can laugh at a joke unless it's about her , because then she's going to get her revenge on you and it's going to be good(for her). She is considered the evil mastermind.Alexandra really loves teasing people and seeing how far they can go before they get mad.and her laugh is really funny just like leeteuk's (super junior).Whenever she wants something or wants to do a certain thing no one can stop her even if it's life threatning. Even though she is kinda introverted it's only around people she doesn't know but if you do know her you're going to wish you didn't.She also loves embarassing people. and even though she is small and introverted she can be really y ;P But she would most likely mess it up by being clumsy that's why even with her height she still doesn't wear heels.And since she didn't have a lot of money growing up she's really stingy and let's other people pay for everything.she also has serious anger management issues.She also isn't very secretive and will tell you anything unless it's about her family if it is she will get really mad and blow up. When she is sad she will go into a totally different world and become very distant.She is really slow sometimes and it takes a long time to get when something's happening to her.Like for example, if somebody's playing a joke on her she wouldn't know untill someone told her.


Birthday : March 3rd, 1995


Position :


  • Sub Dancer and Sub Vocalist


Language(s) : 

  • Fluent: English and Korean
  • Learning: Japanese


Likes :

  • Eating/Food
  • Sleeping in
  • Talking
  • Singing
  • Annoying people
  • Cooking
  • Video Games
  • Sports
  • Lollipops
  • Black
  • She basically likes anything that doesn't piss her off of annoy her



  • Girls who are way taller than her
  • Being told to shut up
  • Not saying her opinion
  • Elevators because she hates getting stuck in them
  • Thunder
  • Being told she's fat because she eats a lot
  • Dogs and every type of bug there is
  • Waking up early in the morning
  • Sunshine
  • Basically anything that pisses her off
  • Being called Unnie because she doesn't want to seem old
  • Girls who act too cute/use too much aegyo
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Congrats to the girls~~!!! ^^
holy moley min and I have the same birthday ^^ <br />
its destiny LOL
SONEForLife #3
Its ok :)
Yay! Thank you I apoligize for my application being so short!!
Here goes my application AGAIN~~!!! Sorrie I forgot the BIO~~!!!<br />
>>>><;br />
And AGAIN congrats to the following~~!!! =^.^=
Thanks for choosing my app! and i can't wait to see the other members~^^
wah another one already <br />
yay<br />
Here goes my application~~!!! Hope you like it~~!!! ^^ <br />
>>>><;br />
Congrats to the following~~!!! =^.^=
Here's my app!! and i applied as Angelina Seo ~^^<;br />
And congrats to everyone chosen so far :D