Lead Dancer & Image Of The Group

Sunny Gurlz! ***APPLY OPEN***

Username :emobunbun

Name: Lee Cherry

Cherry is Half korean half japanese-chinese.
Born and raised in america by her single mother (Jap/Chi) and grandparents.
Her father had left her and her mother at a young age but that didnt bother her, she grew up in a poor-middle class family. Born in Daly City California she and her family relocated to Florida at a young age. Raised in the sunshine state Cherry is a water baby and loves to swim also being the only child she learned how to do housework to help out (fixing things, cooking,cleaning ect). She always loved learning and graduated from high school early. after graduating she got a job to help the family. soon after her grandparents became ill and unfortunatly passed. Having lived full lives cherry was happy they werent in pain. Her and  her mother soon decieded to change pace. Cherry ,having always wanted to go,suggested moving to korea (her fathers origins). Even though her mother didnt speak a word of korean (cherry did, she learned it by herself to know her culture) she said yes and they soon moved. Her mother got a job at a school teaching high schoolers english.Cherry also started taking college courses online and attending some lectures while she was working at a small cafe.

Cherry's co-worker had convinced her to audition, knowing she loved song and dance but never really followed through with it.Cherry agreed and to her suprise made it.


Birthday : Aug 6 1992

Position :
Lead dancer or Image of the group

Language(s) :English,Japanese, and Chinese (fluent) Korean (above average but not fluent)

Likes :
Heels (yup shorty's best friend :P)
Dancing and singing
Fixing things ( cars, furniture, computers, electronics ect)
Animals (cats and fish the most)
Doing gymnastics and acrobatics
Cooking and Baking
Traditional japanese and chinese things (Asian pride FTW)
 Hanging out with her friends


Washing silverware and cups
Bad drivers
People who whine to much
People that dont understand the word NO
Religion pushers aka people that push religion onto others
People who act fake and/or snobbish

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Congrats to the girls~~!!! ^^
holy moley min and I have the same birthday ^^ <br />
its destiny LOL
SONEForLife #3
Its ok :)
Yay! Thank you I apoligize for my application being so short!!
Here goes my application AGAIN~~!!! Sorrie I forgot the BIO~~!!!<br />
>>>> http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/51532<;br />
And AGAIN congrats to the following~~!!! =^.^=
Thanks for choosing my app! and i can't wait to see the other members~^^
wah another one already <br />
yay<br />
Here goes my application~~!!! Hope you like it~~!!! ^^ <br />
>>>> http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/51532<;br />
Congrats to the following~~!!! =^.^=
Here's my app!! and i applied as Angelina Seo ~^^ http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/51526<;br />
And congrats to everyone chosen so far :D