I'm Yours

Love is You.. like music
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I'm Yours




Luhan felt like he was standing with no warm clothes worn at that time of night of middle winter.

Because, it rained all day, the night air felt so chilly. Every time the chilly wind blew against him, he felt like vibration going allover his body and right through his bones.

‘Was it really necessary to stand out at such an hour of night?’- He was thinking while walking back and forth.

Well? Who was he kidding? He was the one initiating this idea. He could clearly remember how he called Sehun and whined over the phone like a baby saying how lonely he was feeling and how much he was missing his boyfriend.





“I’m lonely!”

Sehun sighed again before replying- “Should I come over?”

“Mhmm. I’m missing you~”

“Ok. I’ll be there soon.”

And just like the type of boyfriend Sehun was, he agreed to company his boyfriend at midnight, ditching his sweet sleep.



At a point, Luhan started feeling so bored out that he started stomping his foot on the ground bit by bit. It would’ve turned into furious stomping only if Sehun were just a bit late to arrive.

“Hey.” Sehun greeted.

“Hi...” Luhan greeted back with a down expression. –“It wasn’t fun at all waiting here for this long alone in this freezing weather, you know?” He added pouting.

“Well....sorry. Don’t mind me buying hot chocolate for you on my way which made me run late. I just....thought, it would help you warm up a bit.” The younger replied calmly looking at the dimming street light.

Luhan’s mouth slacked open. He couldn’t find a good reason or excuse for why that boy had to be a step ahead of him all the time.

Then again, Sehun always appeared more matured than him from the very first..... even though he was the older one.


Luhan took the chocolate cup with rosy cheeks, smiling broad, the hotness of the cup making him smile wider for the very little warmth it was providing.

Sehun was always more matured than him but well.....whatever! Did it matter too much to him if his Sehun acted older? It didn’t.

“Are you not gonna thank me?” The younger asked.

“Oh! Ah..hahhah! Yeah! Thank you, Sehunnie~” Luhan said laughing awkwardly.

“You’re welcome.” Was Sehun’s answer before he had planted a sweet kiss on the older’s forehead. –“Let’s walk now, shall we?”





While walking silently through the lone path and sipping from his hot chocolate, Luhan noticed Sehun didn’t have hot chocolate for his own.

“Sehun-ah, you didn’t buy one for yourself?” He asked frowning.

“No. On my way, I only found one store opened because you see, it was already midnight and they had only one cup left.” Sehun replied.

“Huh! Too honest.” The older murmured to himself.

“What? You said something?”

“Eh? No!” Luhan answered smiling innocently. –“Here, share mine.” He suggested almost shoving the cup on the younger’s lips.

“Stop shoving things into my mouth, Lu!?” The younger sighed exclaiming.-“You drink. I’m not cold.”



“I said- LIAR!” The older shouted out making the younger cover his mouth with his hand hurriedly.

“Don’t shout for God’s sake, Lu!! It’s midnight! Peoples will be up because of your high pitched shouts!”

When the younger removed his hand from Luhan’s mouth he was met with a pouting face.

“But you lied!” Luhan whined.

“I did not!” Sehun answered firmly.

“You did!” Luhan stated back as firmly as he could.

The younger groaned rubbing his forehead tiredly. He was tired already for waking up from a sound sleep and then he had to deal with his whining boyfriend. –“God, Lu!! What’ll I do with you?”

“You won’t have to do anything. Just stop acting all older~older~ and share it with me. I know you’re cold too.” The older replied simply giving away his widest smile.

It wasn’t even funny but for some odd reason Sehun couldn’t help but smile which turned into a series of soft laughter in a second.

They kept sipping from the same hot chocolate cup while walking silently with Luhan swinging their intertwined hand back and forth like a kiddo.

They walked a few more minutes together until Luhan was tired enough to have felt like sleeping right then and there, talking about this and that .








“Sehun-ah~” Luhan whined again sleepily as Sehun tried to straighten up after tucking the older in bed. The younger stared at the older’s face that had his eyes closed. He smiled gently, taking his seat beside Luhan on his bed once again.

“Yes, your highness. Please, tell me what you please to make me do, now.” He said smiling while affectionately brushing away the lose strands of hairs from the older’s forehead.

Luhan smiled with his eyes still closed. –“Mhmm~” He moaned before wrapping both of his arms around Sehun’s stronger one and opening his eyes. And –“Don’t go.” He whined looking right into the younger’s eyes with his sleepy hazy ones.

Sehun gazed at the hazy brown begging eyes before looking away almost forcefully. He chuckled. –“Now...Now... Little devil, don’t you dare try to trap me with those eyes. It’s already this late. I need to go home before my mom finds me missing, somehow.”

“NoOooooo~” Again a long whine from the older’s sleepy voice.

“Lu. Try to understand!”

“NooOoooo~ No! No! No! Stay. Sehunnnieeee~”



Sehun just sighed. It was already hard enough cause there was no need to mention just how much  irresistible the older looked and sounded at the same time at that very moment.

“Gawsh! You little devil. What do you want me to do?!” He  groaned.

“Come, sleep with me.” Luhan almost chirped with a broad smile opening his arms wide open for the younger to accept the warm embrace he had offered.

Sehun laughed out seeing the sudden change of the older’s act.

“Why are you laughing?” Luhan asked pouting.

“Ok. Ok, baby. I’ll stay until you fall asleep.” Sehun said laughing softly.

The older blushed hearing the nick-name. One of the moments when his Sehun becomes all affectionate and loving. –“Okay.” He whispered scooting away to make space.

“Oh! You want me to lie down with you?” It wasn’t a question. Sehun could very well understand what the older wanted him to do. He didn’t wait for an answer and rather satisfied his boyfriend by lying down beside him like a good boy.

Soon enough Luhan’s face was tucked into Sehun’s crook of neck and wrapped up in his warm embrace, snoring softly from sound and deep sleep.


The whole time Sehun was staring at his sleeping face with such adore. For a moment Sehun thought about spending the night there with his precious boyfriend securely wrapped up in his arms but he shook away the thought. A few more minutes passing with him staring at that innocent, angelic face and he might not be able to stop himself from pouncing on his sleeping boyfriend. As much as he knew his boyfriend, he wouldn’t mind his sudden action at all but still, he would never do something like that. He would never take advantage of his boyfriend. Never. Because he loved him.

Sehun slowly and carefully slipped away from his sleeping boyfriend who wiggled and whined once because of the sudden loss of the comfortable warmth before drowning into deep sleep again.

After placing a small, sweet kiss on Luhan’s thin lips and soft murmuring of ‘I love you' , Sehun was out of the room in no time.








The next morning, Luhan woke up wrapped up with a warm blanket. With a series of and whining, he sat up.

“Ahh....peaceful good-night-sleep~ peaceful morning~ peaceful life~ with a loving, caring, peaceful boyfriend~ Ahh...heaven!!” He sang recalling the previous night events.

It actually left him quite surprised after recalling all of it that...he can be quite whiny sometimes! Wow!

“Can’t wait to jump into Sehunnie’s arms again!” He whispered getting up.

After washing up, Luhan went towards his kitchen to have his usual breakfast. Then he would call Sehun to come over to his place. Going out sounded like a great idea. The weather seemed nice. It would be great to spend a majority of their sweet time with the nice weather and beautiful nature. And yes! Music is always a must to every little thing Luhan does.






It was evening when Luhan decided to call Sehun to come over. The ideal time to wander around in the nature and spend some romantic moments with the loved one.

But well, trouble seems like a gooey, stingy thingy that doesn’t wanna let any dream go on as dreamily as the dreamer wants it to be.




“Luhan, try to understand. I’m busy. It’s not possible for me to come over right now.” Luhan listened Sehun saying with the same monotonous tone again over the phone.

“But Sehunnie, it’s a weekend and we haven’t even met yet! Just think about it. How many things could we do today, together!”The older whined.

“You think about it, just how many weekends are waiting ahead of us. We can do all those things on all those weekends.”  Was the same monotonous reply.

“Sometimes I really wonder if I really am the older one in our relationship.” Luhan huffed and heard Sehun sighing.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m still the dominator.”

“You’re so mean!”

“I know that.”

“Urgh! Sehun-ah!”

“No Luhan. I don’t wanna deal with a whiny boyfriend right now. You don’t know how important this work is for me. I’m seriously very busy. I’m not even supposed to be talking to you at this moment!” The younger replied frustrated.

Luhan felt like someone just slapped him out to reality. It wasn’t a good one, a very bad one. He felt like it was all a dream from the moment on his eyes found that stoic faced over attractive boy called Sehun till the moment the same Sehun’s piercing words slapped him out to reality. In which reality, he was just a lonely Chinese cute looking one of those popular boys of his versity living in Korea without his family.

It was true that Sehun had always kept up that cold face of his but Luhan had got to know the younger and he believed anything but the possibility of Sehun to be rough on him. The younger hardly showed his emotion or soft side but he believed there was actually a soft characteristic hiding behind that cold stoic face. He was almost getting used to that soft side of Sehun because that was the side Sehun was often showing while they were together. So, obviously this sudden cold behaves offended Luhan badly. He couldn’t believe his the-sweetest-boyfriend-in-the-world just rejected him so directly. He had so many plans! He was waiting for the burning sun to subside so that he could go out with Sehun. But, look at him now. The poor him.

“W-whiny? H-how can you say that?!” He uttered with disbelief. –“And for God’s sake what kind of important work are you even doing not to be able to explain your boyfriend in a bit softer way that you’re so damn busy?!!!” He exclaimed.

He coul

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anaha10 #1
Chapter 1: Wow!!
I guess I finally found someone who has the same name as me?
I mean my name is shorna too :p
Onk val laglo fic ta er 1st chappie .
Gna try the next chappie now :D :D
Oh Myy Goodness!
did u urslf made this cover photo??! this is freaking awesome! you've just busted it,.in a good way. i cant blv YOU made this, but not other poster maker. wow! im...impressed! TOTALLY!
Chapter 3: here, Sehun is lil changed version of you..hehe, at least that's what it seemed to me- going thru the whole chapter. Sehun is sooo loving too and...I'm not sure if u get that part in u tho... i mean being this frigging loving n all! xD
u know cold people have their own way of expressing love, n that's so weirdly beautiful *blushes*
i mentioned this earlier, ryt? you r just hella good at writing fluff. I REALLY love your fluffiness ^_^
Chapter 2: how did you learn to write this whole lot of fluffy things??! O.O Aww!!
I'm still smiling :) it's just so very sweet \^^/
I'm sorry that I'm late :(
(n i have a lot of things to learn from you! n I'm not lying)
Ah now. . . .
It's perfect! It seems quite interesting to me now even when i dont head to the next chapter ^^
you've done great, honey ^^
Chapter 1: 1st of all, tell me where did u find it- the things Luhan read or heard once? who wrote it?? you have to tell me those. i cant access to the links you provided (I'm being poor when it comes to recharging phone)
then, come to you... you know you really have to change the description coz the story is really really beautiful, while the description said it was boring! waah honey you r really brilliant! u know it's a smart story? it might be a weird comment but it's true. and the story is so well-organised! the editing was so nice too!