Chapter 6 - Making It Official

No Regrets, Just Love [Hiatus]


Chapter 6


[Key’s P.O.V]


                   I woke up in Jonghyun’s arms. The morning sunlight was shining through the curtains. This could be heaven. I wanted to stay in his arms forever, but I forced myself to wake up. There were maids to make breakfast for me and Taemin, but sometimes I like to make breakfast myself. Especially those days when Jonghyun slept over.

                   I brushed my teeth and made sure every strand of my hair was perfectly in place before going to the room next to me to wake Taemin up. I was careful not to wake Jonghyun. He should probably sleep for a little while more.

                   I knocked softly on Taemin’s room door and opened it. I looked at the bundle under the covers on the bed. There was something odd about the shape. Taemin didn’t get THAT fat overnight, did he?

                   Curious, I cautiously walked over to the side of the bed and lightly tapped the “thing” under the covers with my finger. It grunted and rolled over. It took me a few moments to realize that there were actually TWO people under the covers, not one.

                   I ripped open the blanket and gasped in shock. My baby Taemin was sleeping in the arms of the guy that brought him home that day when he broke his ankle! What’s his name…? Minho, I think. Yeah, that’s it. Minho.

                   I smacked Minho’s face lightly. When he just grunted in response and tightened his grip on Taemin, I smacked him harder. He just grunted and buried his face in Taemin’s hair. Oh this is it. He is so going to get it!

                   I pounced on top of him and adjusted his head till the position his head was in became the perfect angle I wanted it to be. Then, I started smacking both sides of his face until he eventually woke up. His cheeks were red from all my slapping and he was furious.

                   Taemin woke up to the sound of my slapping. He rubbed his eyes and pouted cutely at me. He was still half awake until Minho shouted.

                   “Yah! Get the hell off me!” Minho shouted at me. I just grinned evilly and held his wrists above his head, so that he couldn’t move his hands.

                   “Not until you tell me what you’re doing in my baby’s bed! And if you him, I swear- ” I was cut off mid-sentence when I heard Jonghyun yelling at me.

                   “Yah! Kibum! What the hell are you doing on top of the guy?!” A jealous Jonghyun came over to the bed, still half asleep. Oops. I guess all this commotion in Taemin’s bedroom must have woke him up. Jonghyun dragged me off Minho and carried me off the bed. He set me down gently on the floor and hugged me from the back protectively.

                   “Let go of me! I’m trying to find out why there’s a guy in Taemin’s bed!” I struggled to get out of Jonghyun’s firm grasp.

                   Taemin was wide awake now and started waving his hands frantically in front of his face. If he wasn’t so adorable, I would be pissed at him for having a guy in his bed. I softened and stopped struggling at the sight of my baby’s cuteness. Jonghyun’s arms relaxed around me but he still held me in his arms.

                   I guess Jonghyun was wide awake now and his appa senses kicked in. “Yeah, Taemin! Why is this guy in your bed?!” Jonghyun started interrogating Taemin.

                   “No no no! This is not what you guys think!” Taemin said quickly, still waving his hands frantically in front of his face.

                   I raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? Then what are we supposed to think?” I asked Taemin. Taemin blushed and couldn’t find a reply. Minho just looked confused, sitting on Taemin’s bed.

                   Jonghyun and Taemin’s stomachs growled at the same time. I sighed. This interrogating session was going to have to wait. I leaned back into Jonghyun’s embrace and kissed him on the cheek. “Fine. I’m going to cook breakfast for everyone. When we’re done eating, then I’m going to want the truth. Or else.” I shot them my infamous laser stare and they got the message, nodding their heads, gulping.

                   Jonghyun followed me downstairs into the kitchen and we left Taemin and Minho in Taemin’s bedroom. I wonder what excuse those two are going to come up with. As if I didn’t have a “sense-Taemin’s-lies” radar in me.


[Minho’s P.O.V]


                   . I am in deep and I know it. Looking at Taemin, I knew that he was nervous too. I sighed. I really didn’t know how to handle Taemin’s “umma and appa”.

                   “Taemin-ah, what are we going to tell them?” I asked him eventually.

                   Which made me wonder, what are we? Were we boyfriends? Or just friends? No, definitely more than just friends. Boyfriends? We haven’t really made that official yet.

                   Taemin looked down at his hands in his lap. “I don’t know.” He answered with a small voice.

                   Well, then. It’s now or never.

                   “Taemin, will you be my boyfriend?” I asked him. I reached over and held his hands with one of my hand, while my other hand tilted up his chin so that he was looking at me.

                   He blushed and looked down. I smiled. He’s so cute when he blushes. He can be manly and y and everything, but when he’s not trying to be cute, that’s when he’s the cutest, especially when he blushes. He’s so irresistible.

                   “Y-yes, hyung.” He answered, still blushing.

                   I laughed and picked him up in my arms, bridal style, to the bathroom. We cleaned up and headed downstairs. Key was still glaring at me, and I could tell that Jonghyun was restraining himself from doing the same. We ate in silence and when the maids came to clear away the plates, Jonghyun finally looked at me.

                   “So, do you guys have an explanation now?” He asked. Whoa. This guy looks cool with the three colored hair and all, but he can be such an appa when he wants to. I looked at Taemin. He was already looking at me.

                   “He’s my boyfriend.” Taemin and I said at the same time.

                   Key gaped at us. I could tell he was going to explode. I looked to Jonghyun for help and he noticed my plea. He put his hand on Key’s arm, saying “Okay. At least you guys are honest about it, but you should’ve told us earlier.”

                   Key calmed down a bit. “We would, but we’ve only just made it official.” I said to Jonghyun. I was nervously eyeing Key. Key seemed to have calmed down and I noticed that it was because Jonghyun held his hand. Whoa. They have to be really in love for Jonghyun to know Key so well and for Key to be able to be affected by Jonghyun with such a simple action.

                   I found Taemin’s hand under the table and pulled his hand towards me. I’ve never seen affection between my parents and although I’ve experienced it on a certain level with Vince, I could tell that the affection between Jonghyun and Key was different. I looked at Taemin. I could feel myself starting to trust these people. So now I have four people I trust. Onew hyung, Taemin, Jonghyun hyung and Key hyung.


A/N : -

Okay, so like I said, I've been trying my best to continue this story, and I finally have a new chapter done and up for you guys!

Sorry if it ! ):

Anyways, I'll be slowly introducing more and more Jongkey into this story, since now the story isn't just 2min anymore.

Give me feedback and comments! I would like to know what you think (:

Oh, and.. I don't know when I might update with another chapter again, so... :\

Anyways, Thank you for reading x.

P/S. so anyways, I see some authors doing pic spams at their author notes, and I was wondering if you would like me to do pic spam at my author notes as well? let me know! I think I might do it anyways, but if I get feedback saying that you guys want more pic spam then I'll spam more :D (I'll start in the next chapter)

P/P/S. yeah okay I know this was a very short chapter ): sorry again!

P/P/P/S. So yeah.. now I know they're all happy and all, but I'm going to make them suffer a bit in the future.. although I don't know how they are going to suffer, but... yeah. Relax! I'm not some sick psycho. I just mean I'm going to add a twist in the story before ending it, so don't worry! This won't be the end (: but.. yeah I don't know when my inspiration is going to come ;_;

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Omo sweet jongkey time. That was exiting.<br />
Udate soon
LoveforMBLAQ #2
I'm glad it's slipped in here and there. (especially the part where they are 'umma' and 'appa')<br />
He cares about his baby so much xD Like how he 'smacked' Minho's face. THAT'S SO KEY! And then Jonghyun having to sort of... Convince Key and reassure him...<br />
I praise you. <br />
I then proceed to bow down.
LoveforMBLAQ #3
“Taemin… what if I can’t get over my past? I love you, but I’m afraid to love you.” I could hear the sincerity in his voice. He was asking me indirectly to pick up his broken pieces.<br />
DFIOULDFKJLSFKJ. SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PARAGRAPH STANDS OUT. AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. BUT I LIKE IT.Maybe it's got something to do with the character Minho possesses? Because I find myself admiring the cheesy-ness of him in this. And the angsty?-ness he carries with him. OH AND. The fact that he doesn't have the same personality that he has in other fics. I like the fact that he's insecure about a lot of things. And had worried about getting hurt again. IT'S SO DIFFERENT. YET... SO GREAT.<br />
<br />
I know that it clearly says 'hiatus' everywhere, but can I ignore that and beg you to update soon? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE<br />
I should'nt have started to read this, because now I only want to read more -.-<br />
alaskagirl #4
I loved it baby girl!! Keep on writing, even if its at turtle pace then thats ok because your not rushed and you can take your time with this story and really get to know your own characters and thats the best thing ever!!
SherlocKey #5
@alaskagirl , @SHINee4ever5 , @Minni_Lover ; thank you <3
Wah~u updated!<br />
Its a great 1! I love it
I was gonna subscribe to this as well :/<br />
Maybe I still will <3
I'll b waiting! Plz do update as soon as possible!
SHINee4ever5 #9
I love this story <3
alaskagirl #10
My thinks I'm in love with this story ^^ More pwease?? <3