Chapter 7 - You're Only Mine

No Regrets, Just Love [Hiatus]


Chapter 7


[Key’s P.O.V]


                   I’ve been really stressed out at work recently. There was just too much pressure for me to handle. Jonghyun was really stressed too. He says he’s fine but I see it. I know him too well, after all.

                   Since Taemin is out with Minho and I’m the only one home, I decided to go to the club tonight to have some fun. Today’s Friday and I had the weekend off as a reward from the boss for working hard lately. I worked at a company and had quite high a position, which paid me well but also puts a strain on my personal life.

                   I could work at Taemin’s father’s company, as he was my uncle after all, but I refused to get a high position in a company just because I was related to the boss. I knew that if I worked in my uncle’s company, he would dote on me and treat me differently compared to other workers.

                   I called Jonghyun and told him to meet me up at the club we usually go to. I dressed up in my iest outfit and headed out the door. I really didn’t need my skinny jeans, since I knew I could be y in so many other ways. After all, Jonghyun just can’t resist me and there must be a reason.

                   I walked into the club and the smell of alcohol and smoke drifted up my nostrils. The music was pounding and it felt like the walls were pounding along with it. I looked around, trying to find Jonghyun. All I saw were tons of people on the dance floor. Shrugging, I decided to start dancing without waiting for Jonghyun’s arrival. That puppysaur was always late. I knew he must have a reason for being late, but right now I just wanted to dance.

                   I walked right into the middle of the dance floor. I let the music flow through my veins and control my body. I shut my eyes and just enjoyed the feeling.


[Jonghyun’s P.O.V.]


                   I was late. I had to finish something at work but I rushed right over here after changing my clothes at home. Being the company’s manager was great, but the workload was driving me nuts.

                   I made my way through the crowd on the dance floor. Everybody had stopped dancing and were gathered in a circle in the middle of the dance floor. They looked as if they were watching an interesting performance. I ignored them and looked around, trying to find Key.

                   I couldn’t see him anywhere and decided to see what the commotion was all about. The crowd had started to cheer and holler. I pushed my way to the middle of the crowd to see Key dancing. Everybody had their eyes on him and I could see why.

                   Key had his eyes closed. Knowing him, he probably wasn’t even aware of the crowd. I watched as he moved his hips. Then the song changed and he started popping. I always knew he was an amazing dancer, but now I was totally entranced. I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

                   After what felt like eternity of admiring my boyfriend out there on the dance floor, I saw a good looking guy making his way to the middle of the dance floor where Key was. He was slowly approaching him and he put his hands on Key’s waist. I growled and stepped forward.

                   Then the guy started leaning forward into Key’s body, wanting to kiss Key’s neck. I lost it and punched the guy. I threw punches at him, not aiming to kill, not even to hurt, but just to get him off my boyfriend. Right. MY boyfriend. Okay, that’s it. This guy is going to get hurt. I threw more punches until the guy underneath me started bleeding.


[Key’s P.O.V.]


                   I was totally enjoying myself when I felt a pair of hands on my waist. I thought they were Jonghyun’s hands, so I didn’t bother to take them off. It wasn’t until I felt the guy behind me lean into me when I noticed something off. This guy was wearing cologne and the smell of it was really strong. Jonghyun doesn’t wear cologne at all. I opened my eyes and turned around just in time to see Jonghyun punch the guy in the face.

                   I was shocked as I saw Jonghyun punch the guy. I didn’t react until the guy started bleeding. I pulled Jonghyun off and dragged him out of the club. We would’ve probably got thrown out of the club anyway.

                   “Jonghyun! What the heck!” I said to his back. That’s right, he was walking in front of me and I could see from his tense back that he was fuming mad.

                   “How could you let him touch you?” Jonghyun said, turning around to look at me. The worst part was that he sounded hurt, not angry. If he was angry and shouted at me, it would be easier to take. But my heart just broke listening to his hurt voice. He clenched and unclenched his fist. What hurt even more was knowing that no matter how pissed he was, he would never take out his anger on me. He was angry but he didn’t want to direct his anger at me.

                   I softened and took the few steps forward that separated us. I cupped my hands on his cheek and looked into his eyes. I wanted to make sure he heard what I had to say.

                   “I’m sorry, Jjongie. I thought it was you, I really did. When I noticed that he smelled different, it was already too late and you already punched him. I’m sorry, okay? I promise I won’t let anyone else touch me that way again.” I kissed the tip of his nose.

                   He nodded and I smiled. He put his hands around me and pulled me into a hug. We stayed like that for a while.

                   “It’s just that I get jealous when other guys touch you. You know that, right? I hate that sometimes I’m so over protective, but I just love you. I’m sorry. You understand, right?” He whispered in my ear.

                   I nodded. I pulled away and put my arms around his neck. “Well, you should know this already, but I’ll tell you anyway. When I dance, it’s only for you. It’s all only for you. I won’t let anyone else touch me because you don’t like it. I also wouldn’t let anyone else touch me because it would just feel wrong. I love you and only you, okay? I know I’m cheesy sometimes, but I’m saying it because it’s true.” I said while looking into his eyes.

                   He pecked me on the lips. “You know I never get tired of your cheesiness.” We both smiled.

                   “Well, since our plans are ruined, where are we going to go now? I still have on my y outfit, you know. Look, I’m even wearing my favorite skinny jeans!”   I pouted at him. I usually don’t pout, but when I’m with him, I take every chance to. He just can’t resist my pout and it was fun to see him trying not to smile.

                   I didn’t expect his newly planned attack, though. He pouted back at me and gave me his puppy eyes. Oh god. When did he learn that technique? I feel myself melting inside and I knew that I would say yes to whatever he asked for. Sheesh. I have to work on my pout again.

                   “Kibummie, I just wanna go home and cuddle.” He said.

                   “Okay.” I didn’t even protest. I didn’t have the strength to after seeing his –adorable- expression.

                   We walked home hand in hand and even though my plan for the night was ruined, I was happy. We cuddled in bed and kissed and talked until the Sun came up. He kept telling me he loved me every five minutes. His insecurities would be annoying to some people, but it just made me want to love him more. Not like I had a choice. I already love him too much to ever let him go anyway.


Author's note :-

Hey again :D

So I actually DREAMT of this scene, would you believe it? I had it a few days ago and today I decided to write it into my fanfic :D

How was it? Tell me what you think! :D

And yeah I said that there would be more Jongkey, so here it is! (:

This is like a filler chapter though.. just a fluffy chappie, not getting the story anywhere D;

Oh wells. Anyways, here's the macro spam I promised :D

This is the Onew edition, to make up for his lack of appearances in this fic :\

Technically, it's the OnChicken edition xD

So.. you like? you like? :D

Oh, and apologies for this chappie being too short D;

Love ya <3 x.

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Omo sweet jongkey time. That was exiting.<br />
Udate soon
LoveforMBLAQ #2
I'm glad it's slipped in here and there. (especially the part where they are 'umma' and 'appa')<br />
He cares about his baby so much xD Like how he 'smacked' Minho's face. THAT'S SO KEY! And then Jonghyun having to sort of... Convince Key and reassure him...<br />
I praise you. <br />
I then proceed to bow down.
LoveforMBLAQ #3
“Taemin… what if I can’t get over my past? I love you, but I’m afraid to love you.” I could hear the sincerity in his voice. He was asking me indirectly to pick up his broken pieces.<br />
DFIOULDFKJLSFKJ. SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PARAGRAPH STANDS OUT. AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. BUT I LIKE IT.Maybe it's got something to do with the character Minho possesses? Because I find myself admiring the cheesy-ness of him in this. And the angsty?-ness he carries with him. OH AND. The fact that he doesn't have the same personality that he has in other fics. I like the fact that he's insecure about a lot of things. And had worried about getting hurt again. IT'S SO DIFFERENT. YET... SO GREAT.<br />
<br />
I know that it clearly says 'hiatus' everywhere, but can I ignore that and beg you to update soon? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE<br />
I should'nt have started to read this, because now I only want to read more -.-<br />
alaskagirl #4
I loved it baby girl!! Keep on writing, even if its at turtle pace then thats ok because your not rushed and you can take your time with this story and really get to know your own characters and thats the best thing ever!!
SherlocKey #5
@alaskagirl , @SHINee4ever5 , @Minni_Lover ; thank you <3
Wah~u updated!<br />
Its a great 1! I love it
I was gonna subscribe to this as well :/<br />
Maybe I still will <3
I'll b waiting! Plz do update as soon as possible!
SHINee4ever5 #9
I love this story <3
alaskagirl #10
My thinks I'm in love with this story ^^ More pwease?? <3