Chapter 1 - Your Eyes Held My Heart

No Regrets, Just Love [Hiatus]

 Chapter 1

[Taemin’s P.O.V]


                    I can’t get the question out of my mind. That day, Key umma was staring into space, thinking, when he suddenly turned around and asked me, “Taemin, what is the luckiest day of your life?”

                    I had been thinking about it ever since. I couldn’t answer Key umma’s question then. I mean, what is the luckiest day of my life? Was it the day I started dancing? Or the day I realized that dancing was my life? Was it the day I got my favorite SHINee album from Jonghyun hyung? Or was it when I won a dancing competition? They were all happy days in my life, but I guess my life is too ordinary.

                    I was walking down the streets, window shopping. Normally, Key umma would drag me along to shop with him, but today I decided to come myself. I needed an outfit for my next dancing competition. If I came with Key umma, I would get dragged into every shop. That guy could shop from the crack of dawn till midnight if he wanted to. I guess I’ll just have to manage without Key umma’s fashion advice then.

                    Nothing in the stores seems to catch my eye. Sigh. I guess I’ll really have to come back with Key umma for the sake of finding the perfect outfit. Might as well get some snacks on the way back though.

                    I walked along the quiet street, trying to find a shop that sells snacks. Suddenly, I heard the sound of heavy footsteps behind me. Thing is, it wasn’t just one person’s footsteps. It sounded like the footsteps of a herd of elephants rushing at me. 

                    Before I could turn around to check out the sound, I was knocked over. I fell onto the hard ground and felt pain shoot up my ankle. Ugh. Clumsy, inconsiderate people who pushed me over, you are so going to feel the wrath of my Jonghyun hyung and Key umma when they see my broken ankle, I silently cursed them.

                    All I could see was a group of tough looking guys holding wooden poles chasing after one guy. Does it really take so many guys to chase one tall guy? But… whoa. That guy is running like the wind! No wonder the guys running after him couldn’t catch up with him.

                    I tried standing up, but I couldn’t. Sigh. This is going to hurt real badly. Suddenly, one of the guys chasing the tall guy stopped and checked me out. He slowly approached me and squatted down in front of me. He traced a finger down my cheek, snickering.

                    “Such a pretty boy. Such a pretty yet helpless boy. Say… if I picked you up and brought you home with me, nobody would notice, right?” The man said, smiling. Something about his smile sent chills up my spine. I slapped his hand away.

                    “Stay away from me. I’ve got a pretty loud scream even if I can’t run.” I retorted coldly. I tried to stand up again, but fell down from the pain that took me aback.

                    “Come on, I’ll get you home. My home, that is. Then when I’m done I’ll see what to do with you.” The man grabbed my arm forcefully and pulled him up. 

                    “No! Let me go! I’ll scream!” I threatened.

                    “Scream..? Who’s there to hear you?” The man chuckled evilly.

                   I looked around. The group of men that were chasing the tall guy was rounding the corner. Just when they were going to disappear around the corner, I locked eyes with the guy that was being chased. Help me. I tried to send a message with my eyes. Then again, I wondered why I asked him for help when he was in trouble. I just had… a feeling that I could trust him when he looked into my eyes.

                   The man had started the drag me across the street. I was limping and my ankle hurt like hell. I need to get out of this. I need to get away.


[Minho’s P.O.V]


                   Crap. They were after me again. I broke out into a run when they started chasing me, but it seems like if I slowed down just the slightest bit, they would catch up with me. Then I’d be dead. Well, not literally, but I would definitely get beaten up.

                   I turned the corner into another street. It was quiet, there was only a guy strolling along the sidewalk. I ran past him and kept my pace. It seems like all the exercising paid off after all. Then again, all the exercising I get is from running away from this group of…

                   I was just about to round another corner when I looked back. The guy who was strolling along the sidewalk was being dragged by a man that was chasing me. He seemed to be limping. His eyes looked at me and it was as if they were asking me for help. I looked at the angry faces of the men that were chasing me, and then back at the guy.

                   I ran even faster, if that was even possible. I raced through an alley and made my way back into the street I just passed. Just as I rounded the corner, I saw the guy kick his leg into the man’s balls. Whoa. He may look fragile and weak, but he sure is something.

                   I was just about to continue running, since the guy looked like he could help himself out pretty well. Then I saw the man standing up while grimacing at the pain coming from his balls. He took out a handkerchief and covered the nose and mouth of the younger guy, who was trying to limp away without making much progress.

                   The man took hold of the younger guy’s arms and held it behind his back. The younger guy was sweating from the pain coming from his leg. I couldn’t stand this anymore. I ran towards them.

                   The younger guy looked at me over the handkerchief the man was holding over his nose and mouth. Please, help me. There it was again. The look in his eyes that makes me want to do everything and anything for him. I turned around and aimed a punch at the man’s stomach. The man buckled from the pain. He released the younger guy. Just when I was about to silently celebrate my victory, the group of men caught up with me.

                   They rained blows and kicks on me while I tried to shield the younger guy from the beating I was getting. The wooden poles hit down hard on my back, but all I could think of at the moment was to get the younger guy to safety.

                   I pushed him under me as I tried to make my way out of the fighting group of men. Somewhere through trying to beat me up, they got confused and started beating each other up instead. I kept my hand on the small of the younger guy’s back as I guided him quickly into the other street.

                   He was limping and wincing from the pain. Probably twisted his ankle or something… I couldn’t get him to the hospital in case they asked too many questions. I stopped in front of a café and doubled over, trying to catch my breath.

                   “Hey, you okay?” The younger guy asked me, with concern showing in his voice. I’ve heard concern before. It wasn’t like anybody actually cared for me. They all either wanted something from me or were just plain fake. I was just so tired of people taking advantage of me and using me.

                   “Why do you care anyway?” My voice was cold. I didn’t know why I’m how I am. It’s just that I’m too used to people pretending to care for me.

                   “Because you just saved my life. Besides, if it was anybody else on the street, I would care too.” He replied. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, right. So you would just walk up to a panting stranger and ask if he was okay? Is there anybody more naïve than this guy?

                   I looked up at him. The retort that was on the way out of my mouth stopped and died in my throat. Whoa. He’s beautiful. And even that was an understatement. He was pretty. He had a pretty face, but that wasn’t it.

                   It was the way his eyes seemed to shine. It was the way he looked at me. After what he’s seen, even after what I said, even after how I’m being such a cold to him, his eyes held no judgment. It was the way he was nervous and fidgeting by the way I was gaping at him. It was the way he just made my heart skip a beat, when all he did was look at me.

                   I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. “Uh… Well… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so rude. I’m fine, thanks. It seems like you’re the one who’s not okay, though. Did you twist your ankle?” I found my voice softening.

                   He smiled. Oh gosh, that smile. I could wake up to that every morning. I found myself smiling back at him even though I usually don’t smile back at people. His smile lit up his whole face, and I could’ve sworn that my heart raced.

                   “I’m okay, hyung. It hurts, but I’ll be fine. Key umma will know what to do.” His smile never left his face, even though he winced at the pain a few times.

                   “Key umma…? Is that your real umma? That sounds like a guy’s name!” I exclaimed. Oh, now he probably thinks I’m weird for asking that.

                   “No, he’s just my ‘umma’, if you get what I mean. He’s my cousin, actually. He stays with me. My parents are out of town for business, so he’s in charge of taking care of me. But then again, he always has taken care of me since my parents hardly pay attention to me.” He laughed, then sobered.

                   Why was he telling me everything when he doesn’t know me? It could be dangerous if I was some criminal or psychopath. Geez. He needed to tone the friendliness down a bit.

                   “Oh, okay. How are you going to get back?” I asked him.

                   “I’ll just walk home or hail a taxi or something.” He answered, a frown crossing his features as if he hadn’t considered that until I asked him.

                   I looked up and down the street. There sure weren’t any taxis around. I sighed. “Well, there aren’t any taxis now. Can you walk? I’ll walk you home.” I offered him. I didn’t know why I was still hanging around him. I didn’t know why I saved him back there.  I guess something about him just has me captured.

                   “I’ll try. It hurts now even when I’m not walking though. I’ll just wait for a taxi.” He answered nonchalantly. He didn’t seem to have any worries. Doesn’t he worry about himself at all?

                   “Here. I’ll help you along. It’s going to hurt more if you leave your ankle unattended.” I held out my arm, which he gratefully held onto. He took a few steps, limping and wincing from the pain.

                   “Stop, stop. It hurts too much, doesn’t it? Just stand still for a second.” I told him, pulling him to a halt. I bent down and carried him bridal style. It probably embarrassed him, since he was blushing, but I couldn’t stand to see him hurt like that with every step he took. Because his wincing was getting on my nerves or because it hurt me that he was hurt, I had no idea. I sure hoped it was the first reason. Falling in love wasn’t an option.

                   He linked his arms behind my neck and relaxed into my arms. I started walking when I realized I had no idea where he lived.

                   “Hey, where do you live?” I asked him.

                   “Just down that street there, turn right, then up the slope.” He pointed to his right.

                   I walked in that direction with him still in my arms. He wasn’t as light as a feather, but he wasn’t heavy. Then again, it could be because of all my working out that made it feel like he doesn’t weigh much.

                   I made my way to his house based on the directions he gave me. We were wrapped in a blanket of comfortable silence. I stole a few glances down at him. He noticed this and got embarrassed, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. I was disappointed that I couldn’t see his face anymore, but his head resting on me felt so right.

                   I finally reached the slope. I stared up at the mansion before me. What? This was his home? Are his parents filthy rich or something?

                   “Hey, is this your home?” I asked him gently.

                   He turned around and looked up at the mansion. “Yeah. There’s a doorbell right at the gate. Just walk there and let me type in the password.”

                   I started up the slope and stopped at the gates to let him type in the password for the gate to open. Walking in further, I could see a few cars parked in the driveway. I wasn’t a car expert, but it was pretty obvious that those cars cost a fortune.

                   We reached the door and before we could open it, a guy stepped out. “Oh my gosh! Minnie! Who is this? Are you okay? Your ankle seems to be in a weird angle.” He said, inspecting the guy who was in my arms. Apparently, his name is Minnie..?

                   “Can we get inside? I should set him down on a couch or something.” I finally said. The guy looked up at me and nodded. He let me in and I set ‘Minnie’ on the couch.

                   “Who are you?” The guy who opened the door interrogated me.

                   “Minho. Choi Minho. Who are YOU? Oh, and what’s his name, actually? It’s not Minnie, right?” I asked him back.

                   “My name’s Kibum. People usually call me Key, though. His name is Taemin. Minnie is just my nickname for him. Wait, what? You don’t know his name and you carried him home?!” Key exclaimed.

                   “Uhh... well… yeah, it’s a long story. I was-” I got cut off by Taemin who was resting on the couch.

                   “I accidentally slipped when I was shopping and Minho was kind enough to bring me home.” Taemin said. I was surprised. What? That was so not what happened, but I guess Taemin didn’t want Key to know the truth, so I kept quiet.

                   “Oh, okay. Well thank you, Minho. Now I got to get him to a hospital or something.” Key looked around for his car keys.

                   “It’s okay. I’ll just look at it for him and his ankle will be fine in a few days. I’ve twisted my ankle a lot of time before so I learned what to do.” I stopped him.

                   “Well, okay. Are you sure, though?” Key was still worried.

                   “Yes. Just pass me a first aid kit." I answered, sitting down next to Taemin on the couch and lifting his leg onto my lap, careful to be gentle.

                   Key handed me a first aid kit and was about to question me more when a voice came from upstairs. It was hard to tell as the house was enormous. “Kibum, can you come upstairs for a second? I want to take a shower and I can’t find your shampoo!” The voice yelled. Key blushed and answered, “I’m coming, dino. Hold on a second!”

                   I raised an eyebrow at Key. Key blushed and decided to leave me to the task of ‘rescuing’ Taemin’s ankle while he ran up to The Voice who was apparently called Dino.

                   I took off Taemin’s shoes and concentrated at the task at hand. I tried to be gentle but I couldn’t help the few moans of pain coming from Taemin. When I was finally done, Taemin breathed a sigh of relief.

                   There were beads of sweat coating Taemin’s forehead. From the pain just now, I guess. I reached up and wiped them away with my sleeve. Taemin caught my hand when my hand was wiping sweat off his neck.

                   “Hyung… thank you.” He said to me, looking into my eyes.

                   My breath caught in my throat. I stood up abruptly. “I-I-I need t-t-to go.” I walked towards the front door. I heard Taemin limping behind me, probably trying to catch up with me. I quickened my pace and was out the door before he could reach me. Just before I closed the door behind me, I looked back.

                   Taemin hadn’t moved from the couch at all. He was just sitting there, confused. Hmm. I must’ve been imagining things. I’m too paranoid. I walked out the gates of the mansion, not knowing that I would be back again for many, many, many more times.

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Omo sweet jongkey time. That was exiting.<br />
Udate soon
LoveforMBLAQ #2
I'm glad it's slipped in here and there. (especially the part where they are 'umma' and 'appa')<br />
He cares about his baby so much xD Like how he 'smacked' Minho's face. THAT'S SO KEY! And then Jonghyun having to sort of... Convince Key and reassure him...<br />
I praise you. <br />
I then proceed to bow down.
LoveforMBLAQ #3
“Taemin… what if I can’t get over my past? I love you, but I’m afraid to love you.” I could hear the sincerity in his voice. He was asking me indirectly to pick up his broken pieces.<br />
DFIOULDFKJLSFKJ. SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PARAGRAPH STANDS OUT. AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. BUT I LIKE IT.Maybe it's got something to do with the character Minho possesses? Because I find myself admiring the cheesy-ness of him in this. And the angsty?-ness he carries with him. OH AND. The fact that he doesn't have the same personality that he has in other fics. I like the fact that he's insecure about a lot of things. And had worried about getting hurt again. IT'S SO DIFFERENT. YET... SO GREAT.<br />
<br />
I know that it clearly says 'hiatus' everywhere, but can I ignore that and beg you to update soon? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE<br />
I should'nt have started to read this, because now I only want to read more -.-<br />
alaskagirl #4
I loved it baby girl!! Keep on writing, even if its at turtle pace then thats ok because your not rushed and you can take your time with this story and really get to know your own characters and thats the best thing ever!!
SherlocKey #5
@alaskagirl , @SHINee4ever5 , @Minni_Lover ; thank you <3
Wah~u updated!<br />
Its a great 1! I love it
I was gonna subscribe to this as well :/<br />
Maybe I still will <3
I'll b waiting! Plz do update as soon as possible!
SHINee4ever5 #9
I love this story <3
alaskagirl #10
My thinks I'm in love with this story ^^ More pwease?? <3