
Conversations With
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"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same"

- Emily Bronte


"Do you know what struck me most about you when I first got to know you?", She suddenly breaks the comfortable silence, fiddling with her engagement ring as she gazes up at the midnight sky.

"The fact that I was the only other person wearing knitted pullovers in summer?", He smiles, recalling the memory.

"More than that," she pauses to chuckle at their weird habit.

"Hmm...", He takes time to recall, before hazarding another guess.

"The fact that I was the only other person who still took notes by hand during lectures instead of using a laptop?"

"Well, that was pretty impressive, but ... try again." She shakes her head, remembering their shared preference for the analog.

"Okay ... Was it the fact that I was the only other person who still loved the old-school bookstores around the street from school, even when E-books were all the rage?" His lips tug up further into a broader smile, remembering all their shared idiosyncracies.

She turns to face him fully, her eyes locked into his, holding such tenderness.

"It was all of that, and so much more. I realised that you were my kindred spirit."

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