Chapter 9


“A dog. Of the same name as me.” You said with crossed arms as you and Woohyun were sitting across each other in the living room… with the puppy in the cage in the middle of you.

“I just thought my excuses should be believable, so I asked mom to buy one for me.” Woohyun answered.

“Oh, cool. It’s yours so don’t bother me when it poops.” You stood up but Woohyun trailed behind you.

“I mean, this puppy is ours, not just mine.” He took the puppy out of the cage. “She’s such an adorable creature to be rejected.” He pouted while holding the puppy.

The puppy was too cute to handle for you. “Fine.” You sighed. “But can’t you just change the name?”

“Aniya! I already told my friends her name…” Woohyun continued petting the puppy.

“Yes, even before you boughtthe puppy.” You muttered.



“Huh? I’m calling the puppy, not you.” Woohyun chuckled and continued playing with the dog.

“At least don’t call her as long as I’m around!” You stomped your feet.

“But she needs to get used to that name.” Woohyun naturally explained. “And you need to get used to that too.” He winked at you.

“Whatever.” You stood up and headed towards the kitchen when the doorbell rang. “Did you invite somebody? This early in the morning?”

“No one knows this apartment other than us except Mom and Dad. Don’t worry.” Woohyun opened the door. “Umma!”


Your eyes widened since both of you weren’t expecting his mother.

“What brought you here?” Woohyun asked.

“I just came and it’s like you don’t want me here.” She took the puppy from Woohyun.

“I thought you were in Jeju??? Did something happen??? ” Woohyun kept on asking.

“I was but the KH Company CEO did not come so the convention was cancelled.” His mother answered.

*KH Company?! That’s… wait. I thought HyunAh-shi will be in Jeju for that???*  You thought.

“Ha Yeon, are you okay now?” She turned to you and you finally came back to your senses. You just nodded and smiled softly at her. “How about this puppy, Woohyun said you wanted it?”

“I did?!” Woohyun reacted. His mom just ignored him. You eyed Woohyun with a big question mark.

“Do you like it? I mean I can just ask for another one in case you wanted other breed.” His mom continued petting the puppy.

*What is she saying? NAM WOOHYUN. What did you tell your mother!!! Argh!* “A-aniyo. It’s fine.” You said.

“That’s good. Because if you bore a child, and gave birth, you cannot change the baby anymore, right?” She smiled at you.

You faked a smile, “A baby… Hehehe.”

“Ah, neh. Umma! Don’t you think you’ll be late for work?” Woohyun assisted his mother to stand up and slightly pushing her to the door.

“I know, I know. You don’t have to push me to just leave the two of you alone.” She shrugged.

“Oh, omonim. You can stay as long as you want.” You said and smirked at Woohyun.

“You might not know it but Woohyun is too possessive. See? He wants me to leave so he can have you alone!” His mother continued teasing the both of you. You just faked a giggle.

“Mom, if you continue saying those I will never, ever be a part of the company.” Woohyun said with crossed arms.

His mother suddenly fell silent and sighed.

“Nam. Woohyun.” You eyed him that he should give respect to his mom. And both of you know that his mother is sensitive to this subject—Woohyun working for their company.

“Anyway, I’ll take my leave now. I’ll see you around, Woohyun…. And ______.”

“Ah, neh.” Both of you bowed but then you realized something… You and Woohyun looked at each other. *She called me by my real name????* *She called her by her real name????* Both of you thought.

“Wait, umma!” Woohyun called out just before his mother stepped out of the door. “How did you—?”

“You don’t have to pretend anymore…” His mother said. Both of your eyes widened.




Both of you and Woohyun started to become nervous. This is just not the perfect time to tell the truth to his mother that you are not Ha Yeon.

“Umma, we can explain this. We’re sorry…” Woohyun said. You were too speechless to utter a word.

His mom just looked at both of you, quite shocked by your reactions. “What are you saying?” She suddenly chuckled. “I get it, okay? Lovers call each other by pet names. But since you’re married, Woohyun wanted to call you by a different name so he can have you by himself. Told you, Ha Yeon-shi, he’s that possessive.”


Both of you cannot say anything.


“I’ll leave now.” She smiled at you who are still frozen at the spot.


Then you slowly turned to Woohyun.

“YAH! How can you call me by my real name in front of your parents? Are you crazyyyy?!?!?!?!” You started hitting him on his arm.

“Yah! I didn’t remember, arasso? It was so hard to call you not by your name! Aaah!” He tried stopping you.

“Michyeosseo?!” You continued slapping his arms until you finally got tired of it. “You really are crazy.”

“Wae? You also didn’t notice I was saying your real name by that time.” He dusted off his arms checking if there were any marks.

It made you think a little… “But they didn’t notice that because they were too eager to go to the bowling alley.”


“What exactly did you say for buying the puppy?” You crossed your arms.

“Know what? I really need to meet up with my friends right now. Haha. Let’s talk next time!” He sheepishly walked past you but you stopped him by his ear. “Aaah! I’ll tell you, I will, I will!”


He told you what he said to his mother on the phone for purchasing a puppy.

“Ah, jinjja… That’s why… Your mother was asking me such questions earlier…” You just sighed.

“And you cannot blame me for that.” He pointed at you.

*Seriously?! Aish! When will he stop being so childish?* “There’s just so many other things worth your attention than spending time with your friends.” You sighed as you stood up to prepare for work.


Your words may seem so light for you but it struck Woohyun. His parents always wanted him to be mature enough to handle their company but he never chose to. People around him may believe in him, but he never did for himself. Woohyun just stopped being that responsible man he is when HyunAh left him for his brother, Sunggyu.  And when HyunAh left Sunggyu in the end, Woohyun never stopped waiting for HyunAh. That even if he married you, his whole heart will always belong to HyunAh.

After his heart got broken, he spent his time mostly with friends. That until now, he spends his time with them. Wasting time and playing games complete his day. His attention for HyunAh shifted to his friends for all he knows.


As you climb up the stairs, you didn’t notice the puppy was following you. It reaches out for you and you were too surprised to feel its fur touching your legs.

“Waaaaaaaah!!!!” You screamed as you misstep in the stairs.


Woohyun instantly caught you but he was off-balanced. Both of you fell on the floor, you were not hurt since Woohyun caught you.

 You slowly stood up only to see Woohyun hurting. He was holding on to his arm and wrist and rolling on the floor because of the pain.

“Woohyun-ah, gwenchana???” You went near him.

“Aah—my arm, it hurts!” He quite shouted because of the pain.

“A-arasso. Just wait a bit,” You quickly ran upstairs to get some of your things. You took his car keys. “Can you stand up? Come on.” You helped Woohyun to get up and guided him while walking.


The next stop—the hospital.


A/N: Seriously, I was spazzing about Sunggyu while making this chapter that’s why it took so long, kkkk~ When will Sunggyu appear in the story? Let’s see! ^_^

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Sorry I updated after roughly three weeks. :( really busy. U guys can talk to me on Twitter anyway... @MShey17


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Chapter 60: Author-nim!
The story is really nice ^.^ It frustrated me a bit when everything seemed like a coincidence. Also, Woohyun and the girl had a lot of misunderstandings and it drive me nuts.
You're trolling with your reader too much. Kkk.

Keep the good work, Author-nim! I'll be paying attention to the sequel also.
Chapter 60: off to the sequel~
Chapter 60: wow this is a really great story. you did a good job author-nim!
asdfg5555 #4
Chapter 59: great story! love it <3
biaskorean #5
Chapter 21: oh noooooooo
Its s, if I were ____ I would like call her friend who the one marriage with woohyun from the first time and cry over, tell her about ___ condition and woohyun,
I'm just expecting that in this chapter after woohyun gone to hyuna,
chiaozz #6
Chapter 60: you're good. Cross that.. GREAT. INCREDIBLE. INDESCRIBABLE. THE BEST OF THE BEST. <3
Chapter 21: OMG ;;_____;; i cant cry right now >< but this chapter ;;_____;; huhuhuhuhu
Yankay18 #8
Chapter 52: This story was the best ! JINJA ! This is the only story to make me cry lol!
yooamie #9
Chapter 60: woooow~ this story was amazing! I totally loved it! :D off to the sequel!
ERHMAGAHD!! Just finished reading this and it was A MAAY ZIIIN :DD off to the sequel. go go gooo!