Chapter 46



[A/N: THANKS FOR ALL THOSE WHO GREETED! <3 I feel so old since my batchmates in school are all younger than me. I mean MOST of them are younger than me. -___- But I feel happy somehow. <3 Anyway, thanks for the greetings! You're are daebak! <333]


“Can I talk to my son first?” Mrs. Nam told Hayeon. So you and Hayeon left the office and waited on the lobby.

It was a bit awkward at first. You’re confused—should you think of what’s going on inside that office of Mrs. Nam and what they are talking about or should you talk to Hayeon?

Before you can even figure out what to do, Hayeon spoke first.

“I’m sorry.” Hayeon suddenly said, it made you look at her in an instant. “I know I should have told you I’ll be back. But I didn’t have the chance.”

“You changed your number…” You looked down, disappointed that she didn’t even inform you.

“It was all so sudden.”

“It can be the end of me.”

“You have to listen to me first.”

“I’ve done that before to so many people and I always end up getting hurt.” You said looking at her eyes, “When can I be selfish so that I can keep everything I love for myself?”

Hayeon went towards you and held your arms, “Mrs. Nam… she asked some people to look for me back in Japan. She wanted me here in Korea… I tried to run away from her, but I got caught in the end.”

“I—I’m sorry… I didn’t know… but how about your boyfriend? Is that why you had to change your number?” You asked. She put down her hands back on her sides.

She nodded. “We broke up.” She looked away as if looking somewhere so far away, “he left me without saying a word. Like today we’re together happily and the next day, he’s suddenly gone…” She then faced you, “I was miserable that time that I didn’t have the strength to even call you. I don’t know whether to be angry at him or to worry about him… all I felt was pain of being alone.”

You finally had the urge to pull her into a tight hug. “You’ll be fine. He’ll regret it, don’t worry.”

“Then right now, I have to deal with this stupid Mrs. Nam.” Both of you chuckled, “I’ll talk to her, you don’t have to worry.” She assured you. You nodded and hugged her again.

“I missed you… and there are so many things we have to talk about.” You said.



“Why did you bring her here?” Woohyun asked as soon as you and Hayeon left the office.

“Because she is your wife, your real wife.” Mrs. Nam said. “The Hayeon that I used to know very well.”

“The Hayeon that I didn’t want to marry. The Hayeon who runaway during the wedding day. The Hayeon that I don’t need right now.” Woohyun answered back.

“No matter what you say right now, you’d have to accept things this way. I forced the marriage, I control the marriage.” Mrs. Nam raised one of her eye brows. “Act nicely towards her, she’s your wife after all.”

“Mom… Stop doing this to me.” Woohyun said, “Is it so hard to accept that your son has fallen in love?”

“I wanted you to mature, not to fall in love. Now if you decide to fall for one, fall for Hayeon.” With her words, Woohyun stiffened.

“I—I don’t get you, Mom… Because for me, that goes for the same person. The person who changed me and the person who moved my heart was _______. I can’t lie to myself, Mom. Not to my own heart.” Woohyun said, as if begging his mom to accept him this way, to accept you this way.

“It’s either you’ll go to Hayeon, live with her and let her be your wife… or I’ll keep ______ away from you.” Woohyun was shocked to here this. Mrs. Nam crossed her arms, “I was able to bring Hayeon back in Korea, maybe I can make someone go as far as Japan as well.”

Woohyun slowly shook his head, “You’re not a good mother at all…” He pursed his lips before continuing. “What kind of mother cannot understand her own son?”

“What kind of mother will let his son get married with someone she doesn’t personally know?!”

“You and your lies mom…”

“For my sons, I do everything. Even if they can hurt a lot of other people.”

“Everything that we don’t even want!” Woohyun raised his voice. “Don’t tell me… you’re also the person behind Hyuna and Sunggyu-hyung’s separation?”

Mrs. Nam looked away, “Hyunah wasn’t a good influence. See? She liked both of you. I think it’s better if she ended up with no one from my sons.”

Woohyun gritted his teeth, “Mom! They have a child!”

“That’s why I had to separate them! That’s why I hate the child!”

Woohyun’s eyes widened, “So you… you did separate them? Mom… how could you…?”

“I trusted your brother so much, you know that. But when Hyunah got pregnant, I was so scared that he’ll live as a good father and leave the company.”


“So I pushed Hyunah away, but I didn’t know she’s going to leave the child with Sunggyu. I also arranged Sunggyu’s work abroad so he can find someone better than Hyunah. So he can have a better life and future than being a father to a child.” She sighed and glanced at Woohyun before looking away again, “but the current situation in the company needed his service so I asked him to go back.”

“So… if the company wasn’t almost bankrupt…”

“I won’t ask him to go back ever again. He can’t be with his child. He can’t be with Hyuna again. Everything in Korea for him will bring back the past I was trying to take away from him.”

“Then why do I have to work too in the company? And the marriage? Just tell me everything!”

Woohyun was fuming with anger. His fists clenched tighter on his side. At first, Mrs. Nam felt scared seeing his son this mad, but she had to tell him everything… because she can’t let things go Woohyun’s way.

“The marriage…” Mrs. Nam looked down, “I knew from the start that the company was about to go down. Only Hayeon’s father was willing to help the company secretly to keep its image. But he gave me conditions.”

“What conditions?”

“It’s either you marry his daughter which is Hayeon…” Then she looked at Woohyun, “Or I leave your father and marry him. I’m sorry I had to choose the first one.”

“You could have chosen the third one.” Woohyun said firmly.

“The third one?”

“To accept the Nam Company’s fate and to give up on trying so hard keeping the company. But you chose the hardest way… that hurts both of your sons… Mom,” Woohyun then continued, “your intentions are good, but the way you pursue them… it makes you the worst person for me.” Woohyun stepped back slowly. “There’s just no way I’ll live with Hayeon… there’s no way I’ll leave _______.”

That left Mrs. Nam astound.


The moment you heard a door clicked open, you and Hayeon’s gaze instantly looked at the direction. Woohyun walked towards you. You cannot completely see through his eyes. They were much more of disappointed than mad. But they looked more hurt than furious.

He forced a small smile at both of you, “There’s so much to talk about. But right now, can I talk to her first?” Woohyun told Hayeon in which Hayeon nodded. She smiled at you knowing how you and Woohyun are so in love with each other.

“Don’t worry, we can talk some other time.” Hayeon said then she glanced at you. You smiled at her and gave her a tight embrace before leaving with Woohyun.

Both of you walked in an awkward silence on a busy street. It was quite deafening. You wanted to speak up but seeing Woohyun’s expression… you can see it will not be a good idea to do so.

You were a bit surprised when you suddenly bumped his back. You didn’t know he stopped on his tracks as your thoughts continued arguing whether to talk to him first or not. He turned around and faced you, you looked up to him trying to read his thoughts by his eyes. But unfortunately, you found none.

“I love you.” Woohyun suddenly said looking at you directly in the eyes. Three simple words that always made your heart flutter. You wanted to answer but it was as if he doesn’t want you to. “And I can’t let my mother separate us. But I won’t ever let her hurt you more than that.”

“Woohyun, what are you talking about? Of course, you know I love you too, right?” You asked holding on tightly on the bag on your shoulder.

“We’ll stay together, right? Promise me.”

“I—I promise.”

“I’ll settle the divorce between me and Hayeon, you don’t have to worry.” He said cupping one of your cheeks gently and caressing it. “I’m sorry it has to be this way. I’m sorry if it’s so hard on you right now.”

“As long as we’re together, I’ll never have to worry.” You assured him by holding onto his hand and squeezing it. “I put my trust in you.”

He gently kissed your forehead then looked down at you. Your foreheads touching. “We’ll be okay. It may not be so soon, but I’ll find a way.” You nodded at him and smiled a little. He slowly leaned in as he looked at your lips. He brushed his lips gently against yours, as if he’s claiming the trust from you. You kissed him back gently, as if entrusting him everything. Letting him know how much you love him.

The sweet, passionate kiss was then broken when someone pulled you back away from Woohyun.

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Sorry I updated after roughly three weeks. :( really busy. U guys can talk to me on Twitter anyway... @MShey17


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Chapter 60: Author-nim!
The story is really nice ^.^ It frustrated me a bit when everything seemed like a coincidence. Also, Woohyun and the girl had a lot of misunderstandings and it drive me nuts.
You're trolling with your reader too much. Kkk.

Keep the good work, Author-nim! I'll be paying attention to the sequel also.
Chapter 60: off to the sequel~
Chapter 60: wow this is a really great story. you did a good job author-nim!
asdfg5555 #4
Chapter 59: great story! love it <3
biaskorean #5
Chapter 21: oh noooooooo
Its s, if I were ____ I would like call her friend who the one marriage with woohyun from the first time and cry over, tell her about ___ condition and woohyun,
I'm just expecting that in this chapter after woohyun gone to hyuna,
chiaozz #6
Chapter 60: you're good. Cross that.. GREAT. INCREDIBLE. INDESCRIBABLE. THE BEST OF THE BEST. <3
Chapter 21: OMG ;;_____;; i cant cry right now >< but this chapter ;;_____;; huhuhuhuhu
Yankay18 #8
Chapter 52: This story was the best ! JINJA ! This is the only story to make me cry lol!
yooamie #9
Chapter 60: woooow~ this story was amazing! I totally loved it! :D off to the sequel!
ERHMAGAHD!! Just finished reading this and it was A MAAY ZIIIN :DD off to the sequel. go go gooo!