Chapter 44




It was as if you wanted to go back in time and try to fix everything to fall into different places. *I fell in love with Woohyun… without considering that we’re not married at all… oh God, look how stupid I am! Of course, it’s my best friend’s name on the wedding papers, it’s not mine. So I’m not married at all to Woohyun… not at all. We cannot marry… because he’s married to Hayeon. And seeing the things go right now… there’s no way his mother will allow a divorce between Woohyun and Hayeon… I don’t know what to do anymore…*

You thought as you go and meet your parents for dinner. You walked blankly towards their table, thoughts kept on running inside your head.

“Honey, are you alright?” Your mother asked as you sat down opposite them. you weakly nodded. “You don’t look so fine.”

“Was she your boss? I thought your boss is just about the same age as yours…” Your father asked.

“I’m fine. There’s just something going on in the company, there’s n-no need to worry…” You said and gave them an assuring smile.

Your mom noticed the cold and sad aura in you. But she just shrugged the thought off, “Let’s eat then.”

Just when you saw your parents earlier, you were happy. But your mood was completely ruined when you bumped to Mrs. Nam. You cannot get everything off your mind. Every bite you take, Mrs. Nam’s words kept on replaying inside your head. Without anything else, since you cannot pay attention at all to what stories your parents were telling you, you suddenly stood up.

Your father and mother looked up at you with surprised reactions, “W-where are you going?”

“I’m going home…” You suddenly said realizing the mistake. “I-I mean, I’m going back to Hayeon’s place. I’m really tired right now, Mom, Dad…” You looked at both of them. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.” You wanted to see Woohyun right away for comfort.

“Hold up!” Your father stopped you by your wrist. “I’ll take you there. Besides, I’d want to see Hayeon too. I want to congratulate her for producing another Manga.” Your eyes quite widened in surprise. “At least let your father take you, we’re almost done eating anyway.”

Slowly, you glanced at your mother. She shook her head slightly. It means that she didn’t know what’s going on. Then you looked back at your father, “N-no, Dad. I’ll be fine. I can just go by myself.” You said as you slowly removed his grip on you.

“I insist, my princess.” He said sweetly. You read sadness in his eyes when you rejected his offer to drop you by. Besides, you know your father loves you so much and he just wanted to keep you safe… especially that you’re living away from them. One thing you didn’t know… was because he’s suspecting about Hayeon, and he just wanted to know the truth… and he doesn’t want to see you lied to him. That’s why he keeps on insisting to bring you to Hayeon’s place.

“No, Dad.”


“I said no, I’ll be fine.”


“I said I’ll be fine, Dad!” You suddenly quite shouted… some of the people in the restaurant looked at you, after a few seconds they finally went back to their own businesses and that’s when you finally spoke again. You looked at your father directly in the eyes, “I-I’m sorry.” You said as your father looked down. Your mother held onto your father’s arm.

“Honey, just let her go. It’ll be okay. We can just go and visit her again one of these days.” Your mother said rubbing your father’s arm in comfort.

“I-I was just being nice… I just wanted to make sure she goes safely.” Your father said. Still insisting.

“Dad…” You muttered. “Dad, look at me.” You said then your father slowly looked at you. “I want you to trust me, okay? I know I’m your princess, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop growing old. I’m yours, Dad, and I appreciate you for keeping me this way, being caring and protective. But I have my own life too. Someday…” You deeply sighed before continuing, “I’ll have to go my own way… one day, that day will come when you’d have to let your little princess go too.” You said. Your father was speechless. So was your mother.

You squeezed your father’s arm, assuring him that you’ll be okay and that you’re sorry. You kissed your mother before leaving. You slowly walked towards the door to leave the restaurant after.


[Secret - My Boy]

It took quite a while before you were finally able to call a taxi.

When you reached your apartment, you quietly went inside and the lights. You guessed that Woohyun’s already asleep since it was really quiet. You wanted to talk to him, but it seems it can’t be tonight.

You went upstairs and checked on his room. He was already asleep. He looked so peaceful, *it’s always unfair… he’s sleeping soft and soundly while I stand here worrying about us…* you thought as you just gave yourself a sigh, *but I’m glad to see you fine like this. I hope you’ll always be this peaceful…* You stepped inside his room and slowly closed the door behind you. You stepped closer to his bed and just stared at him. It was as if looking at him like this, knowing he’s just close to you… it’s enough for you.

“Goodnight.” You bent to kiss his forehead. You looked at him for few more seconds before finally leaving his room. You closed his door and sighed to yourself. As soon as you went outside, you searched your bag for your hand phone. You quickly dialed Hayeon’s number.

You went to the terrace, feeling the cold breeze blow against your skin as you wait for the other line to respond. But there was nothing… her phone was off.

You tried for a few more times, but still, you can’t reach her. You rested your hand on the railings and sighed to yourself. The thing is that Hayeon changed her phone in order to get away from Mrs. Nam. But of course, you didn’t know about it.

The next morning, you woke up with the apartment empty. As you stepped into the kitchen, there was a set of food on the table. On the side of the plate was a note from Woohyun saying, ‘Went early to the office. I’ll just see you later. Eat well! ♥’

You smiled at how thoughtful Woohyun is… but you frowned that you didn’t get the chance to talk to him since last night and now he’s off to work this early. But in the end, you forced a weak smile thinking, ‘he has changed. He’s being hard working, I should appreciate that.’

You went to work… there’s not a second that you didn’t think about the problem that you’re going through. You’re eager to tell Woohyun about it… but it was as if time doesn’t permit it. You tried your luck to see him again during lunch, but you didn’t bump to him.

The more you gathered courage to tell Woohyun, the more chances to talk to him slip away.

He fetched you from work one afternoon…

“How’s your day?” He asked you as he put one of his arms around your shoulder and he kissed your cheek.

“Doing good in work…” You said. But he noticed the sadness in your tone.

“Is there something going on?” He asked you as you paused from walking. You looked into his eyes and maybe this is the chance to tell him what happened.

“Woohyun… I have something to tell you… it’s really important.” You said. He waited for you to continue so you proceeded anyway, “It’s—it’s about this marriage.”

Woohyun looked away. “If it’s about your runaway best friend during the wedding, I don’t like to talk about it.”

“Woohyun, just listen, please.” You held his arm. He looked at you. “Your mom… your mom knows me. She knows the truth.”

Woohyun was surprised to hear that. “W-what are you talking about?”

“I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but she does know me… and she’s waiting for Hayeon to come back.” You said.

“S-stop it, _____-ah. You’re just being paranoid. Hayeon won’t come back. Tell her not to!” Woohyun put his hands on his waist.

“What if she does? Woohyun, just take it to considerations… it’s not impossible for her to come back.” You explained, but Woohyun just chuckled at you.

“You’re just being paranoid, stop talking non-sense. Let’s just go.” He took your hand and started walking towards his car.

“Woohyun, wait. Let me finish!” You tried shrugging your hands off his. He held on tightly but you managed to slip your hands off his. He looked back at you, quite pissed.

“I told you, I don’t want to talk about it! See? Whenever we talk about this, about Hayeon, about this unexpected arranged marriage, we always fight, since the beginning, we fight!” Woohyun argued.

“You don’t get it, I’m just trying to explain things to you…” You muttered, surprised and at the same time, a little scared of Woohyun. He’s getting mad, and you know how he gets mad.

“What else do I have to know? ______-ah…” He looked down then gazed back at you, “I don’t want to talk about it because it feels like you’re trying to say I’m losing you. You are mine, you’re my wife. Why do I have to worry about it?”

You looked down, understanding what he was saying… understanding how he feels. He turned his back to you, he deeply sighed in frustration. You felt guilty for making him feel this way when everything was just right… at least for him. “Woohyun… I am not your wife.” With that, he slowly turned to you. His eyes grew weary. A tear finally escaped from your eyes. He’s trying to recall what you just said, he’s not sure if he heard it clearly…

“W—what?” He asked.

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Sorry I updated after roughly three weeks. :( really busy. U guys can talk to me on Twitter anyway... @MShey17


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Chapter 60: Author-nim!
The story is really nice ^.^ It frustrated me a bit when everything seemed like a coincidence. Also, Woohyun and the girl had a lot of misunderstandings and it drive me nuts.
You're trolling with your reader too much. Kkk.

Keep the good work, Author-nim! I'll be paying attention to the sequel also.
Chapter 60: off to the sequel~
Chapter 60: wow this is a really great story. you did a good job author-nim!
asdfg5555 #4
Chapter 59: great story! love it <3
biaskorean #5
Chapter 21: oh noooooooo
Its s, if I were ____ I would like call her friend who the one marriage with woohyun from the first time and cry over, tell her about ___ condition and woohyun,
I'm just expecting that in this chapter after woohyun gone to hyuna,
chiaozz #6
Chapter 60: you're good. Cross that.. GREAT. INCREDIBLE. INDESCRIBABLE. THE BEST OF THE BEST. <3
Chapter 21: OMG ;;_____;; i cant cry right now >< but this chapter ;;_____;; huhuhuhuhu
Yankay18 #8
Chapter 52: This story was the best ! JINJA ! This is the only story to make me cry lol!
yooamie #9
Chapter 60: woooow~ this story was amazing! I totally loved it! :D off to the sequel!
ERHMAGAHD!! Just finished reading this and it was A MAAY ZIIIN :DD off to the sequel. go go gooo!