1: A Dad's Visit

Dear Best Friend: THANK YOU

Sehun's POV

"You dyed your hair blonde?! I knew I made the right decision to come here a day earlier so I can fix all your foolishness."

California's sun has already melted my brain ever since I stepped outside the car. I expected a complete relaxation once I arrive in this beach house but I thought wrong. My father's secretary, or should I say mistress, is here yelling at me complaining about my hair. As if she has a say in my life.

"And what's with those tattoos?" She asked again.

"Chill, these are fake." I answered. Of course, I can't have tattoos cause I'm still a minor. I'm not planning to really have one.

"You're father hasn't seen you for exactly 6 months and you will greet him with that hair? I thought you were a decent child, Sehun! What were you thinking? You know your father expects a lot from you. What's the reason for all the 8 years he has put you away from him just to mold you properly? How do you-" she added but I cut her off.

"What's the connection of my hair and that?" 

"You know what I mean, Sehun." She answered with a stern voice.

"You're right, I know what you mean. He's ashamed of me. And now he expects me to be the perfect son he has always wanted." I answered.

"Sehun, I know you're frustrated about this. I know it's hard to be someone you don't want to be."

"Oh, really? How did you know? I thought being a was who you really are. Don't tell me you were just acting. Well, I guess were just the same. Trying to be someone in the name of money. Oh wait, no we're not. Cause I'm not desperate like you."

Silence enveloped us right after I said those words. We stared at each other before I decided to go outside.

The view in this beach dad bought is amazing. The place is warm since it's summer. Good thing it's almost sunset so it's not as hot as earlier.

California really is hot. Good thing I don't live here. New York is where I really stay. Dad's secretary, a.k.a mistress, just called yesterday and told me they'll be visiting me today and that my dad bought a new beach house here. Not that I want to but, I guess I have to come and visit him. He's my father anyway. Even if I won't they will push me to come here and I'll just earn a scold. Better follow them then. He'll probably arrive here later but the came earlier to check on me. 

I have exactly one month before summer ends and I'll be on my senior year. I don't really want highschool to end. Going to college is a stress. I'll have to study hard to impress my dad then take over the business I never even took interest of. I guess my life would forever. 

"Sehun, your father will be here in an hour. We don't have enough time to fix your hair. I suggest you prepare an apology for that. Be ready then." Nam Ji said. Yup, that's her name. Yoon Nam Ji.

An hour has passed already and I can see my dad's car outside the house through the gigantic window located in this living room.

His driver opened his car for him as he went outside to head to the front door. I stood up as soon as he went inside. I'm not normally respectful but since in this situation I know he'll get mad at me, better show some respect just to lessen it. Pretty smart, huh? But I know it still won't work. I know him and he knows me.

Well, he seemed surprised to see me standing up. I don't know if he's shocked about his son showing manners or is it the fact that his one and only son's hair lacked melanin because of bleaching. I bet both. 

As he eyed me head to toe, I swear his having doubts if I was his son. A lot of people said that I've grown a lot from this past months and my style and aura has changed as well. Plus, don't forget the hair and tattoos. But of course, I can't deny that I do look like him. Well, I only saw my mom in the pictures so I can say I look more like him. Maybe that's enough for him to say I am his son.


Right after I heard that question, I knew I was in trouble. 

-----Author's Note-----

Hey guys! First of all, I want to thank those who subscribed to this story even if there still wasn't any chapters updated in this. I'm really sorry for letting you wait this long but I have been very busy lately these days since it's Christmas. I'll try to update this new year as a gift to all who subscribed but I cannot promise you that I really will. Sorry if this is still very boring but please do bear with me. This story will be in a slow pace and please be reminded that this won't be updated very frequently. I'll be hoping for your consideration. Do comment what you think. THANKS AGAIN! 

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Update soon, author-nim.
Lookin' foward to it friend~
Sounds really good!!<3 'i'II look forward to it:-D
Fighting!! Can't wait fir the first chapter!! ^^
Fighting! ~~ Looking forward on your story! <3