What happened to us?

What happened to us?




Baekhyun is walking home from school on a cold winter afternoon, accompanied by his significant other, Chanyeol. They’ve been dating in secrecy for 6 months. Baekhyun is a junior and Chanyeol is a senior. Baekhyun is the football team’s running back and Chanyeol is the basketball team captain. Chanyeol plays center, not the typical position a captain would be playing but Chanyeol wasn’t your typical guy. He was incredibly tall, measuring at six feet and five inches. Baekhyun is significantly smaller than Chanyeol, he was five feet and eight inches tall. Everyone speculated that they were simply best friends that did everything together and went everywhere together. The speculators were very wrong.


            Two hours ago Chanyeol and his friends were teaching Baekhyun how to play basketball. Chanyeol passes the ball to the latter for a layup, Baekhyun fails and falls right onto his rear-end. The small boy’s face becomes pink while Chanyeol’s expression remains emotionless. Everyone around the two laughed it off and continued to play. Once everyone left the two walked home together since they live 3 blocks away from one another.


Baekhyun babbles cheerfully about his eventful day and tugs on Chanyeol’s arm as he exclaims a wonderful idea he had just come up with. “Can you not?” Chanyeol spat. Baekhyun frowns and stutters, “S-sorry... Is something bothering you?” Baekhyun continued pressing, Chanyeol groans after he hears the same question for the 17th time. He hisses, “You! You’re bothering me! You’re embarrassing me--you’re the closest person to me and you can’t make one freaking layup--like what the hell?! How do you think that makes me feel about being team captain when I can’t even teach you how to shoot a ball--you can’t even dribble!”


Baekhyun’s jaw tightens, “‘You?’ what do you mean by ‘you’? We’ve been together for 6 months--just spit it out! You can’t even call me your boyfriend ‘cause you care so much more about your rep. I play football if you haven’t noticed, I’m not used to dribbling balls--you of all people should know this!”


The younger boy sighs, “I’ve given you 6 whole months of my life, and you can’t even call me your boyfriend. Let me remind you, you’re the one that started this. Six months of hiding and snooping around, I did this for you because I cared about you--obviously you don’t care about me the same way so… We’re done. I waited long enough so, I’m breaking up with you.” Chanyeol’s face distorts in disapproval and replies nonchalantly, “No, you’re not. I started this so only I’m able to end this. You don’t have a say whether or not this relationship is over.” as he turns on his heels and walks home, leaving Baekhyun wide eyed and aghast.


For the next few days Chanyeol was persistently following Baekhyun everywhere, stalking to be precise. The smaller boy was too occupied to say anything so he ignored the older boy’s presence. Chanyeol then instructs Baekhyun specifically to wait by the lockers so they could walk home together after school. Baekhyun was 10 minutes late since the football field was on the other side of the school. Once he reached the hallways, no one was around except for an impatient looking Chanyeol. Baekhyun rushes to Chanyeol but was greeted with a slap across the face. The smaller boy covered his cheek as stinging sensation burned his skin. The taller boy looked down at Baekhyun, “You’re late, stop wasting my time.” Baekhyun was rendered speechless as Chanyeol turned and began walking, expecting the younger to follow. Baekhyun slammed his fist against the lockers yelling, “What the hell is your problem?!” Chanyeol broke his stride and stopped walking. He turns around, biting his lips, revealing his tear stained cheeks, he sobs, “Losing you is my problem… and I don’t want that to happen.” That day they walked home separately.


Baekhyun was confused. He didn’t know what he was supposed to be feeling. He was sad that Chanyeol saw him as a disappointment, but he was also angry he wasn’t a priority, on top of that he was slapped across the face. Seeing Chanyeol cry like that wrenched his heart, but Baekhyun was done. The small boy sighs and closes his Chemistry textbook. He retires to his bed and decides to sleep for the rest of the night.


After waking up to 6 different alarm clocks screeching at him, he gets ready and goes to school. Glancing at his phone as he walked downstairs, there were 50 missed calls from Chanyeol and 20 text messages most of which were,

“Hey are you busy?”

“Can we talk?”

“Why aren’t you replying?”

“Are you mad at me?”

“Please call me back”

“Are you ignoring me?”

Typing his reply, Baekhyun opens the front door and steps outside to find a hysterical Chanyeol screaming, “Baekhyun! Why didn’t you answer me last night?! I was worried sick!” Baekhyun was flabbergasted, “Chanyeol why are you here--I fell asleep! And it shouldn’t even matter to you, we’re over. Look I don’t want anything to do with you right now so… please leave me alone.” Chanyeol had no response, he just stood there without movement or expression.


School today wasn’t too bad for Baekhyun. Every class he went to, his close friend, Suho, would greet him warmly with a big hug and a dirty joke. Baekhyun had every class with Suho, and they spent the entire day joking around whenever they could. The smile on Baekhyun’s face never died. He was glad he was able to get a break from Chanyeol, but every now and then he would get an eerie sensation as if someone was watching him.


At the end of the day Baekhyun frowns hearing the bell ring. He pouts and whines, making Suho ask what was wrong. Baekhyun sighs, “I don’t have anyone to walk home with, I’m gonna look like such a loner.” Suho doesn’t question where Chanyeol was, and instead he offers to walk the football player back home with a bright smile. The two laugh loudly on their way home as their conversation continued. Once Baekhyun reached his doorsteps he turns and says, “Thanks Suho… for you know--walking me home and keepin’ me company and all.” the other boy laughs and waves his hands dismissively, “Nah it’s cool, I had fun--You know whenever Chanyeol isn’t around to keep you company, we can hangout instead! He’s been stealing you from me for literally half the year already--” Suho interrupts himself laughing loudly. Baekhyun ends up laughing too, with and at Suho because his face looked like a meme. They said their goodbyes, hugged, and parted ways.


The sun had set and dark sky began to take over. Baekhyun and Suho have been texting constantly ever since they both got home. The two of them talked about various things, like sports and school. Suho is the point guard on the basketball team and began to gossip about Chanyeol,


“Apparently he’s a huge control freak. One time I didn’t give him the ball so I shot a 3 instead, then afterwards he pushes me! Saying stuff like, ‘I was wide open!’ but he was being triple teamed :P”


“Yeah, you know how I just cannot play basketball? That sasquatch yelled at me afterwards! You know he hit me too? Glad I’m not friends with him anymore >:(”


“Sasquatch! LOL! That’s precious! :) you’re not friends with Chanyeol anymore? Even better, more you-me time! Tell me the next time he lays a finger on you, I’ll kick his >:(”


“You’re so much more fun than Chanyeol, I like you, you’re funny :) I’m gonna knock out now! G’nite Suho!”


“Aww I like you too! Nighty! Sweet dreams bunbun!”


Bunbun was a typo that occurred previous in a text before and suddenly became Baekhyun’s nickname. Baekhyun smiled happily at the text, he finally had a nickname. He falls asleep with a big grin across his face.


Chanyeol that entire day didn’t attend any of his classes. Instead of classes he prefered to watch and study each of Baekhyun’s movements. The amount of hatred and jealousy that manifested within the tall boy’s body was similar to balloon that was about to pop. Chanyeol was angry that Baekhyun could move on so easily, but he was also sad because he was being left behind. Chanyeol followed Baekhyun and Suho, watching the two of them interact. The senior watched and followed from afar, stalking every single thing Baekhyun did. Fed up, Chanyeol runs home and takes his dad’s .45 caliber and holds it to his own head. He couldn’t pull the trigger, no, not yet.


Standing in front of a peacefully sleeping Baekhyun, Chanyeol held the firearm with a tight grip. He cried as he watched the smaller boy sleep with such a wide smile. Chanyeol touches Baekhyun’s cheek with his free hand, he whispers, “What happened to us? This wasn’t supposed to happen… I can’t let you go. I don’t want to lose you, and there’s only one place we can be together forever, without anyone else that’ll say anything to us. Let’s go there… together. Forever. I love you.”



“Breaking news coming in, last night approximately 4:30a.m. high school senior Chanyeol Park from Exo High School takes the life of his best friend, Baekhyun Bates, high school junior also from Exo High School, then commits suicide. Reasons are currently unknown and are still under investigation.”




Author's Note: If you'd like me to continue writing, please don't be afraid to let me know. I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! 




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Leah_Rose #1
Chapter 1: This was awesome!
Chapter 1: God ! What did I just read ? ing awesome... And weird too ( TДT)
Chapter 1: This is so ed up
baekkieboom #4
Chapter 1: Tragic. But this is so cool!!;)
That was really upsetting but it's one of the most unique stories I read in a while. I enjoyed it a lot.