
Lost Things
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To: Myunghee
From: Luhan

Message: Open the door.

Of course, Myunghee didn't see the message until he called her about five times, waking her from her sleep.

The first few times, she ignored it, thinking that it was her alarm.

Once her head was on straight and she had read his message, she called him back. Her eyes couldn't even keep themselves open.

"Open the door," Luhan said as soon as he picked up.

"Good morning to you too," her morning voice came out lower than her usual voice, "What do you want?"

"Just open it."

She tossed her phone to the side, still not bothering to get up. Myunghee couldn't come up with a scenario for a reason to why Luhan would even come to her door steps. Her hands pull onto her blankets and pulled it over her head, quickly forgetting Luhan's presence with her eyes fluttering back into slumber. 

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Myunghee sighed into her pillow and was lost in her blanket as she used all her will power to bring herself out of bed. Stumbling the way to the door, she successfully made it. 

His perfect physique made it hard not to notice him even with his all black attire and un-styled tossed hair. If she saw him from down the street, she'd know it was him. How could no one have followed him? 

"Did you just get up?" her unwanted guest 'greeted' her and made his way inside her apartment. 

Despite of feeling her beating glare behind his head, Luhan excused it as he made himself on her couch and removed any excessive clothing. "It's two in the afternoon and you just got up?" he asked her.

"What are you doing here?" she snapped back at him, not moving from her spot as soon from when  she shut the door. 

"I finished my schedule early," Luhan said casually while tossing his jacket on her coffee table, "And I wanted to talk."

"About what now? Do you want to sign the contract or something?" the hints of anger rang into his ear, "Are you in your right mind right? It's not okay for you to come over when you please. Especially with the scandal going on. Do you want to toss your career away?"

Myunghee walked over to him and poked on his shoulders. "You worked hard for this, and you're throwing every--" 

"I just want to know something," he said as he stood straight up and looked right into her eyes. 

The fire in his eyes shut her up. Her exterior was calm and quiet, but there was a meltdown in her. She felt like her insides were rearranging itself. She tried opening to talk, but no words could make an escape. The silence engulfed them. 

"Okay..." she clenched her teeth as soon as words finally came out. 

There was something about the way he spoke to her and the way he looked at her with his eyes. Her own thoughts were fogged and incomprehensible. But she waited for him to say something. It wasn't long until he did, but the short pregnant pause made her worry that her fingers would curl. 

"Do you hate me?" he asked her.

What? Of course not. "What does it matter?"

The question was sudden. Out of all the things he wanted to ask he wanted to know her opinion on him, which is understandable if they were something, which they aren't. 

"Then, did you have feelings for someone else while we were dating?" 

Myunghee's eyebrows furrowed. She was lost by his question. "What do you mean...?" she replied back slowly, still trying to trace back to his question.

"Stop asking me questions and answer me directly. Did you like someone while we were dating? Did you have feelings for someone?" Luhan repeated in different words.

"No... Why would you think that?" the same slow tone came out. Myunghee was genuinely confused to his accusation. 

"Maybe because you left for America when you planned on staying in Korea three years ago. Maybe because you broke up with me so easily for someone else. Maybe that guy was my cousin that you know I can't stand," Luhan began snapping and charging towards her.

Myunghee backed up as he did, but that hadn't stopped him. His hands were on her shoulders and soon her back hit to the wall. She shivered. Her body was filled with uneasiness. He was so close. This small distance would've felt comfortable before. This was different from three years ago. 

"Luhan, I didn't ever cheat on you. I would never,"

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1crystalthao #1
Chapter 17: Omgggg!!!! OMGGG!!!!! YOU'RE BACK! <3333 you don't even know how happy I was to see an update!
Chapter 17: Welcome back author nim thank you for the update
1crystalthao #3
Chapter 16: I don't want to force you or pressure you into writing anymore chapters or to finish the story but i just went back to reread DIN to the last chapter you posted for this one and it really is a beautiful story that I wish you would continue. Go back and see what you've done, maybe that could inspire you some. Or go back and watch some old or new videos of exo and luhan. I just don't want you and I and everyone else to feel incomplete from this story. It's really too good to end like this. Whatever you decide, I want to continue to support you!
Chapter 17: Awww....don't force yourself! If you lose the feel,then be it. Even though I would be elated if you would continue it,you are the author and you deserve to be respected. You don't have to be sorry ,I will just read your other stories in the future!
Chapter 17: whyy!? . i just hope you think back . i'm not forcing you to do it . but this story comes out interestingly . and the thought of letting this story unfinished broke my imagination of luhan and myunghee in this story. i just hope your not let this story hanging up . pleasee i really like this story to the top that i dreaming the two of them ( luhan n myunghee) get together again and live a happy life and sehun with hyeju too . pleasee consider your decision .
dawnxiamara #6
Chapter 17: We have the same feelings. Among the members of EXO, Luhan is my favorite too and my heart was broken when he left and until now, there is a dent in my heart that I stopped reading things about him until now. Well, the side effects of being a fan I guess.
Do me favor will you? Please find the heart to continue writing, you maybe fell out of love with Luhan and such but, it's a waste of talent if you stop. You have a way with words weaving them into paragraphs that makes us readers engulf with your stories that a chapter is not enough to satiate with your writings. Maybe time is what we all need but, please don't stop writing take all the time you need to lie low but please return and finish the story I love all your stories and it makes me sad that some of the good writers are slowly summing up and I can' t do anything but understand and be patient that someday they would return here in AFF again.
Anyway, Goodluck, God bless and prayers for you and your future endeavors..... FIGHTING!!!
1crystalthao #7
Chapter 17: Noooooooo, omg. It makes me so sad that you're gonna stop. But I see where you coming from. I loved this story and I loved the first. I waited every time and I really appreciate your writing. Thank you for the good ride.
dth_77680 #8
Chapter 15: A big big hug for you!! Thank you for updating twice this month!! I wish you could update twice every month! It will be fantastic!! :3
-kimmyeons #9
Chapter 15: Hugs for youuuu :* but I need real quick update. I have a short term memory so I always forget about this story. Tough but I love this story so much to give up
Chapter 15: Ugh!! All the characters are so stubborn in this story..But that makes it more exciting ! They are stubborn but I like them !! Haha..thanks (and hug :3) for updating :)