Black Bikes, White Ties -- Last Chapter

Black Bikes, White Ties

However, these past few days, things have turned...more fire than water.

"Why the hell do you have to call me 8 times at school, huh?!", I practically screamed, my tone filled with vexation.

"Then why don't you just tell me your class schedule so I'll know when and when not to call you?  Is that really too much to ask?", he replied, his voice obviously trying to stretch his patience.  

"And what?! Be a walking surveillance camera?! You know what, I don't need a hovering boyfriend Yesung.  As a matter of fact, I don't need a boyfriend...AT ALL! Get that?!"   Moments of awkward silence and heavy breathing.

"So you're breaking up with me?", he finally asked, clearly on the verge of breaking down.  

I could not find the strength, nor the reason, to say "YES!", so I decided to cane the topic.  

"What were you doing with my phone earlier?  You seem to have.. fundled with it."

"I...uh...uhm..I..the...perhaps...uhm..your schedule was there so...."  It was actually the first time I saw him stutter and at loss for words.  If I was in a better mood I would have found him cute, but right now I see a tongue-tied idiot.  I rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone quickly away from his hands.  "Whatever Yesung..."


Today, I woke up earlier than usual and didn't bother to cook breakfast.  He was still asleep when I left his apartment.  The day at school went like a blur.  I decided to finally break up with him. He tried to call me many times as usual.  And of course, I never returned any of them.  In accordance with my plan ofbreaking up with him, I decided to do some "spring cleaning" AKA throwing out of everything that is embellished with bears and has our names on it.  I started with my bag.  Out came the bear pens, bear figurines, bear keychains, bear notebooks..when suddenly I uncovered this mini-photo (yes,with a bear mini-frame) of Yesung.  I remember taking the photo on our second date at some animal-themed amusement park.  After failing thrice at riding a horse, he actually fell on the ground, first.  We laughed so hard, I was surprised I was still able to take a decent picture.  His glowing smile radiated his sincerity.  He's not my dark, biker prince, but he's real.  I wiped my tears away.  If I have lived off 19 years without a boyfriend, I could live another 19 years without one, right?  What was I even thinking..commitment and I just don't mix.  At around 6 PM, he sent me a message saying that he can't pick me up.  Perfect!  Now I can break up with him in privacy.


As I got out of school, I decided to go home first and return all the bears to Yesung.  The thought of doing it hurts me, but I gotta do what I oughtta do!  As I hailed and got in the cab, my phone rang.  Actually, it was making a sound that was not my ring tone.  I took the phone out of my bag and on the screen I saw  an array of bears holding hearts.  It said:  "REMINDERS:  Happy 100th day Wokie!  I LOVE YOU!"  So that's what he was doing with my phone the other night!

I was shocked.  It IS our 100th day together as a couple!  Come to think of it, he's the first guy ever to reach that milestone!

At once, I instructed the driver to turn around and went straight to his apartment.  As I got in, I noticed the dining table at once.  The mantle is now scarlet, with rose petalsallover the place.  The room was dark,and there were candles all over the place.  On the table was....well...galbi.  With rice and soju.  

"Yesung! Yesung!"  No response.  I went to his room and I found him there, lying on the bed with at lest 3 layers of comforters and bed sheets,sponge towel on his forehead.  

"Oh're here already!  Happy 100th day!", he said in a weak voice but with a strong smile.  I rushed to his side and placed my palm over his forehead.  "I'm OK, Wokie.  How was school?  I tried to call you but you did not answer.  I was worried because we had a fight last night, and knowing you, you're 3 times more prone to trouble with a hot head."

Yesung, my yesung...You know me too well.

"Idiot! You're shivering with fever and you're worried about me?!  I'll go get the thermometer."  Whenever Yesung has a problem or is overwhelmed by stress (like, if I don't return any of his calls), he doesn't get mad or depressed. Instead, all his bottled emotions turn to symptoms of sickness like fever.  I knewhis fever was because of me ignoring his calls on this very special day.  

"39 degrees and you still managed to cook?!"

"Galbi...that's all I know..."

"And that's my favorite.."

"You know I love you.  I;d do everything for you,cover all the lanes on that extra mile for you, Wokie..."  Cheesy talk again.  But I love him for that.  Why was I going to break up with this guy again?  Now, no matter how hard I try, i could never find the reason anymore.  I just cried and kissed and hugged him tightly.  

"I love you not because of your gifts, but the mere gesture that makes me feel that I'm special to you.  I love how you always make me smile, and most of all, I love you because you're not just there when I'm down, but you're just simply there for me always.  When all else fails, I know I won't because I have you..."

I felt his tears running down the side of my face as I buried my face deeper into his hard chest.  We held tight to each other, his hot breath on my nape.

"I'm more than happy to know that you love me too, Ryeowook."

"I'm more than happy to know that someone like you loves me, Yesung."

So we laid in each other's arms, letting go only for a few minutes every 4 hours for his medication.


So what if he's not my bad,biker prince?  He's real, he loves me, and I love him too.  That's all that matters.

And finally, reality is better than fantasy.




Whew~ So what do you think? Leave your comments below~  All comments are <3 ~~~

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pinkaddict #1
Chapter 2: nice ff! i can't stop giggling here!
A really cute ff!!! loved it!! du write more!! <3<3<3
This is so cute~ ^-^ heehee! I love all of the bear stuff mentioned~ ^-^
Chapter 2: Nagkatawa ko~ more bears!!! Hahahahah!! <br />
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Char! *with the pointing of fingers*
Chapter 1: Waaah~! Nice xa~ Nagkatawa ko sa bear part XD<br />
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kung mo thank you ka sa commeters, adto sa ilang wall pag thank kai dili na sila maka basa dri kai walay "alert" kung dri raka mo rep~
jooni3pi3 #6
Aww this story was so cute<3 I loved it^^
Normibells #7
glad you like it~! :D
tsundere_zen #8
A beautiful story! ^^
Normibells #9
Thank you so much~ I'll continue writing on my spare time (when my work isn't killing :D
aww :) this fic is great ^^ continue to write :-)