
Darling, you fool

 a/n: I want to say that I love bap and daejae is bae. That all. 

"We were walking together, in fact ," Hoseok stated," and we came across this Super Mario booth. And apparently the booth had the wrong information or something, and Seokjin kindly told them what the correct one was. But the crazy students started to flare up and shouting at Seokjin. Seokjin just had a blank, confused face as he innocently dissed the Mario fanatics. Man, it was hilarious!" 
"Uh, well, it isn't as hilarious as the red spray paint on Jin's locker," Jimin replied back, sarcastically. 
"They vandalized Jin's locker, telling him to die for humiliating them," Jimin folded her arms angrily," Taehyung is already cleaning it. I swear, she is crazy about him." 
"Those !" Hoseok cursed furiously,"Shame Seokjin's a clueless fellow about Tae, though," he added wistfully. 
"Those convention guys are gonna get their entrails dug out by her and you know that." 
"I almost feel sorry for them, then." 



Cafeteria, they said. Taehyung tottered into there, spotting the squad almost immediately. 
"What's up, pudding cups?" Taehyung greeted them," by the way, Seokjin, you look adorable as always. Keep doing your thing," she said to him as he just sat there doing nothing. 
"We're supposed to record the cover for Namjoon's song today," Hoseok replied, feeding Yoongi a fry. Yoongi grinned at his antic fondly. 
"Or you could just get married today," Jimin rolled her eyes. 
"Here," Jungkook walked back and handed Jimin a bottle of water," I heard you saying you were thirsty." 
"For your ," Taehyung muttered silently while shooting Jimin a smug look. 
"You could get married today, too," Yoongi retorted back, batting her eyelashes a little too innocently. 
"Kookie... You shouldn't" Jimin flushed but took the bottle thankfully. Taehyung started her infamous 'ooh-ing' again. 
"Woah you have a pet name for him now, huh? Kookie, huh? Just make babies already!" She shouted and Hoseok had to wave her off. 
"Go and buy your muffins, Tae." Taehyung huffed and went in queue. 
Minutes later she came back crying her eyes out. 
"What happened?" Yoongi asked, shocked. 
"Oh mighty shizzles!" Taehyung cried out," thy ran out of muffins! What is wrong with the world?!" 
"Oh she'll go nuts someone get her a muffin!" Jimin yelled, hiding behind Jungkook subconsciously. 
"Distract her," Yoongi scanned the room,"...Seokjin! Come here!" 
"W-what?!" Seokjin stuttered. 
"Distract Tae," Yoongi ordered, folding her arms. 
Seokjin looked around desperately for help, but the rest of them stood their ground. One would not want to go near her when she's in that state. 
"Tae...Taehyung..." The boy cooed at the hysterical girl hesitantly. 
"It's over. The world is trying to tell me that I'm gonna grow fat," Taehyung sniffed," I knew it." 
"You won't be fat, Taehyung," Seokjin said, reassuringly," even if you did you'd still be a lively, energetic girl. There's no difference." 
"Seriously?" Taehyung rubbed her eyes and Seokjin nodded vigorously. 
"If you give me a kiss on the cheek, I'll stop crying," Taehyung showed the smallest of mischievous grins. 
"Oh bother," Jimin muttered. 
"Um.. But I'm not congratulating you for doing a good job..." Seokjin still thought a kiss on the cheek meant that. 
"Doing a good job by stopping my crying?" Taehyung suggested, beaming innocently. 
"Oh...okay,then," Seokjin leant down to Taehyung. 
"OI ! HOPED YOU LIKED OUR PRESENT ON YOUR LOCKER!" A student shouted at Seokjin and Seokjin paused, just inches from Taehyung's cheek, before standing straight up again. 
"What?" Seokjin asked the student," I didn't see any present." 
The student, Taehyung recognized who was in her Math class, Daehyun. 
"The red words?" Daehyun rolled his eyes," don't act stupid." 
"What? Taehyung?" Seokjin remembered her cleaning the lockers. 
But Taehyung didn't hear him at all. She was fuming, she was seething, she was everything but calm and happy. That son of a butthole destroyed her magic moment with Seokjin.  She took angry strides towards Daehyun and prodded him violently on the chest. 
"LISTEN SISTER," she shouted, gaining the attention of the cafeteria.
"THERE'S TWO THINGS I LIKE TO DO: EAT MUFFINS AND KICK THE OUT OF PEOPLE TALKING CRACK ABOUT SEOKJIN. AND GUESS WHAT? WE'RE ALL OUT OF MUFFINS!" She screamed and lunged at Daehyun with a roar of vengeance. Luckily, Hoseok caught her in midair before she could do actual damage to the flustered Daehyun. 
"You're an ," Hoseok glared at Daehyun while Taehyung shrieked and struggled in his grasp. 
"I'll slaughter you! - get off me Hopie! - Come on then! I'll hang your balls like Christmas lights on the school!" Taehyung cursed. 
A young student rushed up to them, pulling Daehyun away. 
"I'm so sorry for his attitude," the student apologized, smacking Daehyun on the head in the process. 
"You better be sorry!" Taehyung shrieked," Jinnie almost kissed me! You bastards!" 
"Get out, Youngjae," Daehyun scowled and stormed out of the cafeteria. Youngjae bowed again before exiting the same way. 
A clap. Then a two. Suddenly the cafeteria erupted into a round of applause. Taehyung bowed and grinned. 
"Oh bother," Jimin rolled her eyes. 

Seven o' clock and the seven of them were still in school. 
Namjoon's songs were so good that Jungkook nosebleed-ed when they heard it and now all of them were pumped to record the songs.  
"LETS DO THIS BISHES!" Taehyung cheers and starts rapping nonsensically. 
"The music room is completely sound-proof. Meaning that any any sounds coming from outside can't be heard in here, vise versa," Namjoon declares proudly. 
"Good, because then no one outside would suffer from Taehyung's...weirdness," Jimin side-eyes the blonde who shot back glares. 
"Don't hate me cause you ain't me!" She retorts back smugly. 
The seven of them got to work, stopping halfway when Jungkook and Hoseok had to go to the toilet. The rest entertained themselves with small talk, and suddenly Hoseok came running out screaming. 
"Jungkook fainted in the bathroom!" He shrieked, and the rest of them stood there, shocked. 
"What?!" Jimin shouted. 
"He slipped. The bathroom was slippery," Hoseok explained briefly. 
"No , Sherlock, the bathroom totally wasn't slippery," Yoongi replied sarcastically. 
"You girls wait here," Namjoon tells Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi as him and Seokjin rush with Hoseok into the men's bathroom. 
Seokjin lightly slaps Jungkook's face, the younger completely passed out, a part of his head was red and swelling slightly. 
"Jungkook... Jungkook!" Namjoon tries. 
"Look, Jimin !" Hoseok frantically goes to desperate measures to wake him up. 
Seokjin and Namjoon shot him a look. 
"Dude," Namjoon says exasperatedly," that's not cool." 
"Desperate people do weird things!" Hoseok hisses. 
Just then, the door burst open with Taehyung barging in rudely, followed by Jimin and Yoongi. 
"This is a men's bathroom!" Hoseok squealed girlishly. 
"Look at this, Hopie," Taehyung gestured an empty space. 
"...I don't see anything," Hoseok replies, confused. 
"Exactly. That's how many s I give," Taehyung smiles menacingly. 
"Let me look at him," Jimin barges in even more rudely and kneels beside the fainted boy. 
"Yeah, re-act the scene from Sleeping Beauty and give Jungkookie the kiss of Life," Taehyung grins at the brunette who shot daggers at her. 
"It's no use, man," Hoseok cried, he was on the edge to freaking out," we need to bring him to the school nurse." 
"It's almost eight, the school nurse must've gone home--wait a minute," Namjoon stopped short his sentence as he and everyone froze. 
"Did the janitor close up the school and in?" Yoongi blurted out the question on everyone's minds.   
"That's not possible, right?" Jimin hitched her breath. 
"But we're in the bathroom at the furthest end of the music room....and the music room is..soundproof," Seokjin stutters. 
" long have we been in here?" 
"...30 minutes.....!" 
They ran out of the bathroom to see that the music room's lights were off and their suspicions confirmed. 
"Damn it janitor!" Taehyung shouts. 
Namjoon ran to the entrance door and tried to open it but the handle just jiggled; they were locked in.   
"We have a half-dead boy in our hands!" Taehyung rants to the trumpets and saxophones," and you lock us in with no food or water?!" 
Seokjin turned the lights and the air-conditioning back on," calm down guys..." 
And when they thought things couldn't get worse, Yoongi screamed," IT'S A FRIDAY." 
"We're stuck here for three days?!"  
"Okay, important things first," Namjoon states," carry Jungkook out of the bathroom." 
Hoseok and Seokjin did that, and lay Jungkook on the soft carpet floor. 
"Aish! Let me wake him up," Taehyung huffed haughtily and sat on Jungkook's stomach. Then her hand abruptly slapped his face. Hard. So hard that there was an echo in the room. 
"Wake up!" She hollered in his ear," Look, Jimin !" 
"What the hell?" Jimin shrieks. Hoseok pointedly looks at Namjoon and Seokjin. 
"What? Desperate people do weird things!" Taehyung yells back and Hoseok clasps his hands in agreement. 
"You do weird things all the time! Are you saying you're desperate twenty four-seven?!" Jimin yells back. 
"You don't say?" Taehyung side-eyes Seokjin. 
At the loud noises of Taehyung and Jimin's bickering, Jungkook blinks open his eyes heavy with sleep. Everyone turned to him in relief. 
"I told you it would work!" Taehyung puffs up proudly. 
"Where...are we?" Jungkook peered around. 
"We're stuck in the music room at night and we're gonna starve for three days which just means that we're gonna die sooner or later. Which also means that if anyone finds any food, I would not hesitate to kill any of you so I can eat it," Taehyung tells him, exaggerating. 
"Even Seokjin?" Yoongi pipes. 
Taehyung placed a hand on her chest, pretending to be mortified," that, I would never!" 
"Yeah Tae," Jimin grins and slips a hand around Seokjin's shoulders," Jin oppa or muffins?" 
Seokjin squirmed in Jimin's iron grasp. He didn't understand why he would be compared to a food. 
Taehyung flushed, red coloring her cheeks and ears. 
"I'm blonde and dumb, remember?" She haltingly tries to steer away from the conversation," don't ask me such difficult questions!" 

They all sat in a circle, quiet for the first time, wondering how they would be able to get out. It was peaceful, to say the least. 
Until Taehyung decides to blurt out." is like that anime Corpse Party huh--" 
"Tae," Hoseok releases a shuddered breath," now's not the time for horror stuff." 
Taehyung pouted. 
"But it was a nice anime!" Taehyung wails and tried to lean on Seokjin's shoulder. But at that moment Seokjin decided that it was a tad too cold in this room, and got up to change the thermostat, leaving Taehyung to fall on the floor with a thump and an exaggerated sad face. 
"Yeah, especially the part when the gh-" Namjoon perked up. 
"NO," Hoseok yelled, covering his ears. 
"Hey, if we're gonna die here, might as well yolo this ," Jimin shrugged and Jungkook tried to nod his head in agreement, but winced at the sharp pain on his head. 
A sudden sorrowful aura filled the atmosphere. There could be a possibility that the janitor would find seven corpses in the music room, but they were strong-willed, they would survive. Or so they hoped. 
"Gonna rot here, huh," Seokjin mumbled quietly. 
"I don't want to die a !" Yoongi suddenly wailed and Hoseok sniffed," so do I!" 
Then they looked at each other, the conversation sinking in for a moment, and Yoongi smiled flirtatiously, the both of them moved closer, and closer..
"NO! NO NO NO NO!" Taehyung screamed, pointing at them accusingly," Yoongi's not getting pregnant tonight! Then we'd have one more mouth to feed!" 
Jimin deadpanned," we would only be here for three days, Tae. A baby takes nine months." 
Taehyung pauses for a moment, before haughtily retorting," you can't tell that baby what to do!"
"We were just joking,anyway," Yoongi rolled her eyes. 
Hoseok nodded," yea-- wait. You were joking?! I m-mean..." 
"Yes. I was joking..." Yoongi giggled and nodded at the stuttering male. 
"Joking! Yes! I was joking too!" Hoseok laughed nervously. 
Everyone but Yoongi knew he was lying. 
"We're in the same boat, Hopie," Taehyung sighed sympathetically as the two shot glances at Seokjin and Yoongi. 

Ten at night. I was sure I could hear the terrifying crash of thunder outside. Stuck. That's what I was. Stuck in a hell hole of a school with six other students. The walls vibrating with unnatural life and the floor was slick. But feeling scared could be the very least of our problems, the shadows blended thousands of secrets and mysteries. Silhouettes of the dark loomed over us, the ceilings, everywhere. Watching, poised, ready to creep closer. And I could swear I heard a little girl whispe- 
"Shut up, Taehyung," Hoseok squealed. 
"I'm sure you have a instead of a , really," Taehyung snapped back, irritation drawn all over her pretty face. 
The music room of the campus was fairly large for a music room; recording studios, an orchestra stage and all, it was even bigger than a regular auditorium. The campus focused mostly on the arts, if that explains it. The lights were bright for performances, so it was hardly scary at all. The seven of them lay themselves on the stage which was at the center left of the room, where the lights were brightest. So, Taehyung concludes, that even she had more balls Hoseok could have. 
"The story was getting interesting, too!" Jungkook perked. 
A sudden growl erupted and disturbed the short silence in the room. 
"Eu-re-rong~" Taehyung sang. 
"Sorry it was me," Namjoon meekly piped up, rubbing his stomach. 
It wasn't only him. The rest of them were so hungry they could eat a cow. 
"Speaking of growl," Taehyung piped," people are saying I look like that chick Baekhyuna from e(x)o," she flipped her blonde hair smugly. 
"Tae," Jimin said with a pointed look," Baekhyuna is hot. You, you're not." 
"I think she's rather pretty," Seokjin suddenly said, and the rest looked at him quizzically," Taehyung, I mean. Not Baekhyuna," he added, embarrassed. 
"Aw, Seokkie!" Taehyung beamed, pulling him into a choking hug and pecking him on the cheek. Seokjin laughed nervously in response. 
"You're pretty," Seokjin says to Taehyung again who twirls her hair dreamily," and so is Jimin and Yoongi, of course," he added, saying it in painful honesty and kindness. 
Taehyung stops twirling her hair and Jimin barks out a laugh. 
"C'mere, sugar!" Jimin teases, nuzzling her fist onto Seokjin's head. Yoongi blushes and Taehyung scowls. Only she was allowed to be pretty in Seokjin's eyes. In all fairness, she knew Seokjin was just being nice. But Taehyung doesn't like that. Nuh uh. No bueno. 
Yoongi low-whistled," you sure are as straightforward as you are naive." 
"I'm not naive!" Seokjin shot back, furrowing his eyebrows. The rest of them deadpanned. 
"You are naive," Hoseok mumbled, with his mouth full. 
Wait. Mouth full? 
"Are you eating, Jung Hoseok?" Taehyung hissed, crawling over like the Grudge to the terrified boy. 
"N-no..?" He weakly replied, crumbs dropping from his mouth. He clutched his bag tighter. 
"FOOD?????" The rest of them yelled and practically trampled over the poor boy, scrambling for his bag. Hoseok let out a high pitched scream, hugging his bag like how Taehyung hugs Seokjin. Bone crushing. 
 "I got it!" Jungkook shouted happily, waving the bag of chips. Everyone cheers except for Hoseok who wailed in complaints. 
He quickly looked inside, and frowned. 
"What?!" Taehyung demanded. 
"There's only.." Jungkook held it up," one chip left." 
Everyone gasped. 
"You fattie!" Taehyung glared at Hosoek. 
"Why didn't you save any for me, Hoppie??" Yoongi pouted. 
"I-it's every man for himself!" He replied indignantly. 
"I'm a woman, though!" Taehyung and Yoongi snapped in unison. 
"Guys," Namjoon tried to calm them down. It was working," what we need to do here is to split the chip up in seven pieces." 
"I...I can give my piece to Jimin," Jungkook shyly pips up. Taehyung shakes her head disapprovingly. 
"I know I told you that you have to be nice to Jimin to win her over, but now you're just being too kind to those big ies," Taehyung even raised a finger in all seriousness. Jimin gasped and protectively placed her arms around her chest." And Jimin, stop blushing like a stupid fool when Jungkookie does something nice for you," Taehyung added, thinking that what a perfect matchmaker she was. 
"I don't blush!" Jimin snarled, the tip of her ears becoming pink. 
Taehyung snorted," yeah and Obama is my wife. Are we going to play this sarcastic game all day?" 
Namjoon broke the chip into seven pieces and handed it out to them. 
"Here Jimin," Jungkook handed her his piece," don't worry, I'm not hungry." 
Jimin scoffed," keep it. Just eat it. Thanks for the offer." 
"Mean," Yoongi scowled softly, watching the two. 
"How are we going to get out of here, guys?" Hoseok asks worriedly. 
And all of them didn't know. 
a/n: taehyung's character is so fun to write LOL. baekhyuna though lmao. Im on holiday right now so it's really hard and im updating this on my phone which is rlly hard D: but you guys are super cute and sweet :-D thanks for the support~ you motivate me (=゚ω゚)ノ thank you! 
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Chapter 4: I JUST CAN'T
Chapter 2: omg he is so clueless I CANNOT
anna1128 #3
Chapter 4: you should consider to continue this fic, it's really great. i'm enjoying the all chapters especially with tae's behavior.
churroseventeen #4
Chapter 4: Jungkook and Hoseok fighting over red and blue was pretty hilarious XD Update soon please~
blacksmirk #6
Chapter 4: I'm wondering when will you update this fic, authornim? Hehe ^u^
ManlyJeon_1997 #7
Chapter 1: ... This made me like Taejin. Hahaha xD

Update soon please.
sapphire0taku #8