
Darling, you fool
Seokjin comes back from a toilet break to see money on the floor. 
You heard that right. Money. Since when did money suddenly appear ever? 
"Alright girls, place in your bets!" Taehyung grins with a certain flourish and waves to the two small pools of money lying on the floor. 
"You know, we aren't all girls..." Jungkook mutters but Taehyung cuts it off. 
"So it seems like Hoseok is  expected to win.." Taehyung looks pointedly at a huge wad of dollar bills which seemed to be bets on Hoseok. 
"Um, what is this?" Seokjin asks. 
"Placing bets to see who has the balls to break the window so we can escape," Yoongi replies boredly as she fanned herself, as if breaking windows were nothing of such importance. 
"Hurry and place your bet, Seokkie." 
Seokjin stares at the competitors. Namjoon looking like he really didn't want to be here and Hoseok looking like it was his time to shine. 
"I get the money that is betted on Namjoon if I win," he said with twinkling eyes. 
"Four freaking dollars doesn't mean anything if you have a broken skull, shrimp ." 
"Are you even gonna put up a fight, Namjoon?" Jimin frowns at the lack of competitiveness. 
"No. I'm not going to die at this age. I still have yet to try ice cream rolls." 
"Dude. Those are like, the best on the planet." 
"You haven't tried it yet? Are you living under a damn rock, Patrick Star?" 
"I still haven't tried them, okay. Don't judge me and my introvert life. So Hoseok can break his neck for all he wants, but I'm not moving." 
"He has a valid point, though. Ice cream rolls is a legit reason." 
"Fine. Take it away, Hoseok." 
Before Jungkook and Yoongi (they were the only two who betted on Namjoon) could argue to have a refund, Hoseok bolted for the door. There was a loud crash of breaking glass that followed. 
Jimin's exaggerated gasps could be heard around the room. 
Then, there was a grunt, and a small 'I'm okay!' from outside.
"I can't believe he actually did that, poor child." 
"He should be thankful that the auditorium is ground level," Yoongi snorted and scampered to the open space to freedom. 
Swinging her legs deftly through, she jumped without hesitation as Hoseok caught her. 
"Thanks bud," she patted his head and he turned red with joy. 
Jimin, however, got a different treatment. She jumped tentatively as she looked straight into Hoseok's eyes, but landed on the grass with a loud thump. 
"Ow! What the hell, Hoseok!" 
"What?" He asked, a little too innocently. 
"You're supposed to catch me, idiot! Why did you do it to Yoongi and not me?" 
"....Well I guess first come first serve." 
"That does not make a single sense in this context."
"Wooh!" Taehyung exclaims softly as she landed on the ground like a cat," you're such a klutz, Jimmine." 
"Shut up, ginger on steroids." 
"It's ORANGE, not ginger," Taehyung frowns and looks at a lock of her hair. 
"I said on steroids, didn't I?" 
"This isn't the time to argue," Yoongi calmly breaks them apart,"we have to get out of here or someone's gonna get in deep trouble for breaking a window."
"This isn't just my fault!" Hoseok screams from a distance as he was already running back to the hostels. 
As soon as the rest got out safely, they scampered back before the OM or anyone saw them. And that was when Jimin stopped short. 
"Wait. Where's our bet money? Who took it...? Taehyung why are you runni- TAEHYUNG! TAEHYUNG YOU LITTLE COME BACK HERE ILL CHOP OFF YOUR ARMS"
And of course, the broken window was discovered, and the Head did investigations. The thing is that, she only investigated the usual troublemakers, and Namjoon was suspected to be one of them. 
"They just asked me a few questions, and then said,"was it you who broke the window?" 
"You confessed??" Taehyung exclaims. 
"Nope," Namjoon scoffs,"technically, they only specified it to be one person, so I said no, I didn't break the window because I didn't." 
"Hmm...that isn't lying.." Jungkook agreed, tapping his chin. 
"Guys?" Taehyung looks up from her biology textbook," is it weird that I have never burped." 
"You're lying." 
"I'm not," Taehyung puffed up her chest like a proud duck. 
"That's the only thing she can ever be proud of.." Jimin muttered. 
"Hey!" Taehyung snaps," i also have a nice personality!" She emphasized the last word slowly and sharply. 
There was an awkward pause before Yoongi and Jimin started laughing hysterically. Hoseok did too, but Taehyung grabbed his head and knuckled him in the head. He screamed like a girl having her hair caught in sink. 
"That was gold!" Jimin shrieks,"say it again, Tae!" 
"Okay," Taehyung replied with a sickly sweet voice," I also have a....fist yourself, Jimin." 
"Wait that wasn't what you said," Jimin paused, furrowing her eyebrows. 
"You can do this, Hoseok," Namjoon says, but everyone saw how he was sweating and they knew, that even Hoseok's coach didn't believe in him to win, because, they were about to face a monster. 
"Win this," Yoongi sips on her latte and gives a small air pump. Hoseok smiled weakly. 
"You can do this," Namjoon repeats and pats his back and Hoseok stands up, cracking his knuckles nervously. 
It was time for Hoseok to overcome one of the greatest challenges in life. The first one was puberty, and the second was last year finals. 
This, the third, was something Hoseok could never cross. He tried time and time again, but his efforts were always in vain. He trained vigorously, going to the gym regularly and eating healthily, something no one would dream Hoseok would do. 
Today was the day. 
"Today, I will beat you," Hoseok whispers and sits on the available chair. 
He places his strongest arm on the table and breathes out to relax himself. He looks at his vicious, towering opponent. 
"Bring it." 
"I win!~" Taehyung sings and does celebratory boxing punches," sorry Hoseok, but I don't know why you just can't beat me in arm wrestling." She looks, somehow pityingly, at Hoseok who had his head on the table in disappointment and slight embarrassment. 
"That means you're buying drinks for all of us," Jimin, without a slick of empathy for the poor boy, tapped him on the head. 
"Orders?" Hoseok mumbled through the table. 
"Caramel macchiato," Jungkook and Jimin says at the same time. Jungkook smiles shyly at that and Jimin purses her lips in surprise. 
"Didn't know you liked macchiatos," she says," a lot of people find it weird." 
The both of them ignores Taehyung and Namjoon's medley of The Little Mermaid's famous song: Kiss the Girl. 
"Ice lemon tea." 
"Mocha with a lot of whip cream. A lot." 
"Green tea frap!!" 
"Got it," Hoseok swats them away like flies and grumpily waits in line.
"Here," he places the orders on a piece of paper and gave it to the cashier. 
"Hello," the cashier greets him," if I may ask, who is that orange haired girl over their?" 
"Uh..." Hoseok drags. He really didn't want to talk to anyone who would potentially like that nutcase," she's kinda into someone else. Like crazy into." 
"Really, now?" The cashier raises his eyebrows but doesn't say a word. He walks off with the list of orders and starts to prepare them," you can go back to your seat. I'll bring them to you." 
"Thanks..." Hoseok said slowly. The cashier really looked like someone. But he couldn't wrap his head around it. 
When Hoseok got back, the rest were playing a game of 'What Do You Think Of?' 
"Hoseok, just in time. What do you think of The Wolf of Wall Street?" Jimin says. Hoseok immediately brightens. It is, well, his favorite movie. 
"Oh man, oh man," Hoseok swoons as the rest looks at him in amusement," Jordan is absolutely intriguing! Leo Dicaprio is so cutes, he is bae material 100 percent!!! Although they had too many ual scenes, I don't like those. Yuck." 
"You sound like a white girl when you talk about Leo and you're practically a kid liking a super show," Namjoon comments. 
"Taehyung, what do you think of Seokjin?" Jungkook asks the girl who laughs. 
"To me," she says nonchalantly," If Seokjin was an English singer, he'd be Beyoncé. If Seokjin was a Korean artist, he'd be V of Bangtan. Seokjin is the true epitome of sugar spice and everything nice. And he'd be Bubbles, because Bubbles is adorable." 
Everyone but Seokjin took a while to take it all in. He, well, was too busy eating beef pie. Taehyung bites her lower lip in frustration. 
"What do you think of Taehyung then, Seokjin?" Jungkook asks. 
"Well," Seokjin scratched his head subconsciously and yawned,"she's really nice." 
"If this is rejection I don't like it," Taehyung whispers furiously to Yoongi. 
"That's it, hyung?" An unfamiliar voice interrupted the small group's conversation," that's not how you treat a pretty girl like her." 
Everyone turned and Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows. It was the weird cashier guy. 
"Because if it's like that, I might as well take her away from you." 
Taehyung gapes. 
Seokjin dragged his sleepy eyes from his pie.
"How are you doing, Taehyung?" Kidoh grins, or was it Hyosang , Hoseok really didn't know. For one thing, he was confused about everything. Like really. The next day when they escaped from the auditorium, he thought it was all a big dream and ecstatically told everyone about it. And he was also confused why they didn't look that interested in his cool 'dream'. 
Now there were two Seokjins in front of him. Hoseok wonders if someone drugged his coffee. 
"Hi Hyosang!" Seokjin gives a friendly wave and continued to eat his pie. 
"K-Kidoh!" Taehyung sputters,"what are you doing here?" 
"I work here," Kidoh scoffs,"and yes, hi hyung. And hello, Taehyung's friends." 
"Oh, we're not acquainted with her," Jimin swats a hand and Taehyung shoots daggers at her.
Kidoh laughs," I'm Seokjin's younger brother." 
"WHAT." Taehyung yells. 
"Oh hello," Yoongi replies with a shocked face. 
"And I'm also Taehyung's ex." 
Taehyung face palms. Namjoon and Yoongi's jaw drops. Hoseok screams. Jungkook's fork falls onto the floor. Jimin screeches in laughter and claps her hands. Seokjin blinks. 
"You didn't tell me you had a brother," Taehyung hisses and looks at Seokjin. 
"You didn't ask," Seokjin and Kidoh said at the same time. Seokjin looks at his younger brother straight in the eye. 
"I think she was talking to me." He said lowly. 
Kidoh snickers," really? How cute, hyung. Anyway, Taehyung, Seokjin was overseas when we were dating, so you didn't see him.....but we'll talk next time, I need to go back to work now. But we'll meet up again." 
"Of course," Seokjin says slowly. Taehyung shrieks. 
"No we are not, Kidoh!" She shouts angrily. Kidoh rolls his eyes playfully to spite her. 
As Kidoh walked back to the counter, the seven of them got up to leave. 
"You didn't tell me you tell me you had an ex," Seokjin mumbled as Taehyung and his shoulders brushed against each other when they took their coats. 
" you tell me everything," Jimin forcefully pulls a half-dead Taehyung back to their hostel room as Yoongi tagged along. 
"What is there to talk about," Taehyung sighs. 
"Well, for one, I didn't know you dated. And coincidentally your current crush's brother," Yoongi nods her head slowly as if saluting Taehyung. Taehyung jumps on her bed and screams in her pillow. Jimin and Yoongi waited for her to tire out. 
"It happened in high school. And we broke up because college was tough and stuff That's about it. It also occurred to me that Seokkie looked a whole lot familiar, and guess what? Kidoh is his damn brother." She sobs dramatically," hold me, Yoongi baby." 
Yoongi climbs onto the bed and lies there in an attempt to comfort Taehyung. 
"I don't get it. Then why are you so...frustrated?" Jimin finds a muffin on her table and hands it to her. 
Taehyung keeps silent and lets out a sigh. 
"Because," Taehyung continues as she stuffed ,"I don't know if I have gotten over my feelings for Kidoh." 
"What?" Yoongi sputters. 
"Maybe, just maybe, Seokjin resembles Kidoh so much that I'm like this, you know?" Taehyung says to the ceiling," Seokjin's a really nice guy and all but I'm not stupid. I know he doesn't like me in a way I do towards him." 
Jimin sniffles. 
"Are you crying?" Taehyung pushes the teary Jimin off the bed in disgust. 
"It's so sad!" Jimin wails," I'm an emotional person, okay." 
"If that's so sad then give Jungkook a chan-" 
"MOVING ON," Jimin stands up suddenly and places a hand on Taehyung's head," Tae, I don't think anyone can help you with this. Not even Yoongi....yep, see? You got to figure out your feelings yourself. As much as my followers on Tumblr would be devastated to hear that their favorite one-sided couple is sinking, I'm sure you can make it up to them with your Kidoh or whoever." 
Taehyung shoves Jimin off the bed once again. 
Holiday had arrived. One whole month. Seokjin felt fantastic. For one, he hadn't seen his younger brother in a long time, so knowing that Kidoh worked near the campus was  great. He also didn't believe that his dongsaeng dated before him...okay he could believe it. Kidoh was some popular, sociable kid while he wasn't. 
"You and Taehyung the same age?" Seokjin asks Kidoh while the young bartender scurried around to make drinks. 
"Yeah, hyung," Kidoh smiles with a distant look on his face," she's really pretty, isn't she." 
Seokjin chokes slightly on coffee," you still like her?" 
Kidoh hums and nods. 
"But....she doesn't seem to like me anymore. At least, it doesn't seem that way." 
Seokjin frowns," that's a bummer, then. How do you know that?" 
Kidoh sighs, irked. "You're really naive, hyung." 
Seokjin frowns in confusion. 
"Never mind. I finish in twenty minutes. I'm going home to study," Kidoh says. Seokjin taps the table, a lightbulb practically flashing on top of his head. 
"How about I invite Taehyung over? I can tuition the two of you; its holiday for me now so I've got free time to spare." 
Kidoh brights up suddenly," really, hyung? That would be great!" 
"Yeah, finish up for work." Seokjin walks out of the cafe and dials Taehyung's number. 
Hoseok and Taehyung were walking out of their last class when the phone call came. Big Bang's Bang Bang Bang immediately sounded from Taehyung's phone. 
"You already set that song as your ringtone?" Hoseok says and him and Taehyung high-five," fan girls of BB for life, man." 
"You have a , Hoseok." 
"Oh yeah.... Anyway, isn't it weird? There's so many Bangs. I understand their message. If I was in a boy group as hot as them I'd definitely bang all of them. Especially Seungri. Did you see his white hair?? I had a cardiac arrest." 
"Calm down and shut up, Hoppie," Taehyung swats him away," Seokkie's calling!" 
"But I find it weird when you call Seokjin 'Seokkie'. It's like you're calling me. And I feel uncomfortable about th-" 
"Hi Seokkie!" Taehyung says brightly,"yes I'm FREE now....." She glances excitedly at Hoseok who gave her two thumb-ups. 
"You WHAT? Your h-house?" Taehyung suddenly shrieks and Hoseok cringes," of course! You mean now? I can come now? O-ok....yeah..bye!" 
"What's happening?" Hoseok asks immediately. 
"Seokjin just invited me to his house to study," Taehyung could barely contain her excitement," I gotta go. Bye, Hoseok!" 
"Bye!" Hoseok shouts to the running Taehyung and pauses before adding," no Bang Bang Bang!" 
a/n: I need to move this story along somehow. iM a free writer!! Don't hate Kidoh from toppdogg he's cute. and sorry for the long hiatus I got a writers block but I'm back with a bit of drama. thank you for subbing and commenting it really makes my day!
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Chapter 4: I JUST CAN'T
Chapter 2: omg he is so clueless I CANNOT
anna1128 #3
Chapter 4: you should consider to continue this fic, it's really great. i'm enjoying the all chapters especially with tae's behavior.
churroseventeen #4
Chapter 4: Jungkook and Hoseok fighting over red and blue was pretty hilarious XD Update soon please~
blacksmirk #6
Chapter 4: I'm wondering when will you update this fic, authornim? Hehe ^u^
ManlyJeon_1997 #7
Chapter 1: ... This made me like Taejin. Hahaha xD

Update soon please.
sapphire0taku #8