
Fight for you

HanBin was taken aback with everything Hanna just said to him. He could see that she's hurt. He could see the pain through her eyes which already filled with tears and he knew how hard she tried to hide the pain. HanBin would've pulled her into a tight hug just like how he usually does but not this time. "i don't want to argue, i'm tired." HanBin said coldly and continued to walk. Hanna froze on her spot and couldn't stop her tears. She turned to the opposite way and began to walked away. HanBin heard the steps of Hanna running away and he turned around just to see Hanna was already far from his sight. He sighed and didn't run after her but continued his way instead. Hanna's sight was blurry because of the tears, she kept walking and accidentally bumped to someone which made her fell on her . "Sorry! are ypu alright?" the voice asked, Hanna stood up and saw it was JinHwan whom she bumped to. "JinHwan oppa? I- i'm alright." She told but JinHwan was more than sure that Hanna wasn't alright. "did something happen between you and HanBin?" He asked and Hanna replied with a nod. JinHwan then held her hand and dragged her to the nearest park. They sat on the bench and JinHwan just waited for Hanna to calm herself down. He didn't want to force her to tell about what was happening but he just wanted to be a good friend even though he could only give her some company that time. " i don't know what happened between you two but i'm sure he doesn't mean the things he has done to you. He's a good guy Hanna, i know him. And you're a good girl too." Hanna started to cry again as she lostened to JinHwan. 

"it's like- he doesn't love me anymore." Hanna's voice cracked as she kept trying to hold her cries. JinHwan pulled Hanna into a comforting hug. "Hanna, just give him time. He's just under a lot of pressures right now." JinHwan tried his best to calm her down. "i know, but it's clear that he has changed." The teears already explained how hurt Hanna is. JinHwan walked her home and Hanna was thankful that being with JinHwan for a while really did help her to feel better. When Hanna stepped into her apartment, she saw a familiar figure sitting on the couch, He covered his face with his hands and Hanna exactly recognized her boyfriend. HanBin turned around to see Hanna who was still standing at the door. "i have things to say to you." HanBin said. Hanna wanted to hug him so bad. He looked exhausted and Hanna knew deep inside HanBin didn't want this to happen but she's also hurt. She can hold back herself anymore. "HanBin, if you're going to hhurt me with your words then maybe not today," Hanna sighed and avoided his eyes. "then do you want us to break up? because i'm sure when i start my training and focus on my dream you'll get hurt more than this." HanBin said as anger started to hit him. " I SAID DON'T TALK TO ME! I'VE HAD ENOUGH TODAY! i don't want to hear anything from you!" Hanna heard clearly what HanBin said but she pretended like she never heard those words from HanBin. HanBin then pulled Hanna by her arm and pushed her to the wall then she was trapped between his strong arms. "Let go!! i hate you!!" Hanna cried as she tried to push HanBin away but HanBin was strong enough to hold on. 

"Hanna, look at me." HanBin whispered as he leaned closer but Hanna kept avoiding his eyes. "you are selfish Hanna! do you think i want us to be like this?? If only you could wait a little bit longer and don't make any dramas, we'll be just fine!" HanBin yelled and Hanna just cried and cried. She lost her strength to push him away. " it hurts me to see you crying like this. Believe me, it does! and what's worst is you being like this because of me but i don't have any idea how to solve this!" Tears esca[ed from his eyes. Hanna saw it and she was shocked. It was the first time she ever seen HanBin cried and that made her realize that none of them wanted this to happen. Hanna wrapped her arms tightly around his waist and burried her face on his chest. HanBin heaved a heavy sigh and hugged her back tightly. "I'm really sorry Hanna, i didn't mean everything i've said to you. I'm really sorry." HanBin shed another tear. "i'm sorry too, but please don't leave me. i could wait for you." Hanna said while still hugging him. "i'll help you to pack your things tomorrow after your practice okay?" 

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kissykris #1
Omg yay! There's soooo little Kim hanbin stories haha! I will be excitedly waiting! And this story sounds just like his personality!