Chapter 3

New To Dating

Breathing a sigh of relief as he walked out of his classroom, he held his head high for all to see that he divide and conquered, and was finally released from the swirling vertex of hell called Exam Week. He just handed in his last exam for his Pre-Calculus class and though he's not so sure on some of his answers, Exam Week is done and so is he. Just thinking about parabolas and hyperbola gave him a throbbing headache.

"Someone seems happy."
Indeed he was. Saying goodbye to another semester and hello to a nice long break would make anyone jump for joy. But he was particularly smiling at the sight of her.
"The semester is over. Of course I am," he says, slowly snaking an arm Bomi's waist and pulling her in for a hug.
Bomi glared at him for a second before lacing their fingers together as they walked back to her apartment. "How'd you think you did?"
"Please. No talking about exams and school and anything that has to do with this," Kyungsoo complained as he frantically motions his hand around the campus.
She stopped in her place, raising an eyebrow in concern. "Ooooookay. Topic dropped. Moving on to bigger and better, much more important topics that needs to be discussed."
"Like what?"
"What we're going to have for dinner. I mean, I'm craving for Italian and I was thinking chicken and broccoli alfredo. Up for that?" Bomi looked up to see his face and Kyungsoo couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm for food. He once saw her devour her own weight in food. It was awesome. 
Kyungsoo placed his opened hand underneath his chin and poked a finger at his cheek as if he was thinking long and heard about this decision. Bomi, clearly not amused, punched him square on his shoulders that made him wince in pain. "Sounds good to me. Just as long as I'm cooking dinner. Last time you cooked it was a disaster."
"I warned you that I'm not good at cooking!" Bomi let's go of Kyungsoo's hand, storming off with a stomp in every step. Kyungsoo finds the girl cute whenever she's mad. But when she's mad, that's a different story. Let's just say that story ends with a door slammed into his face before he could get a goodbye kiss.
"Dear Lord, you're terrible at this."
Bomi scowled at Kyungsoo, not too happy to hear the man standing over her shouldn't and having the audacity to critique everything she was doing. The smug look plastered on Kyungsoo's face wasn't helping her self-esteem either. She was trying, emphasis on trying, and that's all that matters. Well, all that matters to her at least. "I'm doing the best I can here trying to stir a 6-serving afredo in a tiny pan! How'd you manage to prepare more than you're suppose to."
Kyungsoo was a bit distracted during the time he was preparing the ingredients. The recipe called for 1/4 cups of hard whipping cream and 4 ounces of fettuccine, but because of a distracted Kyungsooーstaring at Bomi cutting up the skinned chicken ーthe numbers in his head got messed up. He blamed his earlier math exam for his miscalculations. "Numbers are my enemy tonight."
"Whatever, Soo. Say what you want, but I'm trying my best to save this dish's life because of your careless mistakes, and I thought I was the one that at cooking," Bomi argued back, facing the overflowing pan with determined eyes. He noticed the way her tounge slid pass her lips, the way it always did when she's in the midst of concentration.
Kyungsoo s his arms around Bomi's waist, pressing his lips onto the curve of her neck. "Please save Mr. Alfredo, or we won't have nothing to eat for dinner."
This got a laugh out of Bomi, and Kyungsoo smiled as he heard it filled the room. Bomi had the most infectious laugh and the boy had zero immunity to it.
Bomi shut off the stove, letting the pasta to cool off while she grabbed plates. "Well, I think I just saved this pasta's life. But now we have way too many servings that we are supposed to sooooo-"
Grabbing six plates, she continued, "call up your friends, ask them if they want to come over for dinner," and Kyungsoo did just that. 
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thinkinfree23 #2
Chapter 3: Cute Story~ update soon.
asyilasa #3
Chapter 3: Update soon! Kyungmi <3
sunlight_ #4
Update soon~
Such a great story !