Day 18

100 Days of Rain

Well... We're still in Korea. The tickets Han Geng got us to go to China didn't take off until today. He got the tickets three days ago. "Han Geng! Han Geng! Hannie!!" I shouted, jumping on the bed. "Wake up, sleepy head!! Time to go to China!!"

"Aish~! Stop jumping, Hee Chul-ah!!" he yelled, pulling me down to sit.

"Come on! Get dressed! Let's go!!" I shouted, bouncing up and down still.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Fine," he said. "You go get ready and I'll make breakfast. And then I'll get dressed while you eat, okay?"

I nodded happily and got dressed. When I came out into the kitchen, Han Geng had just finished and put the plate down. "Aren't you going to eat?" I asked.

He shook his head and walked into the room. "I don't eat breakfast," he said. "I never feel hungry in the morning."

I just shrugged and ate. We were almost late for our plane flight, and I had to avoid Sung Min who was also in the airport to evade the long talk he would give me for lying. Apparently, his boyfriend was returning from China.

As we sat on the plane, waiting for it to take off, Han Geng drifted off to sleep, my hand in his. I put my head on his shoulder and sighed. And then my phone rang, a text.

To: Hee Chul
From: Kang In appa
Hee Chul... If you don't come home right now... We're disowning you...

I swallowed an invisible lump in my throat. And then I began to type back.

To: Kang In appa
From: Hee Chul
Appa... Tell Umma that I love him... And tell Dong Hae that he will always be my brother. Appa, I love you. Good bye...

I closed my phone and turned it off for the flight. Goodbye, Korea...

When we arrived in China, I understood NOTHING! So Han Geng just led the way and I stayed quiet. We got an apartment quickly and we settled in. "Are you hungry, Chullie?" he asked.

I shook my head. I sat on the bed and sighed shakily. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I... I was disowned..." I murmured.

Han Geng wrapped his arms around me and glanced out the window. I heard the soft pitter-patter of rain splashing on the windows. I groaned. "Is it raining again?" I asked, annoyed.

Han Geng grinned. "Of course it is..." he said. He turned me to face the window. "What is it you see outside, in the rain?"

"Sadness... Turmoil... Loss..." I muttered.

Han Geng shook his head but a soft smile was plastered in his lips. "That's because you're only looking at it from the view of your situation. Don't think of what just happened."

I just shook my head. I couldn't get it out of my mind. How could I?! I'd just been DISOWNED!! Han Geng could see my difficulty and pulled me downstairs. "Where are we going?!" I screamed, not afraid of waking the neighbors.

Han Geng pulled me outside, and right in front of us, the rain dripped from the ceiling. The thick veil of water splashed loudly on the ground. I covered my ears and huddled to myself. "Too loud!" I shouted.

Ham Geng only took me by my wrists and pulled me to the water. "Hee Chul... Forget about your family for a moment, please," he said calmly.

I tried to do so. It was hard. He cupped some dripping water into his hands and held it in front of me. "See this rainwater?" he asked.

I nodded. "It's no longer part of the rain. See this? This is your family that disowned you." He let the drops trickle through his fingers. "You don't need them anymore... They are just... Rain... Sad, depressing, tormenting rain..."

I just hugged myself. He took my hands and held them out to the dripping drops. The rain collected in my hands. "What is this?" Han Geng asked me.

"My... My family??" I answered.

He nodded. "Now... What is happening to them now?"

"I'm... I'm letting them go...?" I said. I opened my hands and the water fell to the ground.

"That's right, Chul-ah..." he breathed. He kissed my cheek. "And what do they symbolize?"

"Sadness... Turmoil... Loss...?"


"So... I don't need them anymore..."


"Because they're bringing me... Sadness?"


I realized the rain had stopped. "So... Now... I need a rainbow..."

Han Geng grinned and we looked at the sky. There was a bright, colorful rainbow outside, hanging in the sky. I grinned and hugged the Chinese man. "You're my rainbow..."

He hugged me tight. "Yes... I'm your new promise to--"

"A better future," I finished.

He smiled. "You're learning quickly," he said. He kissed my lips softly. "I love you, Hee Chul."

"I love you too, Hannie..."


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monsterhime #1
Chapter 13: Beautiful! I was crying so much by the time I finished. ;;
TrebleCleff #2
Chapter 13: This was so beautiful, I was crying by the end, it was so sweet and amazing. It was so sad but I loved it. Thankyou for writing it <3
(>;___;)> so beautiful! I love it!!!! Just like Heechul I too learned about the rain. My favorite fan fic <3
ManYuan #4
hi~ I love this fic. So can I trans it from Eng To Viet? I promise I will take out with full credit :)
dicqxzsi #5
omo! i actually cried reading this! i really did. this is a beautiful fanfic. first that really hit me. keep up the good work!
nank45 #6
hangeng is so selfish for make chullie promish not to fall in love again<br />
haii.. i just finish this fic in one go he he he<br />
so sad story. <br />
looking for your other fic^^
i nearly cried- and im not the sort of person that cries when reading/watching/hearing about sad things.<br />
congratulations on a very well written fanfic<br />
archipedes #8
Yes I agree, traditional Chinese looks much better than simplified ^^ I really like this fic. You did a good job. I guess its pretty true to life, like life has its ups and downs but you keep the good memories on with you.