"So what's your name?" Asked Minseok. "It's Yixing," he said in a hushed voice, "I'm supposed to be cleaning the kitchen."

"Oh. We'll leave you to it then." Yixing felt rude for saying that, but didn't want to be scolded if he was found socializing instead of working. Minseok quickly finished what he was doing and took it with him in a platter. Jongin picked the cat, or Kyungsoo, up and left along with Minseok

He tried getting familiarized with all the utensils in the kitchen. He quickly went out to fetch the broom and mop from the storage closet, and began working. It took one hour to finish cleaning the entire kitchen. It wasn't that big of a room. but Yixing tried his best to make it look brand new.

After that, he cleaned all the restrooms he could find. Since the house was absolutely enormous, there was bound to be more than one bathroom. So Yixing looked in every room and cleaned all bathrooms he could. It wasn't an easy task though. He swore he washed atleast fifty that day. Finally after hours of continuous hard work, he was finished. He had nothing else to do, and he didn't feel like napping, so he simply began walking around.

He wasn't brave enough to open the doors of the rooms he passed by, but the thought that his little brother was behind one of them, was killing Yixing. Nevertheless, he continued roaming around the silent halls, wishing for his brother to call for him. As if answering his pleas, he heard Luhan's laughter coming from the door at the end of the hall. He fastened his pace and silently opened the door and peeked inside.

He saw the boy from earlier alongside his brother. He proceeded to open the door completely and Luhan turned his head at the sound. Luhan's eyes instantly widened at the sight of his big brother. "XING YOU'RE HERE! THANK GOD!" Yixing ran towards his bother and they hugged.

They were both crying happy tears and saying how much they had missed each other, and how worried they were, when Wu Fan knocked on the frame of the door. "I see you've found one another." He grinned and Yixing felt that he preferred Wu Fan's smiling face better. " I'm sorry to burst your bubble but this is no time for family reunions." Wu Fan was being serious, *really* serious. "We have received news that the witch hunter was told to come an give this house an inspection. We have to get all of you moving. They will arrive at midday." "But Luhan isn't fully recovered yet! What are we supposed to do with him?" Yixing said full of worry and for the umpteenth time that day, confusion.

"We will transport all of you with the staff to go to my friend prince Joonmyun's estate. He already knows about this and your brother will be treated with utmost care." Maybe it was the tone he used or the expression his face conveyed, but Yixing felt reassured with Wu Fan's   plan. "Sehun, please bring a wheelchair for the boy." Wu Fan said. "His name is Luhan." Said Sehun with a rather annoyed expression while he left for the wheelchair. 

" Have the two of you already become friends?" asked Yixing. Luhan only blushed and nodded slightly. Both Wu Fan and Yixing laughed simultaneously. Just then, Sehun entered the room with the wheelchair and Luhan got on.

While they were on their way to their supposed 'hiding spot', Yixing held the red cape in his hands. He had left in Wu Fan's study due to the whole *falling asleep* incident. He asked him if he could get and he let him. He was thinking about his life with his mother. He did this a lot when he was scared or nervous. Rightnow he was a bit of both. He thinks about the times when he was younger when his mother would tuck him in or when they would go out to play in the forest. 

The day Luhan was born, Yixing felt like the world couldn't get any better. That is until their father died. His mother, him, and Luhan, who at the moment was still an infant, were left in poverty. His mother thankfully had found a small job as a maid were they provided them with shelter and food. They were finally getting on their feet when their mother died. Yixing was 14 at the time and Luhan was 9. They were left orphans and the family who once treated them kindly left on the streets.

They were near starvation and their only source of food where the pieces of bread they found in the trash. After a year of this, they were picked up by a family who seemed nice. They weren't. They were treated as slaves. They slept on the ground of a barn, were fed only bread and water, and were beat for any error they made. It went on for four years. Just when Yixing thought it couldn't get worse he came back one day to find his brother on the verge of dying. And now they were here. Yixing was uncertain of their future here but he hoped it wouldn't be bad.

Yixing snapped out of his daydream when the carriage stopped. Yixing looked out the window and was surprised to find a house twice the size of Wu Fan's estate. He was escorted out the carriage and put on his red cape. He woke up Luhan who had fallen asleep during the ride. The staff and them were guided to the entrance of the house and waited for the door to be answered. Yixing noticed that there weren't many members. There were about seven of them including him. He saw the two people he met before in the kitchen and a boy with big eyes and cat ears, whom he assumed was Kyungsoo, approaching them.

"Hi again! Yixing right? Is this your brother?" asked Minseok. Yixing only nodded and went back to looking at the door. He felt awkward around them. Mostly because they had magical powers. Just then  the door opened and revealed a man of short stature and elegant clothing. "Come in quickly." He said in quiet voice. They did as they were told and followed him into the living room. It was huge and had a big fireplace to keep them warm. "You aren't gong to stay that long but please make yourselves at home". Yixing thought that was a nice gesture coming from royalty. He had always thought that blue bloods were conceited, guess he was wrong.

He carried his brother out of the wheelchair and they both sat on the sofa. He hadn't said a word since they left and Yixing was starting to get worried. "You alright? You've been quiet the whole trip". He asked. " I'm sleepy, aren't you?" Yixing nodded and decided that a small nap wouldn't be that bad.

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I'll try updating soon guys.


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joanna20 #1
Chapter 4: Luhan & lay interaction is cute! Kray is sweet & cute too. ;-)
Love the chapter this story is interesting i look forward to your future updates. ^^