"Deal". Yixing said with certainty. Another giggle escaped from Wu Fan's mouth. Yixing was terrified of what lay ahead of him, but as long as Luhan was okay he was too. "Another thing," he said," to make sure you don't escape I will mark you". He reached for Yixing's arm and yanked him forward. Yixing realized that Wu Fan's hand were extremely cold as well. "It won't hurt badly." He said smugly, tracing his finger along Yixing's wrist. It felt as if he were being pinched, and it made Yixing let out a small yelp in pain. After the pain subsided, his skin turned red and then a couple of small marks appeared on his wrist. It looked like a dragon and beneath it was the word 'Wu' in Chinese characters.

Yixing pulled his arm away and stared deeply at the markings that come up on his once clear skin. "H-how did you d-do t-that?" He said, even more terrified than before. There was a moment of silence as Wu Fan contemplated whether to answer him or not. He inhaled deeply and said,"You'll have to work for that answer. Which brings to your first job". His face changed from an almost sad expression to a one of mischief. Yixing thought about the worst things like having to clean the corpses Wu Fan hid in his study or be part of a horrible crime. "You are to clean the whole estate excluding my room. Understood?" Wu Fan said. Yixing wondered why he couldn't enter his room but shrugged it off, he didn't want to enter anyway. Only the did Yixing realize what Wu Fan said. "The whole estate?!, he screamed, isn't it like 3 acres?!"

"Your point is?" Wu Fan inquired as if oblivious to how big that was. "Am I to do that by myself?" He asked dreading ever agreeing to his deal. Yixing sulked, only needing a stern look to confirm his statement. "Okay, I'll work in that. Anyways, do you know where my clothes are?" Wu Fan smirked and said, "Your clothes were soaked in blood and couldn't be saved, the only thing that was saved this red ca-". Yixing didn't even let Wu Fan finish his sentence when he ran towards and hugged. "Thank you so much!!! You don't know how much I love this cape. My mother gave it to me its the only thing I have left from her Thank you so much". Yixing was a crying mess and he still held on to Wu Fan as if he might die if he let go. After a few awkward minutes of ugly crying and hoards of 'thank yous'  Yixing's sobs turned into quite sniffles.

After several more minutes, Wu Fan came to the conclusion that Yixing had fallen asleep. He couldn't do anything and he had gotten tired of standing there in silence. He picked Yixing up and was surprised on how light he was. He was so busy fussing about Yixing had fallen asleep that he didn't notice that his little brother, Sehun, was missing. He was currently deciding on whether letting him sleep some more or waking him up. He chose the latter. "Hey, wake up! I don't have your time!" Yixing yawned, his nose scrunching up. Wu Fan was starting to think this boy wasn't gonna be of much help. Seeing that Yixing still wouldn't wake up, Wu Fan threw him on the sofa and Yixing stirred in disturbance. He finally proceeded to get up and stretched. Wu Fan realized something. He didn't know this boy's name. "There is no time to sleep right now so get to work. Also, I demand to know your name". The boy in question looked up at him in confusion, still a bit drowsy from his nap. "My name? oh ok, it's Yixing, Zhang Yixing"."Yixing huh? Okay Yixing, as I know temporarily own you I will assign you to a task. But seeing that you're still a bit sleepy I will take away your previous task and make clean the kitchen and restrooms. When you're finished you can wander around and get to know the other servants. Just remember to stay out of my room. Understood?"

"Yep". With that Yixing went through the first door he saw and quickly turned back. "Where exactly is the kitchen?" He said, amusing Wu Fan and making him chuckle. "First off, you to the door on the left, go straight, turn right and if you keep walking straight you'll see the doors of the dining room. In the dining room there are two doors, one leads to the storage and the other to the kitchen. The kitchen door is located on the left. Should I repeat anything?" Yixing felt very confused but nodded his head and tried his best to follow Wu Fan's directions. After fifteen minutes of going in circles, Yixing finally found the dining room doors. They were huge, he felt like an ant in comparison. He thankfully found the kitchen door rather quickly and entered. There he found two men and a small black cat. One of them was cooking something. He was rather short and had brown hair and chubby cheeks. Yixing thought that he didn't look like he belonged there. The other one was rather tan and dark brown eyes. He was too busy petting the cat to notice his entrance. The cat had the biggest and roundest eyes he had ever seen. Yixing found it very cute.

"Hi, my name is Yixing and I was just brought here yesterday. From today on I will be working with you so it's a pleasure to meet you". Both of them looked up from what they were doing and eyed Yixing for a couple of seconds. Yixing felt like he was going to faint from the nervousness. He was surprised when the one who looked like a steamed bun ran towards him and hugged him. " Yay!! You hear that Jongin we have a new partner, isn't that fun?" The so called Jongin just nodded and proceeded petting the cat. " We rarely get new personnel. You must be very special. Wu Fan doesn't pick his servants that easily. By the way, I'm Minseok. That one over there is Jongin, he's a witch, he is very quiet though. The cat is Kyungsoo, he is Jongin's shapeshifter. Oh and I'm a Fairy. You can't see my wings right now because there resting but in a week or so they'll be fine." Yixing took a little bit of time to process everything he had just heard. Did he say Fairy? Shapeshifter? Witch? He was even more confused now if that was humanly possible.


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joanna20 #1
Chapter 4: Luhan & lay interaction is cute! Kray is sweet & cute too. ;-)
Love the chapter this story is interesting i look forward to your future updates. ^^