Chapter One

Magnum opus

Jung Eun


I am sitting on the grass with my back leaning against the trunk of an autumn tree, watching as every leaf falls off the tree as they dance to the rhythm of the wind bringing them to elsewhere.

I closed my eyes and inhale the scent of autumn. A smile crept its way to my face as I enjoyed the cold breeze gently hitting my bare skin.

School just ended and I'm here at my favorite part of our school. The School Garden. The most tranquil place here in school aside from the library. I was trying to write a song for the upcoming recital which will be held eight months from now. But I can’t come up with any unique idea. I sighed at the thought.

I’m very excited to perform because this is my dream, to showcase my talent but at the same time I'm very nervous. Just imagining performing in front of the crowd makes my heart beat race.

*Poke*  *Poke*

I felt someone poke my left cheek and I opened my eyes, blinking several times as I adjust my vision at the sudden brightness. I looked to my side and found the intruder, the person I've been waiting for, who is smiling before me with those beautiful innocent eyes.

“Sorry for making you wait.” He apologized while scratching the back of his neck.

Waiting you for a few minutes is worth nothing compared to three years.

“It’s okay.” I smiled and pinched his cheeks. He let out a gasp and a pout made its way on his face. I chuckled at his behavior while his pout was replaced by a grin as if he remembered something.

“Oh! I have something to show you!” He said excitedly.  He held a hand for me to take and I gladly took it as I stand. “Where to?” I asked as I pat my skirt to remove some dirt.

“Come on!” Instead of answering my question, he grabbed my hand and led me to the school gate.

“Where are we going?” I asked bewildered, hoping that he’ll give me answer this time.

"You'll see." He said and smiled while his eyes turn into those wonderful crescents that I really missed.

I don’t want to spoil his excited state, so I just let him dragged me. My curiosity grew as we ride a bus. I’m not really sure if my instinct is correct but the direction of the bus we took is somehow familiar.

“Seriously, Kyung Soo where are we going?” I asked while looking out through the window, watching as every car passed by.

“I'm going to exile you.” He glanced at me and smiled.

I slapped his arm and he laughed at my reaction.

"We're going downtown." Finally he answered me seriously.

So, my instinct is correct.

I let him lead me while I watched his face full of enthusiasm. I hardly believe that I was far away from this guy before because we were inseparable.

We reached the place and I look around at our surroundings. His warm hand was still on mine but I never really complain about it. It gave me warm on this chilly night. He led me, and soon we were walking through the sea of people. There’s a stage in front of us, decorated with colorful neon lights. And there was a band playing a lively song while the crowd sang along with the vocalist.

"We’re here.” He flashed me a smile and soon he sang along with the crowd.

“How did you know there’s a free concert here?” I whispered at him while looking around me.

“Connections.” He simply stated and I looked at him. He winked at me and I can't help but to smile.

We enjoyed the concert that we completely lost track in time. Then the MC came back to the stage introducing the second to the last performers for the night.

A group of people came to the stage, it was an orchestra producing a beautiful melody.

 “Thanks.” I turned my gaze at him and smiled.

“For what?” He tear away his gaze from the performers and looked at me for a second.

“For bringing me here. Silly.” I chuckled and pinched his cheek.

“Oww…. It’s nothing.” He smiled that made me pinched his cheek more. “But seriously you need to stop doing that.” He said. His voice turning serious all of a sudden while he grabbed my hand.

I stared at him for a while and I felt heat rushing to my face.

“S-sorry” I looked at my two feet and I lifted my head when I heard him emitting a laugh. He started messing my hair like I was a little kid.

“Just kidding. Anyway, when will you start practicing for the upcoming recital?” He returned his gaze at the new performers on stage and I did the same.

The melody that the performers produced suits the cold night. It gave warm and bliss to the audience.

“I’m planning to start next week but..” I said but stopped.

“But?” He asked confused while raising a brow.

“I’m having a small problem with the lyrics.” I bit my lower lip and glanced at my feet. “I really have no idea on what to write.” I continued and lifted my head to watch the performers.

I felt him pat my head and as I turned my head to look at him, I saw him smiling down at me.

“You can write whatever you feel Jung Eun. Just pour your emotions on the lyrics, and I’m more than sure that everyone who heard your song will like it.” He said with two thumbs up. “And what is important is that you enjoy writing the lyrics.” He continued.

I nodded at him, agreeing at his words.

“You don’t need to rush when you write. If you found an inspiration, your words will just flow naturally.” He smiled at me reassuringly.

I smiled at him. He was actually right. And I’m really thankful that at times, he chose to be serious and set aside his plans to make fun of me.

“How about you? When will you start?” I tear my gaze away from the performers and glanced at him.

“The same day you’ll start.” He grin dumbly.


After the concert we had our late dinner at the nearby restaurant. We finished our dinner and we were walking on the pavement while we enjoy the night as we eat the half melt ice cream in our hands while playing a game.

"It's your turn. Truth or dare?" I ask Kyung Soo as I my vanilla ice cream.

"Truth is boring. I choose dare." He said with a smug face.

I laughed at him and he raised a brow at me.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked innocently, completely oblivious to his image. He continued his chocolate ice cream while I continue to laugh.

"Here." I handed him a tissue and he stared at it dumfounded.

I chuckled and do the honors to wipe the side of his lip.

"You have ice cream on your lip Soo" I chuckled and he stared at me.

He coughed in embarrassment and continue to talk.

"So I chose dare." He stated again and I try not to laugh at the embarrassed Kyung Soo.

I thought for a while and suddenly an idea pop out on my mind.


I grinned at him.

"I dare you to ...." I whispered at him and he stared at me in disbelief. A smirk suddenly crept on his face.

“You think I can’t do it?” He asked smugly while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

I slapped his arms.

“Then prove me wrong.” I challenged and laughed.

"Are you ready? In the count of three.” I grinned at him. I fished out my phone from my pocket and scrolled through my music. I found the song I've been looking for and started to count.

He cleared his throat and shook his hands getting ready for the dare.




And there he goes dancing and singing at the top of his lungs to the chorus of Red Velvet's Ice cream cake. I can't stop laughing while watching him as we earned weird looks from the passers-by. The chorus part ended and he grabbed my wrist as we sprinted through the crowd.

I laughed at the boy next to me. He was blushing madly because of embarassment.

"I'm very proud of you." I said and he gave me a smirk.

"I must looked hot back there." He said proudly that earned him a playful slap at the shoulder.

"Yeah, that's why people gave you weird looks." I said and chuckled teasingly.

"And to you too. You look crazy back there when you were laughing." He said back.

"Whatever Red Velvet's SOOlgi" I laughed at my own lame joke.

He gave me a menacing look.

"It's you turn. I dare you t-" He said.

"Hey! I didn't even get the chance to choose." I cut him off.

"I know everything about you already, and dare is more fun." He hissed.

"Then why did we have to name the game truth or dare if we will only play the dare." I hiss back.

"Then let's just pretend that the name of the game is dare." He smiled.

"Whatever Soo." 

He his melted ice cream and grin at me.

"It's payback time." 

"I dare you to get Jong In’s number." He said bluntly and my ice cream instantly melted.

"That's not fair." I told him but he only smiled.

"You can do it." He finished his Ice cream and looked at me.

Jong In is one of the greatest and hottest dancer in our school making him popular. An apple of the eye of most of the girl students in school. But that's not the thing. I'm lacking confidence when it comes to people I don't know. Ironically, I want to perform on a stage someday with crowds listening to me.

"That's hard actually." I said and finished my ice cream. 

"Trust me, It's for your own good. How can you perform if you have no confidence?" He said. 

I thought of what he said and I know he was trying to help me.

"Take this as a challenge for you to build your confidence." He smiled and pat my head.

I smiled at him. He really knows how to help me in so many ways and I'm more than happy to have a best friend like him.

"Sooo.. Are you backing out now?" His lips slightly turned into a challenging smirk.

I breathe deeply and looked him in the eye.

"Of course No." I smiled.

"Then you can start your operation get Kkamjong's digits tomorrow." He grin and I laughed at his statement.

I nodded and pinched his cheeks out of instinct.

He glared at me and I know what was going on inside his mind.

I ran and I heard him shout.

"Hey! Come back here!" He shouted while chasing me down the quiet neighborhood.



Author's Note

Hi! The first chapter is finally up! I’ve lost count on how many times I changed and rewrite the whole chapter. And I’m really glad that I finally finished the first chapter!! Sorry for some grammatical errors. I’ve been trying my best to proof read it all over again. Anyway, thank you for reading the whole chapter!

Also, Imagine squishy Kyungsoo dancing Ice cream cake!!


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