Squirrel Head

TROOP 1004

Po sighed as he picked up the rest of his belongings, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. The two idiots were still hugging and apologizing, when all of a sudden a shadow towered over Po, blocking the bright sun.

He looked back, not prepared to see a person standing there.

"OH MY GOD!" He almost broke his voice box shouting, grabbing at his chest as he fell to the ground, dropping all the stuff he had been carrying.

"You scared the crap out of me..." he said to the boy who almost made him piss his pants. The two idiots had stopped their little bromance and looked over to see what was wrong. Po's headache had now fully arrived.

The boy put his hands out, shaking them as he apologized.
"Oh my! I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you..." he said to Po, a look of remorse on his face.

"I was just sent here by Leader to check on you and see if you have arrived safely and I saw you here-" the boy rambled. Going on and on, explaining the situation. Po just sat there, examining the boy.
He had weird hair. It was the first thing Po noticed. Po stared at him like he had a squirrel on his head. The boy was tall, with a fairly large build, but the hair seriously made the kid look like a giant baby. It was a light grey, making his skin seem like he hasn't been outside... ever.

"Look, I'm not angry. You don't have to apologize." Po said, interrupting him.

The boy shut his mouth and looked down. Did he really feel that bad? Po thought for a second.

"Just carry my bags will ya?" Po said to the boy, taking advantage of his guilt. He didn't feel like dealing with anything right now.

He obliged, assembling all Po's belongings in his hands as Po awkwardly tried to get up.

He flapped his jacket, flinging a few stray pieces of grass off of it. The boy put his hands out, offering to help knock off the dirt and grass gathered on his jacket, but then changing his mind. He retracted his hands, feeling bad about ruining Po's jacket.

Po looked up at the boy, his mouth forming a fine line.
"So who is this "Leader" and why does he care where I am?" Po asked the boy.
The boy smiled a little, thinking about the Leader. He respected the boy so much. He secretly wished to be exactly like him.
"Follow me!" he said as he turned and clumsily ran to the large building, Po's bags flapping against his legs as he did so.

Po looked back at the two tricksters behind him, only to see them following the boy, chuckling as they ran past him.
Po casually followed, taking off his jacket. Damn it was hot. He looked at the back of it to see a huge green wet stain on it.
"Awww man. They ruined my favorite jacket..." he whined.

He suddenly felt a sense of urgency as he saw the other boys hurry, and broke out into a slow jog, wondering why the two idiots were chuckling like a pair of hyenas.






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Chapter 4: Oh gosh...Po...poor guy :/ I wouldn't want to be him right now xDD (or would I? :3 ;) )
Your writing is really awesome, Foxehh bear!! I can totally imagine everything really well thanks to your clear descriptions of everything. Really, it's amazing! ><
Well done dear!! I thoroughly enjoyed the last two updates! Keep it up! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 4: Great! I luved it! Lol poor po.
Chapter 3: its Zelo righttttt; i bet its zelo :333
but jeez daejae hyenas are honestly creeping me out rn haha.
aah but those two are just so funny together XDD
Thank you so much for the wonderful update<33333
Chapter 2: omg yessss idiot duo daejae<33333
how can they be so cute haha XDD
but man, poor PO :PP
I can't wait for more<333
Thanks so much for the awesome update<333333
Chapter 2: Awww! dae is a little cutie! a cute idot xD Jaejae seems like the bossy one who has the final word xDD Looking great so far Katie!!! Well done sweetie! <3 < ^_^
Chapter 1: omg this is so greattttt<3333
it has totally captured my interest and i just cant wait to see how the camp will be and how PO will react XDD
lol and i think i really like daehyun's character. already he is very pushy and so addorabbleeeeee<333
this has got to be one of the best i have read in a long time :333
Thank you so much for the amazing update<333333
Chapter 1: "their slogan was “We strive to be Best Absolute Perfect”. "What did that even mean? They couldn't even get the grammar right..."" Hahahahahah XDD this made me laugh XD so far so good Katie dear!!! Keep it up! I think this is a fantastic and interesting storyline and I hope to read more if it!!!! ^_^ fightiiiiinnnngggg!!!!!!! <3