picture perfect


It all started in a flash – no, no, literally.

A spark of white light flutters in the field of Minseok's vision and he shuts his eyes tightly, instinctively leaning away from the offending source.

“Hey, what the hell?” he calls out, blinking his eyes open, nose scrunched.

“Sorry, sorry! I like to keep the flash on. It makes the photographs look crispier, you know?”




although i found this song after i had planned most of this fic, i have to say it fits perfectly into the story and it can be said the plot is loosely based on its lyrics.

this is my first time posting a fic here, as well as my first exo fanfic, and all i can say is, i hope it will be an enjoyable read.

there's a slight chance the rating may go up.


A photograph is, quite simply, a lie.

It carries with it an essance of a point in time long gone, captured in perfect stillness and lifelike enough to lure the mind to believe, even if just for a second, that the moment hadn't yet faded away, that staring at it long enough could bring back what was caught and play it out all over again.

But Minseok knows better than that.


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