Emotional-ish drabble


It's times like this that I find myself thinking of you, missing you. Because I knew that I could go to you broken, and you would reassure me, telling me of the beauty of life, of my life, of the life we had envisioned together.


I remember how you would pat my head, and rub my back telling me that everything was going to be fine in the end. That life was a marathon we had to run. And through that snotty, tear drenched face, I would tell you "but I don't like running". You would smile and tell me that you'd run the marathon with me, by my side.


It's times like this I just want someone to be here, telling me everything will be okay.


It's times like this, that I miss you most. Your hugs that said that you loved me, and that you would protect me. Your back rubs that said you would always be there for me. Your words that said you would never give up on me. Your hands holding mine, saying you would pull me away from the darkness.


And now, all I have is the darkness engulfing me once more, and I'm losing the will to fight back anymore.

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