You x Your idol (male)


"Stop. Stop saying I'm the best you've ever had. We both know how I'm not good enough. No, how I'm never up to your standards. To be honest, I don't even know why you picked me to be your girlfriend. I annoy you to no end, tease you too much, get too affected by things, make you angry, cry over the smallest things, make a fit over every other thing yet you still keep telling me.. promising me that I'm the best you've ever had. You're lying. You.. you're lying. Please tell me you're lying"


As you cried on and on, all he could do was listen. He laughed inwardly your childishness. Because he knew that everything that you thought made you imperfect was what made you more endearing to him. He couldn't let you know though. He couldn't let you know that you had won his heart. He, the cold, grouchy and icy man falling for the emotional, bubbly and crazy you. Who would have thought?


Your random outbursts made him smile and so did your squabbles and your tantrums. He loved this childish side to you, and that innocence in your eyes. He wanted to protect you, save you from harm, even if it meant his happiness was to be forsaken.

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