
Love Me If You Can

I wake up naturally today. The sun already high up on the sky. I'm rolling on my comfort bed. I always feel a lot better after a long sleep, much much better and I couldn't feel any happier. As if every new day comes with new hope. Time to make today a little bit difference from past weekends. But I have no plan yet in my mind. "What to do?" I ask myself. Suddenly my phone is ringing. I hope it's Luhan or Yixing want to ask me out maybe for a movie and do some shopping. I need some theraphy tho. But it turns out differently. 


Nope. Neither Luhan or Yixing, it's Chanyeol. I mean, my boss, Mr. Park. But we all call him Mr. Deep. Because his voice is so deep. He could scared everyone in the office with his deep voice and his 24/7 cold face is trying to tell mess-with-me-or-I-will-seperate-your-head-from-your body. To be honest, no one like him. Me too. When our former boss aka his older brother aka Mr. Park Chan Sung got married 3 months ago and transfered to the new branch in Canada, Mr. Deep transfered here and turned the surrounding into the ghost house. To say, he is totally different from his hyung. Maybe because he didn't go to college as he had his own private tutor but still, it doesn't mean he has to be mean to everyone. He creates the uncomfortable aura in the office. 


My phone stop ringing for awhile. Thanks God, hopefully he will give up. I look at the screen, 7 missed calls already. Can't he understand that today is my off day and if I refuse to pick up his call that's mean I don't want to be disturbed? Huh. I hear someone open the door of my bedroom and I know it's Jongin. Well, it's just the two of us in the house. 


"Eh, Kyungsoo. Someone is here. He said he wants to meet you now. It's urgent." Jongin tells me in a rush. I jump out from my blanket. 


"What? Who?" O.O . I'm sure I never mess with any gangster or made a loan with the shark. Who is that someone who is currently waiting for me outside? 


"I don't know. You better go out now, he looks serious." I don't bother to check my hair or change my pajama and just storm out from the bedroom. When I run down the stairs, from the angle I saw someone has his back to me. Maybe because the sound of my steps, that person automatically stand up and turn to his back. 


Aish! I mentally cursed that person. What does he wants huh? 


"Mr. Do, I need your help." Chanyeol looks straight into my eyes. I hate the light of his eyes. "Please." 


"What makes you come all the way here, Mr. Park? Is it that important?" I try to behave. 


"Yes. I've called the team members but they're all out from this town. They suggested me to call you. So I'm here." 


Aha, I remember they're all in Jeju Island for seafood BBQ tonight and I told them I can't join the dinner due to my seasick. Suddenly I feel regretted for decline the dinner. If I were there, most probably Mr. Park will come all the way to Jeju Island just to ask for a help. Hahahaha. 


"Mr. Do, how? Please. Don't worry, it's not for free. I really need your help." I think he is so desperate, until he begs me this way. 


"10 minutes." I run back upstairs to get ready. He better pay me a lot of ka chings or, urm, I don't know what to curse him yet but I'll think of it later. After a quick shower, I just wear my casual outfits. Before I walk downstairs, I don't forget to inform Jongin that I will go out for awhile. 


"Ready?" He asks and casually takes my case. 


"Yes." I reply. I feel awkward with his unexpected behaviour but I just ignore the feeling. 




He opens the door for me. Everything is awkward since the morning. Maybe he just want to show his human side as I agreed to help him but it feels like I really don't mind if he keeps his evil side. At least, I'm getting used to it. This way, it's like meeting new person. 


His sport car looks new anyway. I never see him drives this one. Maybe he just keep it at home. Hahaha rich people collecting car like collecting stamps. I don't know how to drive. Usually Jongin will drops me at my work place and picks me up. He said he doesn't mind to do it everyday and it's one of the reason to love him more. 


We have nothing to talk and we aren't close enough to talk about private life. If it's about work, then we can discuss from AM till PM. I'm one of the designer team for summer collection and he is the head. Something is wrong with the project and Chanyeol need to settle it before the meeting on this Monday. Because of he is new and not with us since the start so he needs at least one of us to guide to avoid misconception and yeah, that's why I'm here with him. 


"Thank you once again and I'm sorry for suddenly appearing." He apologized once again. "I called you so many times but you didn't pick up and I got your address from your profile. Sorry once again." He explains. 


I mentally face palm when the scene of me ignoring his incoming phone call while cursing at him flash back on my mind. "I was still sleeping. I just woke up when Jongin told me you're there." I tell him lie. 


"Aha, that guy is Jongin. Your brother?" 


"Nope, he is my best friend since university." And my secret crush too. 


"I see. He looks over protective somehow." 


"Why?" "I don't know. Hahaha. Maybe the looks in this eyes." He laughs again. 


I don't reply and just look out of the window. I hope we won't take a long time to settle the problem so that I can ask Luhan and Yixing to hang out together tonight. 




We both let out a loud sigh when Chanyeol close the file. After 4 freaking hours, finally it's all settled. Chanyeol once again said sorry for the nth times today for causing trouble and taking my time. I don't mind actually. The fact that he was so relax and easy going through out these past few hours. I don't understand why he don't act that way before. Isn't it good if he always behave like this in normal days too? 


"So, can I leave now?" I ask for his permission. 


"Already?" He asks me back. 


"I don't mind to stay if you still need my help." I offer sincerly. 


"It's already 2PM. Let's go for a lunch. On me." It sounds more like an order, instead of a question. 


"It's okay. I'm sincere. We're a team by the way. If this project win that's mean we all win too." I reject his offer nicely. 


"Nah, I really want to treat you lunch. Plus, I'm responsible to send you home after I 'kidnapped' you this morning. Hahaha." He jokes. 


"But Mr. Park, I have another promise. Next time maybe." Jongin texted me to have a lunch together at this one new italian restaurant next to our favourite saloon. Now, I'm all excited. 


"I see. Where are you going? Want me to drop you there?" 


"Someone will fetch me up. Don't worry." 


"Okay then. Take care." 


I bow at him before I leave his room. While waiting for the lift to open, I take out my phone to call Jongin to pick me up. 


"Hello, Jongin! I've finished." 


"Hey, Kyungsoo! Urmmmm, I'm sorry. I have to cancel our lunch today. I'm with Krystal now. Are you okay?" He sounds sorry. 


"Of course. I can just take the cab." No, I'm not okay. 


"How about dinner, tonight?" 


"I already promised with Luhan and Yixing. Don't worry Jongin. We have a lot of tomorrows. Hahaha. Enjoy your date." 


"Thanks Kyungsoo." I end the phone call and turn my phone off and get into the lift. 


He promised me first, why Krystal is always his priority whatever? I say no when he asked me for a dinner because I already promised Luhan and Yixing. Can't he do the same? Is it because Luhan and Yixing are my best friends while Krystal is her girlfriend? How unfair. 


I want to show him how jealous I am right now but I have no right to show it. I'm mad and pissed off at him but once again, who am I? Is it normal for a friend to feel this much of jealousy? Jongin never date anyone before. Krystal is his first so as friend I must understand his situation but the other part of me can't brain this situation wholely. 


Ah,,, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

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DoKwangYeol #1
Chapter 2: palli update ><
Chapter 2: god, i hate Jongin.. can we have chansoo author-nim.. i'll be happy if kyungsoo could stop his feelings towards jongin and open his heart for chanyeol instead.
Chapter 2: So is this Chansoo then? I really want them they're so cute :3 and I don't really ship Kaisoo so I won't mind of they don't end up together.
Waiting for the next update ^^