Now I See You... Now I Don't

Beast in Fiction


"Someday, I'll confess to a guy that I love." IU said as she looked at the sunset.

"Yeah, right. He'll just reject you." I teased.

"I'll prove you wrong someday! Someday soon." 

I don't know when she meant by someday but I believe that this lazy sack wouldn't get a guy, ever. And if ever she does find one, I'll feel sorry for the guy that has to deal with her crazy antics.

[End of Flashback]


Today, I was woken up by the annoying sound of a loud hair dryer. It was IU, my roommate who just can't consider the fact that she's not the only one living here. Y'know, even if we've been roommates for months now, we still haven't gotten used to each other. It's just that we're so different!

"Hey, IU! Can't you just turn that thing off?" I yelled as I threw a pillow at her face.

She threw the pillow back at me. "Can't you just sleep on the hallway?"

"No chance! Where are you going anyway?" 

Her face turned red and she became hesitant. "Uhmm... Somewhere."

I raised an eyebrow in curious suspicion. "Hmm? Where is this somewhere that you speak of?"

"It's none of your business!" She yelled, slammed the door and left. 

Something's up with her and I know it's something big. That ugly sack wouldn't put so much effort into her looks unless she's going to some extremely special occasion. Time to stalk her.

I turned myself invisible and followed her around. I noticed that she has some of the smelly chocolate that she was making last night with a card on it. I peeped on the card to see that it's for Wooyoung, the most popular guy in school. Sheesh, this is so like a drama where the shy girl meets with the handsome and cool guy. This is pathetic. I bet 10,000 won that she'll get rejected.

Suddenly, she stopped and Wooyoung stood in front of her, already expecting what she would say.

"I'm sorry but I can't date you." She was rejected even before she confessed to him. 10,000 won for me~! 

"Oh, it's okay. I mean, we can still be friends, right?" She said shakily as she forced a smile. I began to regret laughing at this situation, the poor girl.

"Of course." He smiled at her and patted her back.

"Well, see you at school!" She said and walked away slowly as tears slowly fell down her face, leaving her eyeliner to droop down as if she was a witch of some sort. I then tripped her, caught her by the hand and reappeared. She immediately knew that it was me.

"You were watching me this whole time!?" She yelled as she continuously punched my chest. 

I chuckled. "Yeah, you look funny!" 

She stomped her foot in anger. "Shut up! Just go."  

She was about to leave but I grabbed her hand and pulled her in. "There, there. There are are other rotten fish in the sea just like you."

"Yeah, rotten just like you too." 

"So you're saying that we're compatible?" I teased and poked her shoulder. "Yeah, right."

She agreed. "Yeah! I mean, you're stupid, obnoxious and irresponsible."

"Well, you're annoying, lazy and uncontrollable!" I countered.

"Hmph!" We both said as we turned away in opposite directions. We stayed like that for a few moments until she suddenly held onto my hand, shaking.

"Hey, if you're trying to scare me, it's not working-" I turned back to see her crying again. "Hey..."

"Damn it! Why would he reject me?!" She yelled.

"Uhh... Cause you're unbearable." I said frankly.

"Why is that so?"

"You always sing in the bathroom and leave our room messed up. Also, you bicker with me all the time!" 

"Same with you!" She retorted and she's got a point. It's the same with us everytime. I'm the only one who can deal with this girl. I can't imagine any other guy living with her aside from... Me.

"Y'know what, let's just go back home."  I said as I covered her entire head with my jacket. "Dongwoon, I can't see! Get your germs away from my head." 

"Be quiet! Just hold my hand and I'll lead the way."

When we got back, I removed the jacket from her face and got some water to remove her smudged makeup. 

"Phew, I'm glad that was over. Have you ever heard of perfume?" She said and threw my jacket at my face. 

"But I was wearing perfume... Your perfume actually." I replied innocently. 


"Anyways, stay still and I'll wipe the abomination on your face away." I began to remove all of the smudged makeup on her face. "Y'know, you don't need to put makeup anymore. Your face already looks fine the way it is."

"Really?" Her face brightened.

"No, not really."

"I've had enough!" She then splashed the pail of water at me and I was completely soaked. I got another pail of water and splashed it at her. Turns out, she took it too seriously.

"I'm so fed up with you!" She slapped my face and stormed out of the room. She didn't return that night and I fell asleep, all drenched in cold water.


In the morning, I saw a note that said, "Dongwoon, I'm now roommates with Wooyoung. He took me in miraculously and would take care of me unlike you who just bullies me twentyfour-seven." 

The first thing that came into my mind was to bring her back. I tried to get offa my bed but my body suddenly became heavy so I felt my head. I had a fever, a high fever but nevermind that, I gotta go to Wooyoung's room.

I rushed over to Wooyoung's room with my messed up hair and post-soaked state. I knocked on his door and he opened it oh, so calmly. "Dude, I want my roommate back." 

"I'm sorry but it seems that she doesn't want you back." He replied. 

"Is that so?" I asked once again to confirm it. "Why'd you take her in?"

"I felt pity for the poor girl. What have you done to make her leave?"

"Nothing." I replied my head faced down as I smiled in sadness. True, I did nothing that's why she left. If I did something for her, she would've stayed. I know that all I've done was torture that sack around but that's what keeps me amused and without her, being alone in that room will just feel incomplete.

"I guess I have no choice then..." I let out a heavy sigh. "Don't forget that she likes to stay up late with the music on, so bear with that. Also, she always and I mean always leaves her clothes on the floor. She'll never pick it up so you have to do so."

"Alright, I'll take note of that." He nodded.

"Wait, she also makes the most disgusting chocolate so it's a good thing that you didn't eat them. Remember to always insult her, she becomes cute that way and never ever throw water at her, it pisses her off. "

"Okay, man."

"Lastly, please tell her that... She's the best roommate, no, best girl that I've ever met..." After that, I couldn't remember what happened. It was all a blur to me.


"Doongwoon! Doongwoon! Wake up you douchebag!" IU was vigorously nudging me, how unpleasant. I was lying on my bed and I'm back in the room.

"Stop shaking me, I'm alive." I groaned. "What happened?"

"You fainted and fell down the nearby stairs." 

"Did it hurt?" I asked.

"How would I know?! You were the one who fell." She scolded and slapped my shoulder. "Ack!" I yelled in pain. 

"Oh, sorry." 

"Nah, it's alright." 

"I heard what you said..." She smiled pleasantly at me. 


"No way!" She refused and shook her head.

"Why not?" I whined.

"It was the nicest thing that you've ever said to me."

I looked at her and held her hand. "So, does this mean that you'll stay?" 

"Well... You have to make up for it." She replied.

"Can I make up for it now?" 

"Sure, why not?" She answered excitedly. I pulled her in and made her lie down beside me on the bed. "What are you doing? I'll get a fever." 

"Y'know what, I don't care." I gave her an evil smirk and hugged her tight. 

"How is this making up for your mistake?" She complained as she struggled to get out of my grip.

"Just stay still..." I leaned over and kissed her cheek and she instantly turned red, success. "Did I make up for it now?"

"Y-yeah." She replied in a shy manner.

"You better not run to Wooyoung again. Make me some of your horrible chocolates sometime and we'll have a blast." I said and fell asleep again. I drained all of the energy that I had left just to do all of those. At least I can sleep knowing that I no longer did nothing for her.

Someday came now and IU, you've proved me wrong.

Another story, done~!

Also, I do not dislike Wooyoung at all. I actually have a completed fic about the milky couple soo yeah. 

Thank you all for reading :).

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uaenaland #1
Chapter 3: Awh so sweet .. you need to write a story about IU and Dongwoon too someday .. this is too cute....
chinnyrose08xanime #2
Chapter 3: IU and Dongwoon !!
daebak ... !!
love it soo !
ainashahirah #3
waiting for Gikwang and Min!!! but why Junhyung and Hara.. ussually Junhyung and Hyuna.. haha^^ what ever.. waiting or Gikwang and Min!!!! thank god it is not Hyosung!
Ohemgee. Your oneshots are so awesome! :DDDDD
--nerdyexotic #5
Awww that was the best oneshot ever!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
aww i love suzy and yoseob!!!
NieyaOzil #7
wow i love all the stories