Teach You To Love Me

Beast in Fiction

Good morning, world. Today's the first day of school again and I'm all hyped up to know what kind of students I'll be having this year. 

Man, there's so many people as usual and we're all fighting for a spot on the train. Luckily, I got there just in time and was able to get at least a hand rail but just as the train was about to close its doors, a saw a student rushing towards it, I grabbed her hand and pulled her in. For some weird reason, I felt a spark the moment I touched her. Is this because of my teacher instincts?

"Thank you, sir." The student replied, panting and exhausted. By the look of her uniform, she's a student from the school where I teach. 

"No problem." I must admit, she's one of the most attractive female students that I've seen, ever. "Say, why don't I walk you to school?"

"What? No, you stalker!" She hissed, stepped on my foot and transferred to the other side of the train. Damn that girl, I'm now in a very uncompromising and embarrassing situation. It's alright, I'll just maintain my cool and try to the leave the train in one piece.

When I got to school unharmed, I placed my things on my desk and greeted my co-teacher, Yoseob. 

"Sup, Yoseob." I said and gave him a high five.

"Hey, Doojoon.~"

"So, do I have any new students in my class?" I asked.

"Actually, you do have one and she's waiting for you outside with her father."

"Ah, she must be a rich kid then." I went outside to meet my new student and turns out, it's the same girl from the train earlier. When I came to welcome them, she turned pale.

"Good morning. I'm Yoon seonsaeng and I'll be your daughter's Homeroom and English teacher." I politely said as I shook her father's hand.

"Dad! He's that stalker from the train!" She nudged her father and impolitely pointed at me.

"What?" Her father was rather dumbfounded after hearing this.

"Sir, I'm afraid your daughter has misunderstood me earlier." And so, I explained to him everything about the happening inside the train. 

"Lizzy, apologize to your teacher for causing him such a burden!" 

"I'm sorry, Seonsaeng." She apologized and bowed. 

"It's alright. Come on, I'll take you to the classroom so that you can introduce yourself." I smiled at her and took her to the classroom.

We didn't talk the whole time while we made our way to the classroom. She must've felt so ashamed of what she did to me. Well, she better be.

The moment we arrived at the classroom, my students greeted me with much happiness. My popularity has spread so much that even the lower levels know my awesomeness. True, they better be thankful that I'm their homeroom teacher or else they'll be experiencing the tough and strict rules of Junhyung seonsaeng nextdoor. Unlike Junhyung, who is just pure strict and downright threatening, I add humor to my punishments.

"Everyone, we have a new student. Please treat her well or else I beat the crap out of you all." I then told Lizzy to go inside the room and introduce herself.

"Hello, My name is Lizzy and I hope that we'll all get along." She smiled cutely and bowed. Interesting, let's bully her a bit.~

"Wow, Lizzy. That greeting is so uniform, so common. You're not in a drama so please change it into something more unique." I teased.

"Fine." I could see that she was trying to hold her temper. "My name is Lizzy and I'm the new student of a pedoteacher."

"Very funny. Pedoteacher, eh? Well, your 'pedoteacher' shall see you later in detention." I gave her a detention slip and pushed her childishly to her seat. 

"Wait 'till my dad hears about this!" She threatened.

"Yeah, wait 'till your dad hears about your detention slip." I threatened back.

"Screw you, Seonsaeng." 

"Excuse me,  Are you requesting for another slip? If not, then shut up." She's a very interesting girl. I'll keep my eye on her from now on cause for some weird reason, from the moment I her, I've been drawn to her. Maybe she's right, maybe I am a pedoteacher...

After all that time-consuming shenanigans, I began my English class with a very simple topic that I'm sure every student would know.

"Okay class, today, we'll be discussing the Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast."

"What?! That's for children!" Kikwang yelled.

"Do you want to do something more complicated like, I don't know... A twenty thousand word paper about how much you adore me as a teacher?" 

"N-no, Seonsaeng." 

"Then zip it." 

The short discussion about the movie's synopsis went by so smoothly until I caught Kikwang being the rebel that he is, gawking at Lizzy. I got my book and shoved it to his face.

"Kikwang, instead of ogling at Lizzy, please look at this book." I said as I pushed the book to his face.

"But Seonsaeng, I was just going to wake Lizzy up because she was sleeping!" 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I apologize." I then shifted my attention to Lizzy who was disrespectfully sleeping in my class. I told my class to not wake her up for the reason that I'll be the one to do it myself in my style of waking students up. I sat on her lap and stared at her until she woke up. The class was trying to hold their laughs silently.

After ten seconds of staring blankly at her, she instantly charged at me but because of my awesome reflexes, I was able to grab her wrist and twirl her around. "Say Lizzy, what's your favorite part in the movie?"

She answered, still half-asleep. "The ballroom part..." 

I pulled her to the front. "Let's demonstrate that part, shall we?"

"Wait what?-" Before she could argue with me, I instantly held her hand tightly so that she couldn't escape. The students couldn't help but look. I mean, it's not everyday that a teacher would do this kinda thing. 

While we were dancing, I took the opportunity to talk to her. 

"Hey..." I whispered softly.


"Shh! Be quiet. Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked oh so straightforwardly.

"What kind of a question is that?"

"Just answer me." Don't test my patience, Lizzy.


"Then go out with me."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"But you're my teacher!"

"Exactly, I'll teach you to love me."

We stopped dancing and before I sent her to back to her seat, I whispered, "Answer me in detention."


After a long day of school, it was time for her to answer me in detention. Actually, she doesn't even have a say on this cause I'll be threatening her by giving her an F if she rejects me. She entered the detention room and glared at me the moment she saw my face.

"So its a date then." I said.

"No, It's not." 

"Yes, it is." I asserted.

"Do I even have a say on this?" She whined.


"What if I don't go?"

"F." I threatened as I gave her an evil smirk. "Meet me at the amusement park at 2PM. 'Till then, act as if we never had this conversation."

"Okay, it's a date then... You pedoteacher."

"Stop calling me that. You're free to go home, see you this Saturday.." 


Saturday came and I arrived just in time at 2PM. I saw her standing a few meters away from me but she doesn't seem to be noticing me, maybe it's because I'm on my handsome get-up and not my clean and plain teacher get-up. I approached her and she gave me a suspicious look.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Pedoteacher." I replied.

"S-s-s-s-eonsaeng?!" She was shocked to see me looking like this. 

"Yes, this is me." I smiled at her.

"You look... handsome." She looked at me from head to toe and she still couldn't believe that it was me. 

"Thank you. You also look gorgeous today." I complimented and linked my arm with hers. "Don't be shy, this is what couples do."

While we were walking, I saw the gyro drop and I really wanted to go to it. 

"Let's ride the gyro drop." I nudged her.

"No way!" She didn't like the idea of dropping 50 ft above the ground... But who cares, I do!



And so, due to my abuse of authority, I was able to "convince" her to go to the gyro drop. I must say, she's really scared to do this, her legs are shaking a lot. When we took our seats, I held her hand. "It's alright, just hold my hand and you'll feel safe." 

"I better be or else I can sue the school." She joked but it sounded more intimidating to me since it was a kind of joke that involved me being fired. "It's fine, it'll just be as fast as one two THREEEE-"

From high above the sky, we dropped to the ground rapidly in a span of three seconds and we came out all in one piece. 

"It wasn't so bad, right?" 

"Yeah, it was fun! Let's do it again sometime."

"Sure." I agreed and ruffled her hair.

We were back to just casually walking around the amusement park until an employee grabbed the two of us and pushed us to the horror booth. Damn it, why here?! Now I have to try to keep calm while she gets scared or else my pride as a man would be shattered.

It was our turn to enter the horrible maze of realistic dead people. 

"Come here...." We heard someone whisper from the back so we ran forward but we were surprised to see the zombie attack us. Due to second nature, I punched his gut, held Lizzy's hand and made a run for it. The same applied for every single thing that tried to attack us, I hope that I don't have to pay for their medical bills. 

After running for so long, we couldn't figure out the exit to the maze and Lizzy was becoming more exhausted by the second.

"Seonsaeng, let's just stop for a moment." She said as she panted but suddenly, I saw a mummy appearing behind her so I immediately carried her and made a run for it. "It's okay, I'm here." 

Finally, I saw some light seeping through but a scary and ragged vampire was blocking the way. "I'll her blood!" 

"Not if I can help it!" I kicked him and we were free. I put her down and ran to the nearest bench that I could find. 

"Thank you, Seonsaeng." She said and gave me a hug, it was enough to make me feel alive again. "You're welcome." I beamed.

"What do you wanna ride last?" She asked.

"SOMETHING CALM." I replied. She then pointed to the couple boat ride. "Sure." 

We hopped into one of the boats and sat beside each other.

"So, how was your first date?" I asked, secretly anxious of what her answer would be.

"Y'know seonsaeng... At first, I thought that you'd be a horrible date but you made this day worthwhile for me." 

"I'm relieved to hear that. Oh, look, a shooting star!" 

"Where?!" She looked around but there was actually no shooting star. "There's none-" The moment she turned back, I kissed her cheek sneakily. Her face turned bright red as she cupped her cheek.

"And that was your first kiss on the cheek." I smirked.

"Seonsaeng! Now you stole it..."

"Is it that disappointing for it to be stolen by me?" 

"Well, not really..." 

I then held her hand. "Let's go, I'll take you home."

I walked her home since her house happened to be just a ten minute walk from the amusement park and when we got there, her parents just happened to be outside. We're doomed.

"Lizzy! Who's this guy?" Her dad exclaimed.

"He's... My boyfriend." She replied. What?! Does she mean this?

"Hmm..." Her dad observed me closely, it was intimidating. "H-hello, sir."

He was able to identify my voice. "IS THIS YOON SEONSAENG!"

In a blink of an eye, Lizzy blocked me away from her father. "Run, Seonsaeng!" 

I can't just leave her here, that means that I left her to be slaughtered by her dad. "JUST GO!" She yelled and I did. As I was running away, I could hear loud yelling and slapping sounds.

.... I'm sorry, Lizzy.


The next day, I entered the classroom to see everyone crowding around something. I told them to make way for me and I saw something very, disturbing and my heart sank at the sight of it. It was Lizzy, all bruised and beaten up. 

"You need to go to the clinic." I said with concern.

"No, I don't."

"See me after class." I said. There's no use trying to convince her but man, this is all my fault.


After class, she was limping her way inside the empty classroom. I can't handle the thought of her being so weak like this, it just makes adds to the burden in my heart.

"Lizzy, I'm sorry." I reached out to touch her but she slapped my hand away. "Don't touch me."

She was about to slap my face but she suddenly stopped half way and she began to shake. "That's right, I'll get a detention slip if I slap you. You're the teacher." A tear escaped from her eyes. 

I grabbed her wrist and placed it a few inches away from my face. "Don't think of me as your teacher. Slap me for all I care, I deserve it." 

She released her hand from my grip and buried her head on my chest as she cuddled me. 

"There, there." I said as I patted her back. 

Suddenly, a bolt from the blue, her dad came out of nowhere and he was completely enraged.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" She asked, scared.

"I came here to check on you and look what I've found. Didn't I tell you that you can't see him again!?" He yelled.

I protected Lizzy and faced her father like a man. "Sir, please hear us out." 

"There's nothing I need to hear!" He then began to beat me up until I had cruises all over me. Luckily, Yoseob happened to pass by and was able to stop Lizzy's father from breaking my bones. He carried me to the clinic and there, I lied down on the bed, completely helpless. 

The whole time that I was lying down, I couldn't help but think of what Lizzy's father would have done to her. He already judged me wrongly without getting to know my personality just because I was the teacher. That man should stop relying on first impressions so much. 

I eventually fell asleep due to the pain of my bruises but after sometime, I felt someone enter the clinic and ran to the bed. 

"Doojoon oppa!" Lizzy said, worried. Wait, did I just hear her call me oppa?

She just looked at me for a short while with a big frown on her face. After sometime, she leaned over to kiss me but she was hesitant. 

"You love me, right?" I said softly and she nodded.

"Then don't hesitate." I pulled her in and kissed her lips. "I love you too."

"What about your dad...?" I asked.

"He wants to see you for dinner." She said with a smile. "My mother came to the school was able to talk it out with him."


"Really." She confirmed.

"I think that your mom and I will get along just fine." 

She kissed my forehead. "Oppa, just get some rest. I'll just be here."

"Alright, I'll just be here, too."

2nd chapter, done! It's up to you guys to imagine as to what will happen during the dinner. :)

Thank you for reading~!

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uaenaland #1
Chapter 3: Awh so sweet .. you need to write a story about IU and Dongwoon too someday .. this is too cute....
chinnyrose08xanime #2
Chapter 3: IU and Dongwoon !!
daebak ... !!
love it soo !
ainashahirah #3
waiting for Gikwang and Min!!! but why Junhyung and Hara.. ussually Junhyung and Hyuna.. haha^^ what ever.. waiting or Gikwang and Min!!!! thank god it is not Hyosung!
Ohemgee. Your oneshots are so awesome! :DDDDD
--nerdyexotic #5
Awww that was the best oneshot ever!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
aww i love suzy and yoseob!!!
NieyaOzil #7
wow i love all the stories