its been 3 weeks since soohyun and saejin worked at SME's cafe. during break time, soohyun wanted to head to the restroom but she got lost in the big company. at this time, kai who had came out from practice, wanting to go to the restroom too.
accidentally the two of them bump into each other, falling onto the floor. "yah, dont you have eyes???!" kai shouted. soohyun quickly stood up and went on apologizing. "aren't you gonna help me out??" he raised his hand towards her, she innocently help me him out, but to her surprise, kai purposely pulled her, which made her came crushing down onto kai's body.
kai and soohyun stayed in the position for a few seconds before facing face to face. their faces were just inches apart, till they could heard each other's breath, and this go on, until sehun saw everything.
soohyun quickly stood up as she saw sehun standing there. kai was still lying down on the floor, touching his heart there. it was beating crazily. soohyun bowed and bowed and left to work again. she went into the dressing room and felt her heartbeat beating crazily too.
"yah jongin ah, what was that for?" sehun smirked but kai kept quiet as they walked back into the practice room.
••• ••• •••
saejin had requested for a half day leave as she had to go see her parents at the hospital so soohyun had to clear and close the cafe by herself. as she was trying to reach something high up in the cabinet, sehun managed to see thats she's gonna fall from the chair, so he went up help her. his left hand hold onto her waist while the another hand help her to take down the thing. 
soohyun quickly get down and thanked him for his help. she could feel her cheeks burning for the second time today. "well, take care." he winked at her and left. 

kinda short, not much either but theres both sehun and kai moments hehe!! 

upvote, comment and subscrib too thanks!! 

with many love, till the next chap <333333333333



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