​the next day, soohyun went to find the boss and quit her job, having a doubt feeling whether will she regret choosing this choice.
at around 2 pm, the both of them met and went into SME for the job interview. as usual, both of them felt super nervous during their turn. 
"please wait outside, we'll mention who we will choose in a moment." said one of the representative. after about 10mins, the representative called the applicants back into the interview room and said, "we have gadly choose two applicants to work in the cafe here. and the two of them will be, kim saejin and jung soohyun. i hope you'll serve your work in here properly." the representative went up to the both of them and shook their hands.
soohyun and saejin were kind of stoned as they were still surprised that they managed to get the job. back home, saejin literally screamed at the top of her lungs as she was really excited to start work the next day. 
"soohyun-ah, lets have a party!" saejin exclaimed but soohyun tiredly replied, "mm no, tomorrow will be the first day of work and it'll be totally tiring as i had experienced so no no, go get some sleep." saejin disappointedly left the house to eat bbq beef as a celebration together with one of a fangirl she met at one of exo concert. soohyun totally didnt cared and went to sleep peacefully. 
in the morning, as soohyun was preparing for work, saejin who came back from her bbq 4 hours ago, screamed. "AHHHG. omg, i look more like a mix of pig and panda right now!! er theres no way im going to see exo like this!" soohyun was dumbfound and exclaimed, "are you even serious with ur job? get your fat of the bed and get changed quickly, we're gonna be late because of you!!" she dragged saejin out of the bed and made her to bathe and changed. 
in 2 hours time, they managed to got out of the house and reach SME on time. the representative led them to the cafe and got them ready asap since its gonna be open soon to the idols. soohyun felt a little confident as she had worked in this industrial but was scared what type of customer will she handle even though this time will be idols.
at some time later, exo just finished their practice and came to the cafe, covering in sweats. as expected, saejin was half way getting melted as she could smell their hotness of sweat (sorry if its disgusting). soohyun whispered, "yah, get your mind straight, we're working." but saejin just couldnt stop smiled as they headed towards the counter.
sehun went to soohyun's counter meanwhile, saejin was beside her goung crazy soon as she continued staring at him. soohyun smiled and asked politely, "hello, what would u like to have?" sehun looked up the her, "oh you're new right, never seen u before." he smirked. "yes, we are. so what do u like to have?" soohyun replied straight into his eyes, using ur sight eyes, she could see his sweat flowing down his face, which made sehun fluttered a little when he made eye contact. "oh yes er, give me 5 ice americano." you smiled and took down his order and went to made the drinks. 
speaking of ice americano and exo, soohyun remembered of the rude one, kai. she slightly titled her head to look for him but he wasnt there at the moment so she continued making the drinks.
after making the drinks, she handled the drinks to him and offered him help since theres 5 cups. as you headed to their table, she saw kai heading towards the table too. "hyung, she's new right?" kai whispered to luhan as he seated. he couldnt recognize her, again. "thank you for the help." sehun said as she put the drinks down and gave her a smiled and a wink. soohyun was a little taken aback and could felt her cheeks getting hotter, before it could get any worse, she quickly flee away from them. 
"what was them suppose to mean." soohyun wondered as touches both of her cheeks in the dressing room. she was confident to not feel any of that way as she knew she wouldnt fall for any members but that gesture made her went very flustered. 

chapter 2!! 

actually this chapter seems kind of rush (& i think that way too)

so hope u'll dhow more of ur support by commenting, upvote and spread this fiv!! thanks alot i apprecitate that alot huehuehue

thanks xx

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