A Boy Called Luhan

Girl On Fire


Miyoung woke up to see blinding light. She looked around her and realised that she was not the in the same place as last night – instead, she was in a shed by herself.

“Where’s my mother?!” she screamed as loud as she could, but there was no reply. Her heart started to beat faster – what happened to her mother?

“What did you do to my mother?!” she screamed once more, but again nobody responded. Miyoung groaned as she fell back onto the hard ground.


Inside the house, the twelve boys were just getting up. As they got dressed, they discussed about what to do with Miyoung.

“I did some research,” Joonmyeon explained. “She’s got the power of invisibility, which is the only one we don’t have. Except I don’t think she knows.”

That’s right – the twelve boys had powers. Kyungsoo had the power of earth, Chanyeol had the power of fire, Jongdae had the power of lightning and thunder, Baekhyun had the power of light, Jongin had the power of teleportation, Luhan had the power of telekinesis, Kris had the power of flight, Sehun had the power of wind, Joonmyeon had the power of water, Minseok had the power of frost and snow, Lay had the power of healing and Tao had the power of time control.

“So we can’t kill her,” Tao frowned.

“That’s right. If we kill her, her power will be gone and we won’t be able to take it for ourselves,” Joonmyeon added.

“But how do we make her power ours?” Lay asked.

“What do you think the lab’s for?” Minseok facepalmed himself.

“We should go check on the girl,” Luhan suggested.

“Luhan, you’re so eager to see her, aren’t you?” Sehun teased.

“Sehun! Respect your elders,” Luhan shouted playfully as he whacked Sehun harshly.

“Let’s have breakfast first,” Kris frowned and said. “We can figure out the girl later and about what to do with her mother’s body….we can sort that out after breakfast. I’m starving.”


Miyoung looked outside the window. The light from the sun shined on the ground like glitter, the grass a dark green colour, and trees of different sizes in the distance. Miyoung sighed. Only if I could be out there, she muttered. Pushing on the door for the millionth time, it remained locked and wouldn’t budge an inch. She lay in the shed and stared at the ceiling, wondering what happened to her mother and began sobbing gently. The lock began to move as the turning of the keys were heard. The door flung open as Miyoung quickly wiped her tears. Out there stood the twelve boys.

“What did you do to my mother?!” she screamed at them.

“Feisty, this girl,” Jongin commented.

“Now, dear Miyoung, your mother has been tragically killed,” Chanyeol said mockingly. “And you will be in our hands now.” Miyoung’s eyes widened. What where they going to do with her? Are they going to kill her too? She shivered at the thoughts.

“We won’t kill you, darling,” Baekhyun said, pretending to be sweet. “We’ll just use you.”

“For what?” Miyoung replied angrily.

“Told you she was feisty,” Jongin rolled his eyes.

“That’s for us to know and you to find out,” Kris said haughtily as the twelve walked away. She noticed that one of them turned around before he left and gave her a wink as he mouthed ‘You’ll be fine’.


Night came ever so quickly, and Miyoung got ready to sleep. She heard the lock moving again and squeezed herself in a corner.

“It’s okay, it’s me,” a boy’s whisper could be heard.

“W-who are you?” Miyoung whispered as she shivered. “Don’t kill me…please…”

“I’m Luhan, and I’m here to help you get out of this place,” he explained. “Come with me, I’ll explain later.” He walked towards her and took her hand. She looked up at him, eyes glistening. She was somehow scared and didn’t want to trust him.

“But…” she began.

“We got no time to waste, we have to run, it’s now or never,” Luhan whispered hurriedly. Miyoung told herself to trust this guy just for once, and let him pull her out and run into the forest. They kept running until both of them ran out of breath. The two dropped to the ground, making a scrunch on the leaves that had fallen.

“So,” Luhan panted. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” Miyoung panted, slowly getting her breath back.

“I think we should sleep,” Luhan suggested. Miyoung’s eyes widened.

“You kidding me? Out here? Like this?” Miyoung exclaimed.

“Well, guess we’ll have to deal with it,” Luhan frowned. “There’s nothing much we can do. Actually…” he took out a blanket from his bag. “I’ve only got one though, you can take it.”

“Nah, you take it, it’s yours after all,” Miyoung rejected the offer.

“How about we share?” Luhan suggested. Miyoung frowned. There was simply no way that she was sharing a blanket with a boy. Especially one she didn’t know.

“Um….isn’t that a bit awkward?” she said slowly. Luhan could feel himself going red.

“Fine, you take the blanket, you’re the girl after all,” he chucked it at her. Miyoung thanked him and yawned before falling fast asleep on the leaves and dirt at the forest floor.


“Where on earth is Luhan?” Lay exclaimed angrily.

“How am I supposed to know?” Sehun shouted. “What was he thinking?!”

“Look, the shed’s unlocked!” Minseok pointed as the group circled around him.

“What is this, Luhan disappearing and shed unlocked?” Kyungsoo frowned.

“Traitor. He must’ve taken the girl with him and escaped!” Jongdae yelled.

“So, we’re going to have a chase crew,” Joonmyeon announced, trying to calm everyone down. “EXO-M, you go into the forest. We’ll go around the other side.”

“You expect us to chase them with five people?” Kris exclaimed.

“It’s just one person, you’ll be fine and stop being fussy,” Joonmyeon frowned. “Hurry up and get them before they run any further!”


SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG~~~ So many projects and schoolwork and everything getting in the way.

The thing is, I'm going on holidays to China soon, and I don't know if AFF is blocked there or not so it might be two months until I update this again - so until then, KEEP READING AND KEEP UPVOTING!!!!

And yes. Luhan's the good kid :D I'm not sure if I should make it happy or sad ending....SOMEONE HELP ME

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DinithiJ #1
Chapter 1: update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DinithiJ #2