A new beginning

Everything goes black

A new beginning

It’s a few days later, Yaël is busy working on an art project.

Her love for art she has inherited from her dad.

She tries to express her nightmares in her painting, but it’s very challanging.

The painting is filled with dark colors combined with a vibrant red.

She adds herself to the painting, she wants to be able to sepperate herself from the monster of her nightmares.

 She wants to have the power to defeat herself.

Yaël stares at her creation, the more she looks at it the more of a resemblance she sees between herself and the monster of her nightmares.

 Is she really a monster?


Right at that moment she hears a familiar voice. 

“Have you missed me?”

“Yongguk!!!” Yaël yells as she runs towards him with a big smile on her face.

“Woah! I haven’t seen you smile like this in ages! You must’ve really missed me!” Yongguk jokes.

Yaël teasingly hits him “o, shut up”.

Yongguk is one of Yaël’s only friends. They’ve been friends since their childhood.

Yaël’s mom passed when Yaël was very young. Since she doesn’t have any memories from before she was 11 years old, she doesn’t remember her mom.

Yet she often felt lonely.

During these times Yongguk was the only one who could comfort her. Yongguk is like an older brother to her.

He had gone on a trip to Europe for his work.

He had been gone for 5 weeks.


“Is this a new painting you’re working on?” Yongguk asked.

“Yes, I guess I just felt the need to express myself” Yaël answerd.

“It reminds me of this song” Yongguk said as he handed Yaël an earbud to listen together with him.


“I feel it deep within

It’s just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I hate what I’ve become

The nightmares just begun

I must confess that I feel like a monster”


The lyrics of Skillet (one of her favorite bands) she hears threw her earbud. 

Yongguk has a great interest for art and music.

He often gives Yaël advice on her work.

They also like to go to concerts and museums together.

Yongguk didn’t ask for her to explain the meaning of her painting.

He understood her feelings.


“Let’s go to a coffeeshop, you deserve a break plus we still have some catching up to do” Yongguk suggested.

So Yaël and Yongguk visited their favorite coffeeshop.

“Hey! you’re back, good to see you again!” the worker of the coffeeshop said.

“Hey! Himchan, how are you doing? Good to see ya man!” Yongguk said.

Himchan is a worker of the coffeeshop and one of Yongguk’s best friends.

They met eachother in high school, they were both a part of a music club.

Himchan’s obsession for coffee lead him to start working at a coffeeshop.

In return he can have an unlimited amount of coffee.


“Please, sit down. I’m off work soon, than the three of us can have coffee together” He said with a warm smile on his face.

After cleaning things off Himchan walked over to the door to turn over open sign, to indicate that the store is closed.

But a new customer walked in.

“I’d like to have the biggest slice of cheesecake you have” the customer said.

Yaël recognized his voice.

 It was Daehyun, the handsome guy from the art store.

“Don’t you ever get sick of cheesecake?” Himchan asked.

“Never, I was born with an extra stomach for cheesecake” Daehyun said with a smile on his face.

“I’d like to introduce to my friend, his name is Daehyun and he’s a regular customer here” Himchan said.

Daehyun looked over at the other people, then he noticed Yaël.

“Hey I recognize you!” he said.

Himchan looked confused “how do you two know eachother?” he asked.

“ We don’t really know eachother, I just happend to meet him at the art store, where he works” Yaël quickly clarified.  

“Nice to meet you, Daehyun!” Yongguk said.

“Please join us, I was just about to close the shop” Himchan said.

Yaël and the boys started talking, Daehyun seemed to be friendlier than she thought.

She was willing to give him a second chance plus she couldn’t help but look at his handsome face.


After having a great conversation, it was time to go home, it was already dark outside.

“In what neighbourhood do you live?” Daehyun asked Yaël.

“I live near the center” Yaël answerd.

“Really? So do I! Mind of I walk along with ya?” Daehyun asked.

“I don’t mind” Yaël said.

Unlike most times, Yaël doesn’t want to be alone.

“I really enjoyed myself” Yaël and Daehyun said in sync.

They blushed as they looked at eachother.

“We should do this more often, all of us together I mean” Daehyun said.

Daehyun walked Yaël back home.

When they arrived at Yaël’s house, he asked her for her phonenumber.

“So we can hang out again sometime, all together I mean…” Daehyun said.

Yaël and Daehyun switched numbers and waved goodbye to Daehyun.


Back in the house Yaël lets herself drop onto her bed. She had big smile on her face. She hadden’t had so much fun in a long time.

Maybe stepping out of the dark can be good for a change, Yaël thaught.

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Hi everyone! This is the first time I'm writing a fanfic >.< I'm a busy person, so I try to update the story whenever I can. Sorry if it's sometimes a long wait.... I hope you'll all enjoy it! :)