||Finally Together||

Loving A Kingka [Short Story]


"Wait, let me go and get some things from home. I'll be back before you know it." He gave me a peck on the forehead before dashing into his car and driving back home.
I waited for about ten minutes when his car appeared in front of my house again.
He came out and took a big bag from the backseat before locking the car and coming towards me.
"Hehe, just a few stuff for a day. I'll go home tomorrow to get more stuff."
I stood dumbfounded when I finally realised what he was trying to do.
I brought him into the house, where an angry mom was standing in the middle of the living room.
"What is the meaning of all this, (_____)? Care to explain?" Sarcasm dripped from her voice.
"You, wait here." She pointed to Jonghyun.
"(_____), my room, now." She said to me.
She closed her room door and took out her cane.
I stuck my left hand out.
She hit it three times.
"What is he doing?"
"He said he wanted to prove to me, us, that he was different. That he wasn't like other kingkas or rich people."
I was hit once more.
My palm started bleeding slightly.
"Why is that so?"
"Because he said he's starting to love me."
Once more.
My cut was getting bigger as she hit at the exact same place as before.
"And you believe him?"
"Yes, I believe him."
Once more.
"I love him, Umma."
She gave me one final before leaving the room.
My left hand stayed in mid-air as I didn not dare bring it down.
Jonghyun took a peek into mom's room.
He rushed in the moment he saw my palm bleeding.
"Yah, why didn't you tell me. Come, let's get it treated."
He brought me to my kitchen.
"Where's the first aid kit?" He asked.
"Over there." I pointed with my right hand.
He quickly got the kit out and took out a cream and a small bandage.
"Why didn't you ask auntie to stop?"
"But she's my mom."
"But this is child abuse."
"She still has a right."
"It's still child abuse."
"Well, it's already done. No use complaining now." I ended the conversation.
After he finished applying the bandage, he kept the kit and sat beside me on the counter stool.
He took both my hands and stared at me straight into my eyes.
"I'm sorry. Once again, I couldn't protect you." He let go of my hands and cupped my face.
He brought me closer to his face and we shared an innocent first kiss.
It's been weeks and Jonghyun was persistent in getting mom to like him.
He started walking to school, leaving his car at home.
He also told Omonim to cut down his expenses.
From branded clothes, to chef food.
Though once a week, he would offer to bring us out for shopping, just to please mom's heart.
She would spend as much as she could whenever she could.
I kept telling her to cut him some slack, but he never complained.
He would just smile and pay for her stuff.
Jonghyun was definitely starting to grow into mom's heart.
Whenever he had to return home to get something, she would ask when he would return.
I knew she had started to take a liking towards Jonghyun but she did not want to admit it because of her pride.
It was finally winter break and mom was on a night-shift.
"Babe, you thought of going anywhere this break?" Jonghyun asked.
"Uhm, I'm okay with staying home and cuddling in the warmth of the house, thank you very much."
"You know I could always make you warmer, in more than one way." He wiggled his eyebrows at me.
"Yah~" I gave him a light punch.
He grabbed onto my wrists and stared at me longingly.
"Can I?" He asked.
Knowing what he meant, I froze.
Should I?
This was the last year for us in high school.
We were only left with two months of school after the two week long winter break, so it should be fine, right?
I decided to pull away from my thoughts and just followed my heart.
I gave a timid nod.
"I love you, (_____)-ah."
"I love you too, Oppa."
And we did it that night.
But we didn't get caught in the morning.
We used our ninja skills to get rid of all evidences in the morning before mom came home.
Heh. Gonna stop here for now.
Hope you like it.
Please comment~!
Wanna know something?!
I think I did well in my exams, except for Additional Mathematics, of course.
I totally went GG the moment I flipped the paper. ><
(For those who don't know what GG means, it means Good Game. Watch Magnae Rebellion SHINee special [Part 2] if you don't know.)
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Chapter 8: is so nice story!!!
KimIsuelMaya #2
Chapter 8: nice story.....:)
It was a nice short story:D I liked it^^ Keep writing:D
Yeay,yoogeun now can live happily with both of his parents...<br />
anticipating for you new fanfics...<br />
keep up the good work ^-^
waaa its almost done already??? ):
vanillaxkun #6
the effin' ninja skills COOOOOL 8)
awww Jonghyun is so sweet :)<br />
lol ninja skills..<br />
good job! ^^<br />
i love this story!<br />
frangible #8
Kyaaaah!<br />
You make Jjong look sweet and romantic here!<br />
Different from the real Jjong outside ^^<br />
Anyway, like it ;)))
This story is so cute~<br />
Aww Jong Hyun is so sweet ;~;
n-chan #10
this story makes me cry :(<br />
update soon <3 ^^v<br />
eh good luck on your exam >< have fun @ Malaysia ^^v ~